
Medieval Slavic Manuscripts and Culture

Category: Conferences (page 2 of 5)

Call for Papers: 2014 Midwest Slavic Conference


The Midwest Slavic Association and The Ohio State University (OSU) Center for Slavic and East European Studies (CSEES) are proud to announce the 2014 Midwest Slavic Conference, to be held at OSU March 28-March 30, 2014.

Conference organizers invite proposals for panels or individual papers addressing all disciplines related to Eastern Europe and Eurasia. The conference will open with a keynote address by Eric McGlinchey (George Mason University) and a reception on March 28th, followed by two days of panels.

Please send a one-paragraph abstract in PDF format and brief C.V. to by January 13, 2014. Undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to participate. Limited funding is available for student lodging. Participants can elect to have their abstract, paper, and presentation included in the conference’s Knowledge Bank community. Those opting for inclusion in Knowledge Bank can also choose to receive a brief peer review by the conference committee. Please indicate by email when submitting your abstract whether you want to be included in the Knowledge Bank and have your submission reviewed.

outline of states that comprise the "Midwest Slavic Association" with a sepia photo of red square in the center

Abstract and C.V. Deadline: January 13, 2014
Notification of Acceptance: February 5, 2014
Panels Announced: February 28, 2014
Paper Submission Deadline: March 14, 2014

The Midwest Slavic Association also would like to announce Between Shots, a series of panels within the conference dedicated to East European/Eurasian film and visual culture. A Central/Southeastern European film will be screened with a corresponding panel discussion. Limited support for travel and lodging may be available to Between Shots participants. Please indicate your participation interest in Between Shots via email when submitting your abstract and C.V.

Center for Slavic and East European Studies at OSU
303 Oxley Hall, 1712 Neil Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210
(614) 292-8770


Texts and Contexts Conference, November 15-16, 2013


The annual Texts and Contexts conference, sponsored by the Center for Epigraphical and Palaeographical Studies at The Ohio State University, was held Friday and Saturday, November 15-16, 2013, in Columbus, Ohio. Three panels convened on Friday, with the evening devoted to the Virginia Brown Memorial Lecture and a reception. The two remaining panels were scheduled on Saturday.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Session I: Texts and Their Progeny

Moderator: Anna A. Grotans (Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, The Ohio State University)

Caroline Stark (Department of Classics, Howard University): Lorenzo Bonincontri as Commentator

Amanda J. Gerber (Department of Languages and Literature, Eastern New Mexico University): Grammatical and Rhetorical Paraphrases in Rome, Biblioteca Casanatense 1369 and Oxford, Merton College 299

Michael Meckler (Center for Epigraphical and Palaeographical Studies, The Ohio State University): Designer Dogs’ in an Illustrated Manuscript of Ps.-Oppian’s Cynegetica

Session II: Script and Manuscripts

Moderator: Quinn Radziszewski (Department of Classics, The Ohio State University)

Ainoa Castro Correa (Postdoctoral Fellow, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies): The Galician Visigothic Script, A New Regional Variant?

Heather C. Key (University College Cork): The Eponymous Goddesses of  Lebor Gabála Érenn

Erika Nuti (Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy): Lost and Found: The Turin National Library and the Achievements of the Greek Books Project

 Session III: Medieval Latin Texts

Moderator: Michael Jean (Department of Classics, The Ohio State University)

Scott G. Bruce (Center for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, University of Colorado at Boulder): Relatio sancti Maioli de duobus ducibus: Prayer for the Dead and its Rewards in an Unstudied Cluniac Story Cycle from the Twelfth Century

Tomás O’Sullivan & Alexander Giltner (Department of Theological Studies, Saint Louis University):The Reference Bible’s  Praefatio euangelii: Editing the Principal Textual Witness to an Amorphous Tradition

Tina Chronopoulos (Classical and Near Eastern Studies, State University of New York Binghamton): A Latin-German version of the Passion of St. Katherine of Alexandria

Virginia Brown Memorial Lecture

Introduction: Richard Fletcher (Department of Classics, The Ohio State University)

Julia Haig Gaisser (Eugenia Chase Guild Professor Emeritus in the Humanities, Bryn Mawr College): Excuses, Excuses: Racy Poetry from Catullus to Joannes Secundus


Saturday, November 16, 2013

Session IV: Medieval Vernacular Texts

Moderator:  John Richards (Department of Classics, The Ohio State University)

Jos A.A.M. Biemans (Department of Book History and Manuscript Studies, Universiteit van Amsterdam): The Manuscript Tradition of Jacob van Maerlant’s Spiegel historiael

Jacob Thaisen (Department of Cultural Studies and Languages, University of Stavanger, Norway): A Survey of Middle English Allographs

Delphine Mercuzot (Département des Manuscrits, Bibliothèque National de France): Caxton’s Recueil and ulterior manuscripts

Session V: Varia

Moderator: William Little (Department of Classics, The Ohio State University)

Giorgi Kavtaradze (Department of History, St. Andrew the First Called Georgian University): Prester John: Identity in Greek and Georgian Medieval Manuscripts

Thomas Bredehoft (Independent Scholar): Elliott Van Kirk Dobbie’s Copy of The Anglo-Saxon Poetic Records


With the conclusion of the official conference program, Jos A.A.M. Biemans (Amsterdam), accompanied by Erika Nuti (Torino), and Giorgi Kavtaradze (Tblisi) received a guided tour of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Library (RBMS) and the Hilandar Research Library (HRL) from Dr. Eric J. Johnson, RBMS Curator of Early Books and Manuscripts, and from the HRL’s Associate Curator.


Source: Program from the Texts and Contexts conference, and the conference website.


Myroslava M. Mudrak, OSU History of Art Professor Emerita, Honored


The OSU Department of History of Art organized a Symposium in Honor of Myroslava M. Mudrak on Saturday, October 5, 2013.  Professor Andrew C. Shelton, chair of the Department of History of Art, opened the venue with a heartfelt encomium to Professor Mudrak, who retired from the department June 1st after 31 years. The symposium was composed of presentations by four of Professor Mudrak’s former students (see the program below). Myroslava Mudrak responded to the tribute in the closing remarks of the symposium, and then the participants and the audience of students, colleagues, friends, and staff members adjourned to the graduate students’ reading room in Pomerene Hall for refreshments and more laudatory remarks – from colleagues both on site and from others who sent best wishes via email.

Professor Mudrak has been a friend and supporter of the Hilandar Research Project from the time of her arrival on campus, and has served on the Advisory Board for the Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies since its inception.

The Department of History of Art has established in tribute the “Myroslava M. Mudrak Graduate Research Fund in the History of Art,” fund #314565. “In the spirit of Dr. Mudrak’s teaching and mentoring, the fund supports research for graduate students in the Department of History of Art who have demonstrated intent to pursue professional work related to the visual arts after graduation.” If you wish to make a donation, contribute online at


Front cover of the program for the Symposium in Honor of Myroslava M. MudrakMudrak0002Back page of the program for the Symposium in Honor of Myroslava M. Mudrak



Translatio: MRGSA Conference, October 4-5, 2013


The OSU Medieval and Renaissance Graduate Student Association (MRGSA) held its second annual conference, Translatio, in Columbus, October 4-5. The plenary lecture, “Untying the Knot Between ‘Medieval’ and ‘Renaissance’: The Uses and Dangers of Literary Periodization,” was presented by Dr. Jonathan Combs-Schilling (OSU Department of French and Italian).

Front cover of the program for the Tranlatio conference

Just before the Friday evening lecture, held in Thompson Library 165, conference attendees were able to peruse a selection of original manuscripts and early printed books from the Rare Books and Manuscripts Library hosted by the Curator of Early Books and Manuscripts, Eric J. Johnson. Dr. Johnson invited the Hilandar Research Library to contribute items to the display, so that Translatio was afforded the opportunity to view two late 18th-century Russian manuscripts, in addition to a couple of 17th- and 18th-century early printed Cyrillic books.

Translatio02   Translatio30001


Musicological Conference “Beyond the East-West Divide,” Belgrade, September 26-29, 2013


The International Musicological Conference, “Beyond the East-West Divide: Rethinking Balkan Music’s Poles of Attraction,” will be held in Belgrade, Serbia, September 26-29, 2013. The conference is sponsored by the Department of Fine Arts and Music and the Institute of Musicology – both of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, as well as by the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies (BASEES) Study Group for Russian and Eastern European Music (REEM).

The keynote speaker on the first day (Thursday, Sept. 26) is Timothy Rice on “Musical Practice and the Experiential Power of Place.” The Plenary Session, chaired by Katarina Tomašević, includes the following presentations: “Images of the Eastern Other in Serbian Art Music” by Melita Milin, “The Greek Community of Odessa and its Role in the ‘Westernisation’ of Music Education in Athens” by Katy Romanou, and Ivan Moody‘s “Turning the Compass.” The first day ends with a piano recital by Ivana Medić.

Friday’s keynote speaker is Danica Petrović, “South Eastern Europe (the Balkans) Through the Centuries: On the Paths of Liturgical Music.” The Plenary Session on Sept. 27th, chaired by Katy Romanou, includes papers by Warwick Edwards (“Music, Memory and the Rhythms of Words: What Balkan Traditions Have to Tell Us About Medieval Songs of the Mediterranean”), Katarina Tomašević (“Whose are Koštana’s Songs? Contribution to the Research of Oriental Heritage in Serbian Traditional, Art and Popular Music”), and Nevena Daković (“Balkan Film Music Between Mono- and Multi-Culturalism: Musical Scores for the Films Directed by Aleksandar Petrović”).

On Saturday, September 18, in addition to four panels of papers, there will be a lecture and discussion in Roman Hall of the Belgrade City Library by the Islamologist and Linguist, Professor Darko Tanasković on the “Oriental-Islamic Component in the Serbian Culture (Towards a Balanced Approach Methodology).” The evening activities include film screenings at the Ethnographic Museum of “Warble the Bagpipes” (directed by Dimitris Kitsikoudis), “Pročka- Forgiveness Sunday” (directed by Slobodan Simojlović), and “Crossing the Bridge: The Sound of Istanbul” (directed by Fatih Akin).

After two panels on Sunday, September 29th, the conference will adjourn and participants will be given a tour of the exhibit “Imaginary Balkan: Identities and memory in the Long Nineteenth Century” at the Historical Museum of Serbia, by the curator Katarina Mitrović.

Source of information: Conference program and booklet


Princeton Conference: Remediating the Avant-Garde: Magazines and Digital Archives

Image from the Blue Mountain Project webpage advertising the conference

Remediating the Avant-Garde: Magazines and Digital Archives
Princeton University
October 25-26, 2013

This interdisciplinary conference will explore the conceptual and practical ground where traditional area studies, art history, periodical studies, digital humanities, computer science, and library and information science converge. We are interested in how these fields inform each other and challenge us to think in new ways, both as builders of digital resources and as scholars and teachers of avant-garde periodicals.

Details about the conference & registration can be found on the conference website:

Conference speakers:
Keynote: “Radical Remediation”  Johanna Drucker (Breslauer Professor of Bibliographical Studies, Department of Information Studies, UCLA)

Panel 1: Representing the Avant-Garde Magazine
Chair: Milan Hughston (Chief of Library and Museum Archives, MoMA)
Discussant: Nicholas Sawicki (Art History, Lehigh University)

1. Kurt Beals (German, Washington University in St. Louis)
“The Universal and the Particular in the Avant-Garde Archive”

2. Jonathan Baillehache (French, University of Georgia)
“What User Interface for the Digitization of the Avant-Garde? The Dematerialization of El Lissitzky”

3. Sophie Seita (Comparative Literature, Univ. of London/Columbia University)
“‘What is “291”?’ The Little Magazine as Fetish, and the Archival Pilgrimage of the Critic”

4. Max Koss (Art History, University of Chicago)
“Losing Touch: The Digital PAN”

Panel 2: Navigating Avant-Garde Collections, Systems and Networks
Chair: Sandra Ludig Brooke (Librarian, Marquand Library of Art and Archaeology)
Discussant: Andrew Goldstone (English, Rutgers University)

1. Hanno Biber (Institute for Corpus Linguistics and Text Technology, Austrian Academy of Sciences)
“The AAC-FACKEL, a Digital Edition of the Satirical Journal ‘Die Fackel'”

