Recently arrived in the Hilandar Research Library stacks are three books, courtesy of Václav Čermák (Department of Medieval Slavonic and Byzantine Studies, Institute for Slavonic Studies, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in Prague). We greatly appreciate the addition of these volumes to our collection.
The Cyril and Methodius Mission and Europe: 1150 Years Since the Arrival of the Thessaloniki Brothers in Great Moravia, edited by Pavel Kouřil et al. (Brno, 2014). The work was funded by the Ministry of Culture NAKI project “Great Moravia and 1150 years of Christianity in Central Europe.”
The volume includes an introduction by Vladimir Vavřínek, with articles by Josef Žemlička, Herwig Wolfram, Ian Wood, David Kalhous, Zdeněk Měřínský, Lumír Poláček, Luděk Galuška, Christian Lübke, Jiří Macháček, Pavel Kouřil, Blanka Kavánová, Alexander T. Ruttkay, Milan Hanuliak, Karol Pieta, Ivana Boháčová, Nad’a Profantová, Krzysztof Jaworski, Jacek Poleski, Sergei Ivanov, Libor Jan, Maddalena Betti, Ivan Biliarsky, Ján Steinhübel, Petr Charvát, Khristo Trendafilov, Marija Yovcheva, Giorgio Ziffer, Radoslav Večerka, Štefan Pilát, Miroslav Vepřek, Anatolii Turilov, Václav Zonzal, Petr Sommer, František Čajka, Václav Čermák, Martin Wihoda, Eva Doležalová, Antonin Kalous, Pavel Kůrka, Tomáš Parma, Jiří Mikulec, Johannes Reinhart, Marek Stawski, Martin Homza, Nad’a Labancová, Michaela Soleiman pour Hashemi, and Francis J. Thomson.
Slovanský Klášter Karla IV. Zbožnost—Umění—Vzdělanost / The Slavonic Monastery of Charles IV: Devotion—Art—Literary Culture, ed. Kateřina Kubínová (Praha: Artefactum 2016). This volume, lavishly illustrated with both black-and-white and color photographs, architectural drawings, and artistic drawings of fragmented frescoes, celebrates Emmaus Monastery, a Slavonic monastery for Benedictine monks, established by Charles IV (Wenceslaus, 1316-1378). The book provides parallel text in Czech and English and includes the following:
Introduction, 7
Contents, 9
“The Beginnings of the Monastery and its Architecture” by Klára Benešovská and Kateřina Kubínová, 11-25;
“Glagolitic Literature” by Václav Čermák, with the cooperation of Tomáš Slavický on the chapter on Slavonic Liturgical Singing, 27-43;
“The Emmaus Cycle” by Kateřina Kubínová, 45-121;
“Musical Instruments in the Emmaus Cycle” by Lukáš Matoušek, 123-127;
“The Fate of the Monastery from the 15th to the 21st Centuries” by Klára Benešovská, 129-135;
List of Full-page Photographs, 137;
Selected Bibliography, 138.
The third gift book is Rukopisné zlomky Knihovy Národniho muzea: signatury 1D, 1E a 1G by Vlastimil Brom, Václav Čermák, Michal Dragoun, Adéla Ebersonová, Ota Halama, Jindřich Marek, Olga Sixtová, Kateřina Spurná, Dmitrij Timofejev, Tamás Visi (Praha, 2016).
Here is a photo of the book’s cover, but, since the Curator of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Library here at OSU has taken possession of it (!),* there’s not much else that can be said about it at this time.
*I mentioned the book to him and offered him the chance to look at it, since it deals mainly with fragments (including bindery fragments, I think) from Latin manuscripts.