OSUL contains several different resources which can serve as valuable insight into modern Japanese innovations and professions. Among these are the two documentary television series from 日本放送協会 (NHK) known as プロジェクトX (Project X) and プロフェッショナル (Professional). プロシェクトX delves into the historical backgrounds for major advancements in Japanese industry, science, technology, public affairs, and sports. プロフェッショナル focuses on the detailed analysis of different professions by shadowing those who work in them, providing a glimpse into their daily work and motivations.

Project X and Professional

(Left): プロフェッショナル – 盲導犬訓練士多和田悟の仕事 (Right): プロジェクトX –  ゆけチャンピイ奇跡の犬 日本初の盲導犬・愛の物語

  • プロジェクトX (Project X) can be accessed through the library’s wiki here
  • プロフェッショナル (Professional) titles in OSUL catalog are listed below: