Gift books received in April 2016 include Реторика на историчното: Деяние на Св. Никола в южнославянски контекст by Diana Atanassova,

Book cover of paperback book, white/gray background with decorative edge along the top and viaz' along the outer lower half of the cover; image of St. Nicholas appearing in a dream to Emperor Constantine the Great from fresco in Grachanitsa Monastery.

Book cover image is from a fresco in Gračanica Monastery of St. Nicholas appearing in a dream to Constantine the Great.

and Кирило-Методиевски четения 2015: Юбилеен сборник edited by Anna-Maria Totomanova and Diana Atanassova (Department of Slavic Studies, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”).










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