The Libraries’ subscription for access to Meiji-era issues of Taiyō (太陽), published by Hakubunkan (博文館) during 1895-1928, is now set up, with access available for Ohio State faculty, students and staff:

Taiyo 3:12 (June 1897) exhibited at Yamaguchi Prefectural Library

Published by Hakubunkan during January 1895 to February 1928 in 34 volumes (531 issues; 175,000 pages), Taiyō (The Sun) was Japan’s first general interest popular magazine. Its coverage was comprehensive, including politics, military affairs, society, science, art, literature, culture, and world affairs. The vendor’s web site (Yagi Shoten) mentions that some 6,500 names of individuals appear in its pages, making it a general reference source for this period.

Note that the search engine also indexes some other sources to which Ohio State does not yet have access, namely: 文芸倶楽部(明治篇), (第一高等学校)校友会雑誌, and 滝田樗陰旧蔵近代作家原稿集.