Simeon Dekker, PhD Slavic Studies, University of Leiden, The Netherlands, who attended the 2017 Medieval Slavic Summer Institute (June 19-July 14), presented the Hilandar Research Library with a bound copy of his dissertation, Old Russian Birchbark Letters: A Pragmatic Approach.

Simeon defended his dissertation on September 28, 2017 before his advisors Prof. drs. Ton van Haaften and Jos Schaeken, co-advisor Dr. Egbert L.J. Fortuin, and his promotion committee members Prof. drs. Daniel E. Collins (The Ohio State University), Aleksei A. Gippius (Higher School of Economics, Moscow), A. M. Lubotsky, and Ingrid M. Tieken-Boon van Ostade.

A. Gippius, J. Schaeken, and D. Collins

A summary of the “Propositions, accompanying the dissertation” in Dutch and English is included in the volume. Simeon’s book, based on his dissertation work, will be published in the near future.

Photo courtesy of J. Schaeken