The Institute of Literature of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences publishes a journal devoted to medieval Slavonic and Byzantine studies. Each issue focuses on a particular theme or specific topics. Volume one, which includes articles on death and funeral rites in the Judaeo-Christian tradition, the Slavonic Euchologion, and the alphabet and Typikon as foundations of medieval Slavonic literature, was published in memory of Stefan Kozhukharov.
vol. 1 (2011), Смъртта и погребението в юдео-христианската традиция / Death and Funeral in the Jewish-Christian tradition, compiled and edited by Regina Koicheva and Anissava Miltenova.
Уводни думи / Foreword, 7-9
I. Смъртта и погребението в юдео-христианската традиция / Death and Funeral in Jewish-Christian Tradition
Archpriest Nikolai Shivarov, Библейските плачевни песни в техния древен близкоизточен контекст / The Biblical Laments in their Ancient Near East Context, [abstract in German], 13-31.
Stefan Smiadovski, Помненето за Смъртта и молитвата / Remembrance of Death and Prayer, [abstract in English], 32-44
Donka Petkanova, Пограбални обичаи и погребални текстове според книжовни извори / Funeral Customs and Funeral Texts according to Literary Sources, [abstract in English], 45-58
Pirinka Penkova-Lyager, Монотематичната проводьница и Погребалният чин в южнославянските ръкописи от XIV век / The Mono-thematical Provodnica and the Funeral Rites in South-Slavonic Manuscripts from the Fourteenth Century, [abstract in English], 59-98
Elena Velkovska and Klimentina Ivanova, Чин на монашеско погребенние в български требнник от началото на XIV в. и гръцките паралели към неговите канони /The Office for Monastic Burial from the Beginning of the Fourteenth Century and Greek Parallels to its Canons, [abstract in English], 99-133
Elka Mircheva, Чинь попу прѣставлѣнну в требници от XVII век / Чинь попу прѣставлѣнну in Manuscript Prayer-books from the Seventeenth Century, [abstract in English], 134-154
Stefano Parenti, Тропарите евлогитарии за покойници / The Ευλογητάρια Troparia “for the Departed,” [abstract in English], 155-170
Regina Koicheva, Неизвестные фрагменты акростиха древнеболгарского погребального канона шестого гласа / Unknown Fragments of the Acrostic of the Old Bulgarian Funeral Canon on the Sixth Tone, [abstract in English], 171-190
Roman N. Krivko, Канон успению Богородицы Τάφω παρθενοδόχω (Къ гробоу дѣвоприѣтьноумоу) в визнатийской и славянской гимнографии / Canon for the Dormition of the Holy Mother of God in Byzantine and Slavic Hymnography, [abstract in English], 191-217
II. Славянският требник / The Slavic Euchologion (Trebnik)
Michael Zheltov, Последование заупокойной панихиды в древнерусских Служебниках XIV века / The Rite of Ponakhida of the Departed in the Old-Russian Euchologies from the Fourteenth Century, [abstract in English], 221-231
Mariya Yovcheva, Още веднъж за химографските текстове в Синайския евхологий / Another Look at the Hymnographic Texts in the Euchologion Sinaiticum, [abstract in English], 232-241
III. Азбука и устав – основи на средновековната славянска книжовност / Alphabet and Typikon: Foundations of the Medieval Slavonic Literature
Ioannis Tarnanidis, Асоциативни идеи относно триезичния (гръцко-латинско-славянски) Абецедар на монах Димитрър (Sin.Slav.3/N) / Associative Ideas about the Trilingual (Greek – Latin – Slavonic) Abecedarium of Monk Dimităr (Sin.Slav.3/N), [abstract in English], 245-253
Ilias G. Evangelou, The Neo-Sabaitic Rite and Its Establishment in the South Slavic World in the 14th Century, [abstract in Bulgarian], 254-264
Списък на съкращенията / Abbreviations, 265-267