
Medieval Slavic Manuscripts and Culture

Tag: Daniel E. Collins

Old Russian Birchbark Letters: A Pragmatic Approach

Simeon Dekker, PhD Slavic Studies, University of Leiden, The Netherlands, who attended the 2017 Medieval Slavic Summer Institute (June 19-July 14), presented the Hilandar Research Library with a bound copy of his dissertation, Old Russian Birchbark Letters: A Pragmatic Approach.

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Polata Knigopisnaia

Poziv za slanje radova

         Polata Knigopisnaia jedini je međunarodni časopis posvećen proučavanju slovenske srednjovekovne pismenosti na Zapadu. Od samog pojavljivanja – od 1978. godine – časopis Polata Knigopisnaia posvećen je održavanju visokog nivoa kvaliteta radova koji se u njemu objavljuju. Od 2006. godine časopis je dostupan samo kao internet izdanje na internet adresi Banke znanja Državnog univerziteta u Ohaju (Knowledge Bank at The Ohio State University): <>

Polata knigopisnaia 1 (1978)

Polata Knigopisnaia 1 (1978)

Urednici časopisa, Kristijano Didi (Cristiano Diddi) sa Univerziteta u Salernu (University of Salerno), M. A. Džonson iz Hilandarske istraživačke biblioteke Državnog univerziteta Ohaja (Hilandar Research Library at The Ohio State University) i Robert Romančuk (Robert Romanchuk) sa Državnog univerziteta Floride (Florida State University), primenjivaće novi sistem recenziranja radova potencijalnih saradnika od 2007. godine pa nadalje.

Svi potencijalni saradnici časopisa za koje urednici budu smatrali da su zadovoljili kriterijume časopisa biće anonimno recenzirani od strane dva recenzenta.

Recenzenti časopisa su: Dejvid Birnbaum (David J. Birnbaum) sa Univerziteta u Pitsburgu (University of Pittsburgh), Danijel Kolins (Daniel E. Collins) sa Državnog univerziteta Ohaja (The Ohio State University), Predrag Matejić iz Hilandarske istraživačke biblioteke Državnog univerziteta Ohaja (Hilandar Research Library at The Ohio State University), Dženifer Spok (Jennifer Spock) sa Univerziteta Istočnog Kentakija (Eastern Kentucky University) i Julija Verkholancev (Julia Verkholantsev) sa Univerziteta u Pensilvaniji (University of Pennsylvania).

Urednici časopisa Polata Knigopisnaia objavljuju poziv za slanje radova koji bi trebalo da se pojave u 2014. godini, u svesci br. 39. Polata Knigopisnaia objavljuje izdanja srednjovekovnih slovenskih tekstova, ali i članke, indekse, bibliografije i prikaze posvećene slovenskim srednjovekovnim tekstovima (rukopisima i štampanim knjigama), posebno njihovom istorijskom i kulturnom kontekstu.

Autori koji žele priložiti rad dodatne informacije o tematici časopisa i načinu priređivanja radova mogu dobiti od urednika časopisa.



Cristiano Diddi

M.A. Johnson

Robert Romanchuk

CFP: Polata Knigopisnaia 39 (2014)


Polata Knigopisnaia Issues Call for Papers

Polata Knigopisnaia, an international journal of Early Slavic books, texts, and literatures, is the only Western serial focused primarily on the study of Early Slavic manuscripts and material texts. Since publication began in 1978 it has maintained a rigorously high level of quality; from 2006 it has been available exclusively on-line at the Knowledge Bank at The Ohio State University:


Polata knigopisnaia 1 (1978)The editors of Polata Knigopisnaia, Cristiano Diddi of the University of Salerno, M. A. Johnson of the Hilandar Research Library at The Ohio State University, and Robert Romanchuk of Florida State University, have adopted an editorial-board peer review system for contributions from 2007 forward. All contributions that the editors consider to fit the scope and criteria of PK will be reviewed anonymously by two members of the editorial board.

The editorial board of Polata Knigopisnaia is: David J. Birnbaum of the University of Pittsburgh, Daniel E. Collins of The Ohio State University, Predrag Matejic of the Hilandar Research Library at The Ohio State University, Jennifer Spock of Eastern Kentucky University, and Julia Verkholantsev of the University of Pennsylvania.

The editors of Polata Knigopisnaia are issuing a call for papers to appear in vol. 39 (2014). PK publishes scholarly articles, editions, indexes, and bibliographical and review essays related to Early Slavic texts, manuscripts, and early printed books, and their historical and cultural contexts.

