
Medieval Slavic Manuscripts and Culture

Tag: Predrag Matejic (page 2 of 2)

ASEEES Convention 2012


The 44th Annual Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES)* Convention is being held in New Orleans, November 15-18, 2012. This year’s conference theme is “Boundary, Barrier and Border Crossing.”

Among the panels listed in the convention program, one that promises to be of interest to medieval Slavic scholars is Slavia Orthodoxa & Slavia Romana: A Round Table in Memory of Professor Riccardo Picchio, chaired by Paul Alexander Bushkovitch (Yale), with participants Giovanna Brogi Bercoff, Harvey Goldblatt (Yale), Michael A. Pesenson (U of Texas at Austin), and Marina Swoboda (McGill, Canada). (See page 13 of Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage 30 for Predrag Matejic’s obituary of Riccardo Picchio.)

Image of the front cover of Raffensperger's book "Reimaginging Europe," a red ink picture from a chronicle manuscript on a cream-colored background.

Harvard University Press 2012

Also intriguing is Reimagining Europe: Kievan Rus′ in the Medieval World: Christian Raffensperger‘s Bold New Hypotheses – (Roundtable),  sponsored by the Early Slavic Studies Association, chaired by David Maurice Goldfrank (Georgetown University), with participants Brian James Boeck (DePaul University), Ines Garcia de la Puente (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland), Elena Boeck (DePaul), and Christian Raffensperger (Wittenberg University).


*formerly, the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS)



Predrag Matejic Receives Award from Sofia University


On September 19, 2012, Predrag Matejic was presented with the blue ribbon, the highest award that the University of Sofia “Kliment Ohridski” can bestow on one of its graduates, for his outstanding contribution to the study of Bulgarian culture.

The event was announced on the Sofia University website. The announcement is summarized below in English.

On 24 September 2012 at 11am in the Conference Hall of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” Department of Cyrillo-Methodian Studies, Predrag Matejic, Curator of the Hilandar Research Library and Director of the Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies at The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA, will lead a roundtable discussion. Professor Matejic will discuss the history of these two institutions and their future plans and projects, as well as the history of the longstanding relationship between Bulgarian scholars and this library and center. In the Hilandar Research Library are preserved a large number of microfilms of exceptionally valuable Slavic manuscripts, the originals of which are still kept in Hilandar Monastery [on Mount Athos] and in many other repositories around the world. The microfilms are used by many Bulgarian and foreign scholars and, as a result of such research, significant discoveries have been made in the field of Bulgarian and in Slavic and Balkan culture. The center aids scholars in their search for sources and literature.

Professor Matejic has a master’s degree from Yale University and a doctorate from Ohio State in the field of Slavic literatures and languages. His contribution to the study of the history of Bulgarian literature is invaluable. In 1978 he received his doctorate of philological sciences from Sofia University. In his dissertation he analyzed the literary works of a hitherto fore unknown medieval Bulgarian writer from the 14th century, which he discovered in a manuscript. The dissertation was published as a book in Bulgaria under the title “the Bulgarian hymnographer Efrem from the 14th cent.”


Found in the Archives: Newsletter of the Hilandar Project


Among the archives of the Hilandar Research Library and the Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies are copies of a newsletter that was published sporadically from 1979-1986. The inaugural issue of the “Newsletter of the Hilandar Project at The Ohio State University” was edited by Charles E. Gribble, now professor emeritus of the OSU Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures. Issue number 1 appeared in January 1979 with the following stated purpose:image of the first page of the newsletter - a densely typed 8.5 x 11 inch page

“This is the first issue of a new publication designed to keep both scholars and the general public informed of the work going on in the Hilandar Project at The Ohio State University…. We will try to provide a running bibliography of publications, both books and articles, which treat materials contained in the Hilandar Collection, or which touch on related topics.”

The issue includes a description of the formal dedication of the Hilandar Room in the William Oxley Thompson Memorial Library on December 2, 1978, and reproduces the remarks made on that occasion by Father Mitrofan of Hilandar Monastery, Riccardo P. Picchio (Yale University), Richard Pope (York University, Toronto), and Dr. Predrag Matejic. The speech that Father Mitrofan gave at the banquet that evening is also included in this issue.

Issues No. 2 (Oct. 1979) and No. 3 (Aug. 1980) were also edited by Charles E. Gribble.



