To catch up on what is going on with our Eldon Dedini collection, read our first blog entry on the topic from last week. June is Dedini’s birthday month, so we’re excited to be featuring his work on the blog as the collection is processed by our MLIS practicum student.
First, a doodle draft with a note attached from Hefner himself!

Handwritten note from Hugh Hefner, stapled to a Eldon Dedini doodle for "Playboy". from the Eldon Dedini Collection, The Ohio State University Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum (click to enlarge)
Now, as many of you know, Dedini’s most celebrated work was done for a not-so-kid-friendly magazine called Playboy. It’s as hilarious as it is dirty–and believe us–we really want to post some of them. Really, we do. Alas, need we remind you academic and scholarly blog readers out there that comics aren’t just for adults (ha ha), and we are dedicated to maintaining an audience wide enough to include your grandmother and your tween. As a result, and only in order to protect the innocent, we are forced to keep the more scandalous Dedini cartoons within our wide-eyed huddle of librarians and workers, and promise to maintain our giggles at a whispering level.
However, you could always come visit us at the Cartoon Library and check them out for yourself!
Until then, stretch your innuendo muscles, save your vapors, and enjoy a sampling of the less-flustering doodles of Dedini’s work for Playboy and beyond.

"Madonna and Child", original doodle by Eldon Dedini. From the Eldon Dedini Collection, the Ohio State University Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum

"Moo." original doodle by Eldon Dedini. From the Eldon Dedini Collection, the Ohio State University Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum

"I Come Up Here When I Feel Cocky and Pompous" original doodle by Eldon Dedini. From the Eldon Dedini Collection, The Ohio State University Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum

"Don't You Just Love This Rise In The Need of Personal Demons?" original doodle by Eldon Dedini. From the Eldon Dedini Collection, The Ohio State University Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum

"Could I Call You Back? I'm Having Dinner With the Other Woman" original doodle by Eldon Dedini. From the Eldon Dedini Collection, The Ohio State University Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum
And finally, with a nod to Mr. George Herriman…
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