Photo of the cover of the book shows image of an ornate gold and purple mosaic of a saint

“Saints and Sainthood in Central and Eastern Europe” (Sofia, 2012)


Ангушева-Тиханова, Аделина, Маргарет Димитрова, Росина Костова, и Росен Р. Малчев, состав. In Stolis Repromissionis: Светци и святост в централна и източна Европа. София: Импресарско издателска къща “РОД,” 2012.



photo of the book coverDitommaso, Lorenzo, and Christfried Böttrich, eds., with the assistance of Marina Swoboda. The Old Testament Apocrypha in the Slavonic Tradition: Continuity and Diversity. Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism 140. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2011.



Garipzanov, Ildar H., ed. Historical Narratives and Christian Identity on a European Periphery: Early History Writing in Northern, East-Central, and Eastern Europe (c. 1070-1200). Medieval Texts and Cultures of Northern Europe 26. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2011.




Петков, Петко Д. Ръкопис 2/23 от сбирката на Рилския манастир: Сборник с жития от края на XV век. Библиотека отець Неофитъ Рыльскый том 3. София: Херон Прес, 2011.

Photo of the book cover

Rila Ms. 2/23, Miscellany of Saints’ Lives from the 15th Century





“Description of the Slavic Manuscripts in the Church, Historical and Archival Institute – Sofia,” vol. 1

Христова, Боряна, Елисавета Мусакова, Елена Узунова. Опис на славянските ръкописи в Църковно-Историческия и Aрхивен Институт – София, т. I: Библейски книги.София: Борина, 2009.