The Hilandar Research Library recently acquired five volumes of the journal Studia Ceranea from the Waldemar Ceran Research Centre for the History and Culture of the Mediterranean Area and South-East Europe at the University of Łódź, Poland. Below are the list of articles for volumes 5-6. See previous blog posting for the table of contents of vols. 1-3.
We also received copies of volumes in Series Ceranea, e.g., Arystoksenos z Tarentu Harmonika by Anna Maciejewska (2015); and Palaea Historica: The Second Slavic Translation. Commentary and Text by Małgorzata Skowronek (2016).
Studia Ceranea Vol. 5 (2015) includes articles and book reviews. The articles:
Ivan Biliarsky, “Marriage and Power (Images of Authority)” (9-32);
Zofia Brzozowska, “Wisdom Has Built Her House (Proverbs 9, 1‒6). The History of the Notion in Southern and Eastern Slavic Art in the 14th‒16th Centuries” (33-58);
Magdalena Garnczarska, “The Iconographic Motif of a Griffin and a Hare in the So-Called Saracenic-Sicilian Casket from the Wawel Cathedral Treasury in Cracow” (59-72);
Yanko M. Hristov, “Prisoners of War in Early Medieval Bulgaria (Preliminary Remarks)” (73-106);
Татяна Илиева, “Словник Исторической Палеи по списку синодального собрания No 591 второй половины XV века ‒ глоттометрическа” (107-154);
Andrzej Kompa, “Gnesioi filoi: the Search for George Syncellus’ and Theophanes the Confessor’s Own Words, and the Authorship of the Oeuvre” (155-230);
Rafał Kosiński, “The Exiled Bishops of Constantinople from the Fourth to the Late Sixth Century” (231-248);
Ian S.R. Mladjov, “Monarchs’ Names and Numbering in the Second Bulgarian State” (267-310);
Kamil Sobczak, “The Transition from the Temple of Jupiter to the Great Mosque of Dmascus in Architecture and Design” (311-320);
Mariyana Tsibranska-Kostova, “The Image of the Town: Medieval Sofia in Original Bulgarian Works from the 16th Century” (337-356);
Hanna Zalewska-Jura, “Pro Bessarione poeta” (357-368).
Studia Ceranea Vol. 6 (2016) includes an encomium to Professor Oktawiusz Jurewicz (1926-2016), papers from “The Bible in the Byzantino-Slavic World: from Liturgical Books to Printed Scripture,” as well as it usual articles and book reviews:
Andrzej Kompa and Mirosław J. Leszka, “Professor Oktawiusz Jurewicz as a Byzantinist (1926-2016)” (11-22);
The Bible in the Byzantino-Slavic World: from Liturgical Books to Printed Scripture
Marcello Garzaniti, “Le più recenti ricerche sui vangeli slavi (1999-2016). Qualche riflessione critica” (25-42);
Agata Kawecka, Rafał Zarębski, “Linguistic Equivalence of the Hebrew Term Eden in Slavic Translations of the Bible” (43-60);
Justyna Kroczak, “The Role of the Bible in the Formation of Philosophical Thought in Kievan Rus’ (as Exemplified by Ilarion of Kiev, Kliment Smolatič, and Kirill of Turov)” (61-74);
Catherine Mary MacRobert, “The Place of the Mihanović Psalter in the Fourteenth-Century Revisions of the Church Slavonic Psalter” (75-98);
Светлина Николова, “Об одной незнакомой болгарской камене на Псалтырь в списке XVI века” (99-128);
Jerzy Ostapczuk, “Typological Classification of the Cyrillic Manuscripts and Early Printed Books with the Gospel Texts” (129-142);
Иван Н. Петров, “Издания библейских текстов в южнославянской кирилловской старопечатной традиции XVI века” (143-156);
Малгожата Сковронек, “Библейские цитаты во втором славянском переводе Исторической палеи (предварительные замечания)” (157-176);
Ива Трифонова, “Откровение св. Иоанна Богослова среди православных славян и в южнославянской письменности,” (177-204);
Cynthia M. Vakareliyska, “Dots and Acute Accent Shapes in the Dobrejšo Gospel” (205-224);
Веселка Желязкова, “Паримейные чтения в четьих списках Книги Исход” (225-240).
Sławomir Bralewski, “La connaissance de la loi ecclésiastique chez Socrate de Constantinople en confrontation avec l’oeuvre de Hermias Sozomène” (243-256);
Andrzej Gillmeister, “Augustus Polonus. The Image of the Emperor in Polish Historiography in Inter-War Period. Preliminary Remarks” (257-270);
Martin Hurbanič, “Adversus Iudaeos int the Sermon Written by Theodore Syncellus on the Avar Siege of AD 626” (271-294);
Agata A. Kluczek, “Faces of Aeneas. Representations on Roman Coins and Medallions” (295-322);
Maciej Kokoszko, Krzysztof Jagusiak, Jolanta Dybała, “Bread as Food and Medicament in Oribasius’ Writings” (355-376);
Margarita Kuyumdzhieva, “Imaging Evil in the First Chapters of Genesis: Texts behind the Images in Eastern Orthodox Art” (377-396);
Matko Matija Marušić, “Verses of Faith and Devotion. Seeing, Reading, and Touching Monumental Crucifixes with Inscriptions (12th-13th Century)” (397-422).