Happy Birthday, Predrag!


Photograph of Dr. Matejic, a priest seated at table with his back to the camera; a young Predrag Matejic is standing opposite his father and preparing to turn the page of a manuscript that is position on a table with a camera overhead (being photographed).

Photographing manuscripts at Hilandar Monastery

Today is the 60th birthday of Predrag Matejic, Curator of the Hilandar Research Library and the Director of the Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies at The Ohio State University.

It was on this date in 1971, to the best of his recollection, that Predrag and his father, the Very Rev. Dr. Mateja Matejic, left Greece with over 3,400 rolls of film used to photograph and microfilm the manuscripts of Hilandar Monastery. They flew together to Germany; Father Matejic continued on to Columbus, Ohio, with the films, while Predrag flew on alone to Yugoslavia, thus spending his 19th birthday in three different countries. He had birthday cake in both Munich and Beograd.

photograph and Predrag Matejic and Father Matejic standing and talking to each other in front of a building of the monastery Djudjevic Stupovi in Serbia, 2002. The grass is green, Father is wearing his black priest's shirt and coat; Predrag is in dark slacks, a gray jacket and white shirt.

Excursion to Đurđevi stupovi during the 5th International Hilandar Conference, Raška, Serbia


Happy Birthday, Predrag!


Image Source: The photo above was taken by a monk of Hilandar, 1971; the photo at right was taken by Pasha in 2002.


Watermarks: Identification of Hilandar Fragment 739.III


Prior to the publication of his catalog of the Cyrillic manuscripts of Hilandar Monastery, Dimitrije Bogdanović identified fragments HM.SMS.758.IX and 759.VII as being part of HM.SMS.646 Lestvica (circa 1360-1370), so there is not a separate entry in his catalog for either fragment (cf. Bogdanović 1978: 222, 255 and 256). The fragments were placed with the original manuscript №646.

Напомена. Рукопису придружени листови које су били нађени и заведени као фрагменти 758/IX и 759/VII.” Bogdanović 1978: 222.

Therefore, there is also not a separate record for HM.SMS.758.IX or 759.VII in the two-volume print version of the Matejic & Thomas Catalog (2: 662, 743-746), the OSU Library Catalog, or WorldCat. When the Hilandar manuscripts were photographed, these two fragments thus appear on the reel of microfilm of HM.SMS.646 and not on the reel containing fragments HM.SMS.757.1-III, 758.I-VIII,X, and 759.I-VI, VIII-X.

Image of the description of watermarks in manuscript No. 646 from Bogdanovic's catalog, with the watermark "dragon" and the reference to the watermark album underlined in yellow.

Subsequent research by Predrag Matejic on the watermarks of the Hilandar Monastery manuscripts revealed that fragment HM.SMS.739.III was also from manuscript №646. The publication of this discovery, however, appeared with several critical typos that are now corrected below (noted in boldface):

“Први доказ ваљаности овог метода атрибуције је чињеница да сам помоћу њега утврдио да два фрагмента, бр. 739/III и бр. 759/X припадају хиландарским рукописима бр. 646 и бр. 396 [односно]. У ствари, фрагмент 739/III је део фрагмента 759/VII за који је Димитрије Богдановић утврдио да је део хиландарског рукописа бр. 646.” P. Matejic 1995: 288.

Image of description of Hilandar fragment 739.III from Bogdanovic's catalog, with watermark "dragon" and reference to watermark album underlined in yellow

Tatiana G. Popova today identified fragment HM.SMS.739.III as part of the Lestvica text “Слово к пастырю.”


Image Sources: Bogdanović 1978: 222 and 243.


Богдановић, Димитрије. Каталог ћирилских рукописа Манастира Хиландара. Београд: Српска Академија Наука и Уметности и Народна Библиотека Србије, 1978.

Matejic, Predrag, and Hannah Thomas, comp. Catalog: Manuscripts on Microform of the Hilandar Research Library (The Ohio State University). 2 vols. Columbus, Ohio: The Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies (The Ohio State University), in cooperation with the “Ivan Dujchev” Research Centre for Slavo-Byzantine Studies (Sofia, Bulgaria), 1992.