2. Gayle Rogers (English, University of Pittsburgh)
“The Spanish Morgue and the Emergence of International Modernism”

3. Thomas Crombez (Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp/University of Antwerp)
“Digitizing Artist Periodicals: New Methodologies from the Digital Humanities for Analyzing Artist Networks”

Panel 3: Analyzing and Teaching the Digital Archive
Chair: Brad Evans (English, Rutgers University)
Discussant: Adam McKible (English, John Jay College)

1. Semyon Khokhlov (English, University of Notre Dame)
“Modernism from a Distance: Data-Mining the Little Review

2. Jeffrey Drouin (English, University of Tulsa)
“Digital Pedagogy: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches to Teaching Modernist Periodicals”

3. Suzanne Churchill (English, Davidson College)
“The Digital Database: A Sustainable Model of Student, Staff, and Faculty Collaboration”

This conference is organized by the Blue Mountain Project at Princeton University, a freely available electronic repository of art, music, and literary periodicals that both chronicle and embody the emergence of cultural modernity in the West. We are currently digitizing 34 titles published in Europe and the United States between 1850-1923, in French, German, English, Italian, Spanish, Czech, Russian, Polish, Finnish, and Danish.

This conference is made possible through a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

6th International Hilandar Conference, July 19-21, 2013


The 6th International Hilandar Conference, “Medieval Slavic Text and Image in the Cultures of Orthodoxy,” begins Friday, July 19th, with an opening reception and keynote lecture at the Blackwell Inn on the campus of The Ohio State University at 6pm. Beginning at 6:15pm, welcoming remarks will be made by David C. Manderscheid, Executive Dean and Vice-Provost of the College of Arts and Sciences, Lisa R. Carter, Associate Director for Special Collections and Area Studies of the OSU Libraries, and Predrag Matejic, Curator of the Hilandar Research Library (HRL) and Director of the Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies (RCMSS).

Image of Andrei, Fool for Christ, from an original manuscript in the collection of the Hilandar Research Library

Andrei, Fool-for-Christ SPEC.OSU.HRL.SMS.2

Mirjana Živojinović, the President of the Hilandar Committee and a distinguished member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, will present the keynote address, “My Hilandar,” about her life’s work on the history and documents of the Serbian Orthodox Hilandar Monastery on Mount Athos.

20 papers will be presented at the 6th International Hilandar Conference in six panels on Saturday, July 20th (9:00 am to 5:00 pm) and July 21 (9:00 am to 12:00 pm) in Thompson Library, Room 165. The panel topics include “Hilandar Monastery,” “Image – Visual Theology,” “Focal Points of Culture,” “Medieval Textual Tradition,” “Liturgical Tradition,” and “Reinterpreting the Textual Tradition.” The presentations will be 20 minutes in length with time for questions at the end of each session.

View the preliminary program.

In conjunction with this summer’s major events sponsored by the RCMSS and the HRL, i.e., the Medieval Slavic Summer Institute and the 6th International Hilandar Conference, the exhibit in the Thompson Library Gallery is “Travelers to and from Mount Athos: The Translation of Culture, Knowledge, and Spirituality.” Summer hours of the Gallery in Thompson Library, 1st floor, are Mondays-Fridays, 10am to 4pm, and Saturdays and Sundays from noon to 4pm.


More Selected Papers of the 2007 ASEC Conference Published


The latest issue of Russian History has been released – and it contains more selected papers from the  second conference of the Association for the Study of Eastern Christian History and Culture (ASEC), “Centers and Peripheries: Interaction and Exchange in the Social, Cultural, Historical, and Regional Situations of Eastern Christianity” that was held at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, October 5–6, 2007.

Russian History
40.2 (2013): Centers and Peripheries in Eastern Christianity–Part 2.

