
Medieval Slavic Manuscripts and Culture

Tag: Cynthia Vakareliyska

Festschrift for Predrag Matejic, Part 1


The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) and the Cyrillo-Methodian Research Centre (Sofia, Bulgaria) honored Predrag Matejic, Curator of the Hilandar Research Library and Director of the Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies, with а festschrift on the occasion of his 60th birthday (August 2, 2012) that spans issues 3 and 4 of volume 36 (2012) of the prestigious journal Palaeobulgarica/Старо-Българистика.

Image of the front cover of the volume of Palaeobulgarica

Festschrift to Predrag Matejic

Contents of Palaeobulgarica/Старо-Българистика 36.3 (2012):

Svetlana Kuiumdzhieva, “Приносът на д-р Предраг Матеич за развитието на славистиката и българистиката”/’The Contribution of Dr. Predrag Matejic to the Development of Slavistics and Bulgarian Studies,’ 3-10.

Klimentina Ivanova, “За календарните триодни сборници, писани в Хилендарския манастир”/’On the Panegyrical Triodia Written in Hilandar Monastery,’ 11-28.

Francis J. Thomson, “The July and August Volume of the Hilandar Menelogium,” 29-59.

Aksiniia Dzhurova, “За украсените в Blütenblattstil ръкописи от X век – евангелията Berat 4 и Vlorë 5 от Държавния архив в Тирана”/’About Two 10th-Century Manuscripts Illuminated in the ‘Blütenblatt’ Style: The Gospels Berat 4 and Vlorë 5 in the State Archives in Tirana, Albania,’ 60-82.

Svetlana Kuiumdzhieva, “По какъв осмогласник е пял св. Йоан Дамасин?”/’What Did the Book of the Octoechos that St. John Damascene Use Look Like?,’ 83-91.

Cynthia M. Vakareliyska, “Archaic Constantinople Typikon Commemorations in the Menelogion to Apostolus Dečani-Crkolez №2,” 92-103.

Mariyana Tsibranska-Kostova, “Ленгендарната история на Света гора в един печатен апокриф от Венеци (1571–1572)”/’The Legendary History of the Holy Mount in One Printed Apocrypha from Venice (1571-1572),’ 104-124.


The Curzon Gospel and Codex Nuttall


Tuesday, September 11th, the OSU Fine Arts Library hosted a “facsimiles open house” so that patrons could familiarize themselves with the variety of manuscript reproductions available in the OSU Libraries. Facsimiles are invaluable resources for researchers, faculty, and students who are unable to access original unique items.

There were over 40 facsimiles in various languages from several different library collections on display. Among them was the Rare Books and Manuscripts’ Codex Nuttall: Facsimile of an ancient Mexican codex belonging  to Lord Zouche of Harynworth, England, with an introduction by Zelia Nuttall (Cambridge, Mass; Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University, 1902).

Codex Zouche-Nuttall was presented at some point to Robert Curzon, 14th Baron Zouche.* This is the same Curzon who wrote an illuminating account of his travels and manuscript acquisitions entitled Visits to the Monasteries of the Levant (1848). Curzon describes receiving from the abbot of St. Paul’s Monastery on Mt. Athos a 14th-century Bulgarian manuscript . This manuscript is the focus of Cynthia Vakareliyska’s monumental two-volume annotation of and linguistic/textual introduction to the Curzon Gospel.


*Fewkes, J. Walter. Book Review: “Codex Nuttall. Facsimile of an Ancient Mexican Codex Belonging to Lord Zouche of Harynworth, England.” American Ethnography Quasimonthly. Upon Curzon’s death in 1873, the codex passed to his son, and then to the British Museum.

Addendum: According to the provenance record on the British Library’s webpage for the digital copy of The Gospels of Tsar Ivan Alexander, “Robert Curzon, 15th Baron Zouche (1851-1914): deposited his father’s collection of 218 manuscripts and 69 printed books on permanent loan to the British Museum in 1876. Bequeathed to the British Musuem in 1917 by the 14th Baron’s daughter, Darea, 16th Baroness Zouche (1860-1917)” (Digitised Manuscripts, Add MS 39627,, accessed Wed., June 9, 2021).


Conference: “Saints and Holy Places in the Balkans”


An  international conference was held June 14-16, 2012, which was organized as part of the Encyclopaedia Slavica Sanctorum project by the Department of Cyrillo-Methodian Studies, Sofia University “St. Kliment Okhridski,” and the Institute of Literature of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

Zograf Monastery, Mount Athos

Iskra Khristova-Shomova (Sofia) and Milan Mihaljević (Zagreb) presided over the plenary session of the conference “Saints and Holy Places in the Balkans,” where presentations were made by Ivan Dobrev (Sofia), Aleksei Pentkovskii (Moscow), Cynthia Vakareliyska (Eugene, Oregon), Elka Bakalova (Sofia), and Panaiot Karag’ozov (Sofia).

Panel topics focused on cults of saints in relation to history, images, hymnography, interfaith communication, ritual and culture in Bulgarian lands, and texts in the Balkans. Other panels included: Saints and Holy Places in Popular Culture, Hagiographic Texts and their Translations, Linguistic Features and Textual Versions of the Works Dedicated to Saints, the Martyr Saints, Hagiographic Texts on Women Saints; Hagiography and Culture;  and Cult, Commemoration, and Calendars: East and West.

Time was also given to project presentations and new books on hagiography. On the 16th there was discussion of the Encyclopaedia Slavica Sanctorum project and a demonstration of this electronic reference.


Image Source: Photo by Walt Craig, 1970