Матеич, Предраг. “Атрибуција рукописа помоћу анализе папира Хиландар у XIV веку.” В књ.: Проучавање средњовековних јужнословенских рукописа: Зборник радова са међународне хиладнарске конференције одржане од 28. до 30. марта 1989, уред. Павле Ивич, 287-299. Београд: Српска академија наука и уметности, одељенње језика и књижевности, 1995.


The First (and Only) Annual Hilandar Research Project Conference, 1984


The First – and what turned out to be the only – Annual Hilandar Research Project Conference was held May 3-4, 1984. The major goals of the conference were to provide an update of the Hilandar Research Project’s activities and financial status, and to offer concrete proposals for the expansion and development of the  Hilandar Research Project. Among the future goals enumerated by the Very Rev. Dr. Mateja Matejic were: “(1) the continuing acquisition and development of the collection of microform and reference materials; (2) the publication of a Supplemental and Cumulative Checklist of the holdings of the Hilandar Room (now over 2,000 items); (3) the publication of a detailed description of the Slavic codices of the Great Lavra Monastery on Mount Athos…” (Polata knigopisnaia 13: 71).

Photograph of the cover of the catalog of manuscripts in the Great Lavra monastery on Mount Athos. A yellow cover with an ornamental frame in red, and in the frame in black letters is the title and also the names of the authors. Under the authors' names in a circle are the words "Balcanica II Inventaires et catalogues"

Sofia: CIBAL, 1989

Among the ten presentations given, Robert Mathiesen (Brown University) reported on “The Present Status of Medieval Slavic Studies in the USA and Canada,” and concluded, among other things, that “North American scholars should concentrate on the treatment of problems less actively treated elsewhere in the world, such as Biblical textology” (Polata knigopisnaia 13: 27).

The report on the conference ends with the announcement that “On 5 May 1984, following the conclusion of the Conference, a new and completely furnished and reequipped Hilandar Room was dedicated by Robert Rade Stone, President of the Serb National Federation, and presented with the first original manuscript, a late XVIIIth century copy of Paisij Hilandarskij’s Istoria slavjanobǎlgarskaja by Mrs Esther N. Clarke(Polata knigopisnaia 13: 74).

Source: Matejic, Predrag. “Chronicle: 3-4 May 1984: Columbus. The First Annual Hilandar Research Project Conference.” Polata knigopisnaia 13 (December 1985): 71-74.

Image source: Cover of the book, M. Matejic and D. Bogdanovic, Slavic Codices of the Great Lavra Monastery: A Description (Sofia: CIBAL, 1989).


Conference: Hilandar Monastery and Other Repositories, 1981


A working conference devoted to “Hilandar Monastery and Other Repositories of Medieval Slavic Manuscripts: Research Needs and Opportunities” was held April 11-13, 1981 at Ohio State University [sic], Columbus, Ohio. Image of the cover of the booklet containing the reports of the Working Conference on the Hilandar Research Project, April 1981The Very Rev. Dr. Mateja Matejic presented an update on the Hilandar Research Project, representatives from various countries reported on the status of Slavic and medieval studies, and recommendations regarding the future work and development of the Hilandar Research Project were made by working groups composed from 45 scholars of 31 institutions of higher education in North America and Europe.

Reports were presented on collections in Belgium (Francis Thomson), Bulgaria (Petŭr Dinekov), Canada (Richard Pope), repositories holding Croatian Glagolitic manuscripts (Anica Nazor), Italy (Mario Capaldo), Macedonia (Lidija Slaveva), the Netherlands (Anton Van den Baar), Serbia (Dimitrije Bogdanović), and the United States (Riccardo Picchio).

Other participants from Europe included: Matej Cazacu and Paul-Hubert Poirier (France); Aksiniia Džhurova, Ivan Dujčev, Stefan Kožuharov, Kujo Kuev, Krumka Sharova, and Borjana Velcheva (Bulgaria); David Huntley (Canada); Vera Mutafčieva (Austria); Aleksander Naumow and Jerzy Rusek (Poland); Andrei Robinson (USSR); Antoine-Emile Tachiaos (Greece); and William Veder (the Netherlands).