Guest editors: J. Eugene Clay, Russell E. Martin, Barbara J. Skinner

Section 3. Community: Social and Perceptual Dynamics of the Center

Charles J. Halperin, “Church Immunities in Practice During the Reign of Ivan IV”

Marlyn Miller, “Social Revolution in Russian Female Monasticism: The Case of the Convent of the Intercession, 1700-1917 ”

Sergei I. Zhuk, “Popular Religiosity in the ‘Closed City’ of Soviet Ukraine: Cultural Consumption and Religion During Late Socialism, 1959-1984”

Amy A. Slagle, “A View from the Pew: Lay Orthodox Christian Perspectives on American Religious Diversity”

Section 4. Division and Inclusion: Defining Center and Peripheries of Orthodoxy

J. Eugene Clay, “Russian Spiritual Christianity and the Closing of the Black-Earth Frontier: The First Heresy Trials of the Dukhobors in the 1760s”

Page Herrlinger, “Trials of the Unorthodox Orthodox: The Followers of Brother Ioann Churikov and Their Critics in Modern Russia”

Bryan Rennie, “Mircea Eliade’s Understanding of Religion and Eastern Christian Thought”



Source of the Russian History 40.2 table of contents: Lawrence Langer (University of Connecticut) via the Early Slavic Studies listserv.


Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage 33 (June 2013) Available


The latest issue of Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage, vol. 33 (June 2013), is now available, and readers in the US have reported receipt of the RCMSS/HRL newsletter in the mail. The lead article describes the current exhibit in the Thompson Library Gallery, May 15-September 8, 2013: “Travelers to and from Mount Athos: The Translation of Culture, Knowledge, and Spirituality,” an exhibit of the Hilandar Research Library.


Photo of the front cover of the RCMSS/HRL newsletter volume 33 , June 2013

CMH 33 (June 2013)

Additional highlights of this issue include:

  • a two-page article by Peter DeSimone (MSSI 2008, RCMSS graduate associate, and OSU History PhD 2012), “Old Rite in Late Tsarist Russia: Documents of the Moscow Old Ritualists in the Pimen Sofronov Collection”;
  • the preliminary program of the forthcoming 6th International Hilandar Conference, July 19-21, 2013;
  • RCMSS & HRL News Notes;
  • Director’s Desk;
  • an article outlining the various ways to support the Hilandar Research Library and the Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies, along with a list of recent contributions to the Hilandar Endowment Fund, Hilandar’s Friends of the Library Fund, and Gifts in Kind.



Conference on Stanislav’s Reading Menologion: May 21, 2013, Sofia, Bulgaria



A conference will be held at the University of Sofia on May 21st on the topic of the Stanislav Reading Menologion. The day-long conference, which is a part of the project “Reconstruction of the Preslav Hagiographical Collections: the Study and Publication of the Stanislav Reading Menologion” (see description of project below),* aims to bring together scholars from different areas of Palaeoslavic studies who have research experience with manuscript No. 1039, preserved in the SS. Cyril and Methodius National Library of Bulgaria in Sofia.

Discussion topics include:

  • History of the manuscript
  • Characteristics of the codex
  • Codicological, paleographic, linguistic, textological features
  • Translation and adaptation of original Byzantine hagiographical texts in a South Slavic context
  • Digital resources, providing access to medieval Slavonic texts and codices.


Първо заседание/ Session 1 (9:00 – 11:00)

Проф. дфн Боряна Христова (НБКМ, София) Думи за ръкопис № 1039 (Станиславов чети-миней) от НБКМ / Words about Ms. 1039 (Stanislavs Menologion) from the National Library in Sofia

Проф. д-р Климентина Иванова (СУ, КМНЦ, София) Представянето на староизводните чети-минеи в Bibliotheca Hagiographica BalcanoSlavica (BHBS) и проблемите, които остават нерешени/The Place of the Old Redaction Menologia in Bibliotheca Hagiographica BalcanoSlavica (BHBS): Cases Unsolved

Проф. чл. кор. Иван Добрев (София) Лексикални особености в ръкопис № 1039 (Станиславов чети-миней) /Lexical Characteristics of Ms. 1039 (Stanislavs Menologion)

Проф. дфн Боряна Велчева (София) За показателните местоимения в ръкопис № 1039/About the Demonstrative Pronouns in Ms. 1039

Дискусия /Discussion

Кафе пауза /Coffee Break

Второ заседание/ Session 2 (11:10 – 13:00)

Д-р Явор Милтенов (ИБЕ, БАН, София) Бележки върху състава и историята на НБКМ 1039/Notes On the Content and History of Ms.1039 from the National Library in Sofia