Authors considering submitting an article are encouraged to contact an editor to discuss length and subject matter, and to obtain a style sheet.


Cristiano Diddi <>

M.A. Johnson <>

Robert Romanchuk <>

7th Biennial Medieval Slavic Summer Institute (MSSI)


Photo of MSSI participants and HRL/RCMSS staff in the Special Collections Reading Room

MSSI 2013 Orientation

The Seventh Biennial Medieval Slavic Summer Institute (MSSI) opened on Monday, June 24, 2013, with 11 of the 12 participants in attendance. The orientation was held in the Conference Room (105C) of the Jack and Jan Creighton Special Collections Reading Room of the Thompson  Library.

Predrag Matejic, Director of the Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies (RCMSS), welcomed the participants and led the introductions; Rebecca Jewett, Assistant Curator of Rare Books and Manuscripts and the Reading Room Manager, reviewed the procedures for conducting research, paging books, etc. Helene Senecal, RCMSS Coordinator, addressed the logistics of the housing and university benefits for the non-OSU students; Lyubomira Parpulova Gribble, HRL Assistant Curator, shared her research interests with the group; RCMSS GA Lauren Ressue introduced the participants to the OSU learning management system “Carmen”; and Daniel E. Collins of the OSU Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures said a few words about the “Readings in Church Slavonic” course that he teaches during the MSSI.

Photo of the MSSI participants and HRL/RCMSS staff at a table in the faculty club

MSSI 2013 Luncheon at the OSU Faculty Club

The participants viewed the online video, Preserving and Accessing the Past: The History of the Hilandar Research Library and the Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies, and then toured Thompson Library, where they wound up at a gallery talk about the current exhibit, Travelers to and from Mount Athos: The Translation of Culture, Knowledge, and Spirituality.

Luncheon was held at the OSU Faculty Club, followed by the first session of the MSSI from 2pm to 4pm, where Daniel Collins led the class through a reading of a prayer of St. John Chrysostom in manuscript BAN.13.7.5.


A History of “Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage”


Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage (CMH), the biannual newsletter of the Hilandar Research Library (HRL) and the Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies (RCMSS), is entering its 16th year of publication under the editorship of Helene Senecal, RCMSS Coordinator. Volume 31 has just been issued.

Image of the front page of newsletter Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage volume 1 (April 1997)

CMH vol. 1 (April 1997)

The inaugural volume of CMH, which outlined the history and structure of HRL/RCMSS, was published in April 1997 with the assistance of Lorraine Abraham (media editor), Dongsoo Jeon and M.A. Johnson (contributing editors), and R.J. Stansbury (technical consultant).

Image of the page 8 of newsletter Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage volume 3 (June 1998)

CMH vol. 3 (June 1998): 8

A “Selected Bibliography” of “theses, dissertations, books and articles made possible and/or enhanced by the primary and secondary source materials, especially manuscripts on microform, of the HRL or through the support of the RCMSS” debuted in volume 3. See also volumes 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 20, and 21.

From CMH 4, the names of donors who have contributed to the Hilandar Endowment and other named funds have been listed in the newsletter. The names of donors of “gifts in kind” have appeared in CMH since volume 6.

Image of page 6 of volume 5 (May 1999) of newsletter Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage

CMH vol. 5 (May 1999): 6

The recurring features, “Director’s Desk” by Predrag Matejic and “HRL Journal” – where CMH “asks researchers who have used the HRL in the past year, either in person or by mail, to describe their experiences and work,” first appeared as regular columns in volume 5. The design editor for this volume was John R. Wilson.

Image of the front page of newsletter Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage volume 6 (December 1999)

CMH vol. 6 (December 1999)

A series of interviews introducing readers to the members of the RCMSS Advisory Councils was initiated in CMH 6 with profiles of Daniel E. Collins and Edward Kasinec, and continued in volumes 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15-17. Volume 6 also reported on the first Medieval Slavic Summer Institute (MSSI) and set a precedent for a two-page photo spread of the MSSI activities and reactions from the participants.

Image of the front page of newsletter Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage volume 15 (May 2004)

CMH vol. 15 (May 2004)

“News Notes” appeared as a regular feature title in volume 15; earlier issues included the headlines “RCMSS/HRL in the News” (CMH 6), “In the News” (CMH 7, 13), and “RCMSS News Briefs” (CMH 10).

Volume 23 was the first to be published in color. Volumes 1-22 are archived online with color photos inserted in place of the black and white images that were printed.

Image of the page 8 of newsletter Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage volume 23 (June 2008)

CMH 23 (June 2008): 8

Back issues of Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage are available on the OSU Knowledge Bank and the RCMSS website.