Attendees from the US were: Julia Allisandratos (MIT); John Fine,  Ladislav Matejka, and Benjamin Stolz (University of Michigan); Priest-monk Ioannikios (Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville, NY); Edward Kasinec (University of California, Berkeley); Maxine Lebo (Reston, Virginia); Horace Lunt and Hugh Olmsted (Harvard University);  Robert Mathiesen (Brown University); Gordon McDaniel (Seattle, WA); Olivera Nedić (Chicago); Philip Shashko (University of Wisconsin); Daniel Waugh (University of Washington); and Dean Worth (UCLA).

Participants from OSU were: Bert Beynen, Sharon Fullerton, Charles Gribble, Predrag Matejic, David Robinson, and Leon Twarog.


A History of “Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage”


Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage (CMH), the biannual newsletter of the Hilandar Research Library (HRL) and the Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies (RCMSS), is entering its 16th year of publication under the editorship of Helene Senecal, RCMSS Coordinator. Volume 31 has just been issued.

Image of the front page of newsletter Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage volume 1 (April 1997)

CMH vol. 1 (April 1997)

The inaugural volume of CMH, which outlined the history and structure of HRL/RCMSS, was published in April 1997 with the assistance of Lorraine Abraham (media editor), Dongsoo Jeon and M.A. Johnson (contributing editors), and R.J. Stansbury (technical consultant).

Image of the page 8 of newsletter Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage volume 3 (June 1998)

CMH vol. 3 (June 1998): 8

A “Selected Bibliography” of “theses, dissertations, books and articles made possible and/or enhanced by the primary and secondary source materials, especially manuscripts on microform, of the HRL or through the support of the RCMSS” debuted in volume 3. See also volumes 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 20, and 21.

From CMH 4, the names of donors who have contributed to the Hilandar Endowment and other named funds have been listed in the newsletter. The names of donors of “gifts in kind” have appeared in CMH since volume 6.

Image of page 6 of volume 5 (May 1999) of newsletter Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage

CMH vol. 5 (May 1999): 6

The recurring features, “Director’s Desk” by Predrag Matejic and “HRL Journal” – where CMH “asks researchers who have used the HRL in the past year, either in person or by mail, to describe their experiences and work,” first appeared as regular columns in volume 5. The design editor for this volume was John R. Wilson.

Image of the front page of newsletter Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage volume 6 (December 1999)

CMH vol. 6 (December 1999)

A series of interviews introducing readers to the members of the RCMSS Advisory Councils was initiated in CMH 6 with profiles of Daniel E. Collins and Edward Kasinec, and continued in volumes 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15-17. Volume 6 also reported on the first Medieval Slavic Summer Institute (MSSI) and set a precedent for a two-page photo spread of the MSSI activities and reactions from the participants.

Image of the front page of newsletter Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage volume 15 (May 2004)

CMH vol. 15 (May 2004)

“News Notes” appeared as a regular feature title in volume 15; earlier issues included the headlines “RCMSS/HRL in the News” (CMH 6), “In the News” (CMH 7, 13), and “RCMSS News Briefs” (CMH 10).

Volume 23 was the first to be published in color. Volumes 1-22 are archived online with color photos inserted in place of the black and white images that were printed.

Image of the page 8 of newsletter Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage volume 23 (June 2008)

CMH 23 (June 2008): 8

Back issues of Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage are available on the OSU Knowledge Bank and the RCMSS website.





Introduction to ScriptoriaSlavica


Welcome to ScriptoriaSlavica, the blog of the Hilandar Research Library and the Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies at The Ohio State University Libraries, Columbus, Ohio. It is appropriate that this blog is launched on May 24th, the feast day (New Style) of SS. Cyril and Methodius, “Apostles to the Slavs” (or “Enlighteners of the Slavs”), as ScriptoriaSlavica is devoted to the study and preservation of medieval Slavic manuscripts and culture.

Color image of folio 155 recto from Hilandar Monastery's Slavic manuscript number 13, Gospels according to St. Luke from the third quarter of the fourteenth century

St. Luke, Gospels, third quarter of the 14th cent.


Besides addressing manuscript topics and noting relevant events, projects, ongoing research, lectures, publications, etc., ScriptoriaSlavica may also serve as a forum for specific requests for information concerning medieval Slavic manuscripts, Eastern Orthodox culture and history, and supports the study of comparative manuscripts traditions (Byzantine, Coptic, Western European, etc.).




Image Source: Hilandar Monastery Slavic Manuscript 13, f. 155r. Photograph by Mateja and Predrag Matejic, 1971


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