Ohio Public Policy Archives

Explore the Collection

Some holdings of Ohio Public Policy Archives are available digitally. Many more materials are accessible for consultation on-site only in the collection’s designated reading room.

Archival Holdings

Listing of the records, papers, and photographic images held by Ohio Public Policy Archives.

Online Exhibits

John Glenn looking at astro globe during a delay in an ultimately postponed attempt to launch his space flight, February 15, 1962

50th Anniversary of the Friendship 7 Flight

On February 20, 1962, John Glenn became the first American astronaut to orbit Earth. During a mission lasting just under five hours, his Friendship 7 spacecraft orbited three times and splashed down without incident near the Bahama Islands.

Remembering the Act exhibit

Remembering the Act: Archival Reflections on Civil Rights

This exhibit celebrates the 50th anniversary of the law by recounting the political, historical, and cultural aspects of the struggle for civil rights through the lens of The Ohio State University Libraries Special Collections.


Annie Glenn, c. 1981


Annie Castor Glenn, advocate for the disabled, accomplished musician, and wife of astronaut and senator, John Glenn, died on May 19, 2020. She was 100. This digital exhibit, which includes selected items from the John Glenn Archives, celebrates her remarkable life.