Tag: Richard F. Outcault

Found in the Collection: Nixie in Real Life

Among the many joys found in the San Francisco Academy of Comic Art Collection, are the vibrantly colored and uniquely designed covers of The New York Herald‘s colored comics section. The cover below, from 1900, features one of Richard F. Outcault’s lesser-known and short-lived comic strips, Nixie. Nixie was an adventurous, clever, flirtatious and adorable (though oddly dressed) young boy, occasionally featured in the pages of the Herald. Nixie is brought to life on the cover below, during a time of increasingly popular use of the juxtaposition of painted photographs with cartoon art.

Richard F. Outcault’s “Nixie”. From the San Francisco Academy of Comic Art Collection, The Ohio state University Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum (click to enlarge)

We think “Asworstos Factory” is Nixie humor at it’s very finest.

Below, a classic Nixie strip, with fabulously illustrated body language.

Richard F. Outcault’s “Nixie”. From the San Francisco Academy of Comic Art Collection, The Ohio state University Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum (click to enlarge)


Found in the Collection: Famous American Cartoonists

Meet your favorite Famous American Cartoonists, on the cover of The New York Herald colored section!

Color section cover of The New York Herald, August 26th 1900. From the San Francisco Academy of Comic Art Collection, The Ohio State University Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum. (click to enlarge)

Ah, the distinguished men of the funny pages in 1900. Who do you like best?

We think Carl Schultze is rather dashing. However, it was Dan Smith who regularly produced some of the most breathtaking covers for the Herald, which we’ll be featuring in the coming weeks. The Herald’s 8-page “colored section” featured not only comics, but overflowed with painted photographs, jokes, poems, commentary on fashion and society, and more. We have many of these complete colored sections in our San Francisco Academy of Cartoon Art Collection.