Д-р Диана Атанасова (СУ, София) Станиславовият чети-миней и институционализираното четене (особености на състава и ролята на Устава)/ Stanislav’s Menologion and the Institutionalized Reading (Content Characteristics and Role of the Typicon)

Д-р Анета Димитрова (СУ, София) Йоан Златоуст в ръкопис № 1039 от НБКМ/ St. John Chrysostom in Ms. 1039 from the National Library in Sofia

Проф. дфн Искра Христова-Шомова (СУ, София) Съставът на ранните славянски празнични минеи в съпоставка със състава на ранните чети-сборници/Comparative Study of the Contents of the Early Festal Menaia and of the Early Reading Miscellanies

Дискусия /Discussion

Обедна почивка/ Lunch Break

Трето заседание/ Session 3 (14:00 – 15:30)

Доц. д-р Андрей Бояджиев (СУ, София) Палеографски и езикови наблюдения върху ръкописис № 1039 от НБКМ/Paleographic and Language Observations on Ms. 1039 from National Library in Sofia

Докт. Цветомира Данова (КМНЦ, София) Слово за Въздвижение на кръста от св. Андрей Критски по ръкопис НБКМ 1039 /The Homily on the Elevation of the Cross by St. Andrew of Crete in Ms. 1039 from the National Library in Sofia  

Д-р Мая Петрова-Танева (ИЛ, БАН, София) Житието на Ефросина Александрийска в Станиславовия чети-миней (НБКМ 1039) от XIV в./The Life of St Euphrosyne of Alexandria in the Stanislavs Menologion (Ms. 1039) from the Fourteenth Century

Prof. Dieter Stern (Universiteit Gent, Belgium) Deviations from Literalism: Remarks on the Slavic Translation of the Greek Life of Abraham of Qidun /Отклонения от буквализма: коментар върху славянския превод на гръцкото Житие на преподобния Аврамий

Дискусия /Discussion

Кафе пауза /Coffee Break

Четвърто заседание/ Session 4 (15:40 – 18:00)

Dr. Małgorzata Skowronek (Uniwersytet Łódzki) Култът към св. Архангели и други безплътни сили в Станиславовия чети-миней/ The Cult of St. Archangels and Other Bodiless Powers in Stanislav’s Menologion

Д-р Любка Ненова (ЮЗУ, Благоевград) Някои езикови особености в Житието на св. Йоан Милостиви от ръкопис НБКМ 1039/ Some Linguistic Characteristics of the Life of St. John the Merciful in Мs. 1039 from the National Library in Sofia

Dr. Lara Sels (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven/ Universiteit Gent, Belgium) Prof. David J. Birnbaum (University of Pittsburgh, USA) Editing the Bdinski Sbornik as a Multilayered Reality/ За издаването на Бдинския сборник като многопластова реалност  

Проф. дфн Анна-Мария Тотоманова (СУ, София) Електронни инструменти за обработка на средновековни славянски текстове/ е-Tools for Processing Medieval Slavic Texts

Д-р Диана Атанасова (СУ, София), докт. Козма Поповски (КМНЦ, София) Представяне на сайта Hagioslavica/ Presentation of the Website Hagioslavica

Дискусия /Discussion

Закриване на конференцията/ Closing of the Conference

* * *

Конференцията е във връзка с изследователски проект „Реконструкция на преславските агиографски сборници: издание и изследване на Станиславовия чети-миней” (ДМУ 03/19), финансиран от Фонд „Научни изследвания” към МОНМ.
*Reconstruction of the Preslav Hagiographical Collections: Study and Publication of the Stanislav’s Menologion” is the title of a project developed by a team of young Bulgarian medievalists. Its principal task is the preparation and publication (both digital and traditional) and research of Stanislav’s Menologion (better known as manuscript No. 1039 from the National Library in Sofia). It is one of the most valuable medieval Slavic manuscripts, preserved in the “St. St. Cyril and Methodius“ National Library. Stanislav’s Menologion is significant because, although it is a 14th-century copy, it preserves a number of archaic texts that allow us to reconstruct faithfully the original contents of menologia that were compiled and translated during the Golden Age of medieval Bulgarian literature and culture.

Source: Email  from Diana Atanassova.


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