
Medieval Slavic Manuscripts and Culture

Category: Hilandar Monastery Manuscripts

Incipitaria Project: Drafts of the Contents of Hilandar Miscellanies

Over the years the Hilandar Research Library (HRL) and the Resource Center for Medieval Slavic (RCMSS) have engaged in various research projects related both to the HRL materials and to the use of these materials. One such project are the Incipitaria or listings of the titles, incipits, and explicits of the various texts contained in the miscellanies (sborniki) found in the Hilandar Monastery Slavic manuscript collection from the 14th-15th centuries.

This project was one of the recommendations made by working groups that met during the First International Hilandar Conference held in Columbus, Ohio, 1981. A number of RCMSS graduate research associates (GRAs) have worked on this project; drafts of these works are available on our HRL website.

HM.SMS.388 and HM.SMS.389 are two fourteenth-century miscellanies of sermons that form a set of panegyrical triodia.




Festschrift for Predrag Matejic, Part 1


The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) and the Cyrillo-Methodian Research Centre (Sofia, Bulgaria) honored Predrag Matejic, Curator of the Hilandar Research Library and Director of the Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies, with а festschrift on the occasion of his 60th birthday (August 2, 2012) that spans issues 3 and 4 of volume 36 (2012) of the prestigious journal Palaeobulgarica/Старо-Българистика.

Image of the front cover of the volume of Palaeobulgarica

Festschrift to Predrag Matejic

Contents of Palaeobulgarica/Старо-Българистика 36.3 (2012):

Svetlana Kuiumdzhieva, “Приносът на д-р Предраг Матеич за развитието на славистиката и българистиката”/’The Contribution of Dr. Predrag Matejic to the Development of Slavistics and Bulgarian Studies,’ 3-10.

Klimentina Ivanova, “За календарните триодни сборници, писани в Хилендарския манастир”/’On the Panegyrical Triodia Written in Hilandar Monastery,’ 11-28.

Francis J. Thomson, “The July and August Volume of the Hilandar Menelogium,” 29-59.

Aksiniia Dzhurova, “За украсените в Blütenblattstil ръкописи от X век – евангелията Berat 4 и Vlorë 5 от Държавния архив в Тирана”/’About Two 10th-Century Manuscripts Illuminated in the ‘Blütenblatt’ Style: The Gospels Berat 4 and Vlorë 5 in the State Archives in Tirana, Albania,’ 60-82.

Svetlana Kuiumdzhieva, “По какъв осмогласник е пял св. Йоан Дамасин?”/’What Did the Book of the Octoechos that St. John Damascene Use Look Like?,’ 83-91.

Cynthia M. Vakareliyska, “Archaic Constantinople Typikon Commemorations in the Menelogion to Apostolus Dečani-Crkolez №2,” 92-103.

Mariyana Tsibranska-Kostova, “Ленгендарната история на Света гора в един печатен апокриф от Венеци (1571–1572)”/’The Legendary History of the Holy Mount in One Printed Apocrypha from Venice (1571-1572),’ 104-124.


Recent Acquisition: Hilandarski zbornik 12 and 13


Predrag Matejic recently returned from a trip to Bulgaria and Serbia with a number of books donated to the Hilandar Research Library by various individuals and institutions. The Serbian Academy of Science and Art presented Dr. Matejic with copies of volumes 12 and 13 of Hilandarski zbornik.

An invaluable work found in volume 13 is Mirko Kovačević’s article on the Hilandar monastic residence, the “white konak,” which was mostly written before the fire of 2004. The article includes detailed architectural drawings and photographs of the building’s interior, exterior, and various ornamental features, as well as devastating images of the ruined structure after the fire.

A photograph of volume 12 of the journal Hilandarski zbornik: the book has a red cloth cover with Serbian Cyrillic name of the journal in silver followed by the numeral 12 at the bottom of the front cover and a silver square seal of the two-headed eagle in the upper right corner of the book.Table of contents for volume 12 (2008):

Калић, Јованка. “Растко Немањић, истраживања”/Kalić, Jovanka. “Rastko Nemanjić – Research.”
Благојевић, Милош. “Хиландарски поседи на Косову и Метохији (XII-XV век)”/Blagojević, Miloš. “Chilandar estates in Kosovo and Metohija (12th-15th centuries).”
Bogdanović, Jelena.
“Some Additional Observations on the Original Tomb of St. Simeon at Hilandar and its Significance for the Architectural History of the Monastery”/Богдановић, Јелена. “Првобитни гроб св. Симеона и његов значај за историју архитектуре манастира Хиландар.”
Pavlikianov, Kyrill. “Unknown Slavic Charter of the Serbian Despot John Ugleša in the Archive of the Athonite Monastery of Vatopedi”/Павликијанов, Кирил. “Непознат словенски акт српског деспота Јована Угљеше из Архива атонског манастира Ватопеда.”
Бубало, Ђорђе. “Прилози српској дипломатици”/Bubalo, Djordje. “Four Studies on Serbian Diplomatics.”
Јовановић, Томислав.
“Карејски и Хиландарски типик у руском преводу из збирке Белокриницког манастира”/Jovanović, Tomislav. “Karayas’ and Chilandar typicons in the Russian translation from the Belokrinici monastery.”
Ракић, Зоран.
“Црква Светог Саве Српског у Хиландару”/Rakić, Zoran. “The Church of St. Sava in Chilandar.”
Бобров, Юрий, Боян Милькович.
“Карейская Богородица Млекопитательница. Краткая история и превоначальный вид”/Бобров, Јуриј, Бојан Миљковић. “Карејска Богородица Млекопитатељница. Кратка историја и првобитни изглед.”
Иванић, Бранка.
“Прилог тумачењу сликаног програма параклиса Светог Ђорђа на пиргу Светог Ђорђа у Хиландару”/Ivanić, Branka. “Additional Interpretation of the Iconographic Programme on the Parecclesion of St. George’s Tower at Chilandar.”
Fotić, Aleksandar.
“Xenophontos in the Ottoman Documents of Chilandar (16th-17th century)”/Фотић, Александар. “Ксенофонт у османским документима манастира Хиландар (16-17. век).”
Стошић, Љиљана.
“Једна непозната илустрована Библија из ризнице манастира Хиландара”/Stošić, Ljiljana. “An Unknown Illustrated Bible from the Chilandar Treasury.”
Peno, Vesna.
“Hilandar Church Chanting in 19th Century in the Frame of Mount Athos Music Tradition.”/Пено, Весна. “Светогорска музичка традиција и црквено појање у Хиландару у XIX веку.”

A photograph of volume 12 of the journal Hilandarski zbornik: the book has a red cloth cover with Serbian Cyrillic name of the journal in silver followed by the numeral 13 at the bottom of the front cover and a silver square seal of the two-headed eagle in the upper right corner of the book.

Table of contents for volume 13 (2011):

Томовић, Гордана.“Манастир Светог Ђорђа и село Уложишта на Дреници”/Tomović, Gordana. “The Saint George Monastery and the Village Uložišta on the Mount Drenica.”
Ковачевић, Мирко.“Конак обновљен 1598/1615. године – Бели конак (25)”/Kovačević, Mirko. “The Restoration of the Konak 1598/1615 – the White Konak (25).”
Петковић, Сретен. “Фреске XVII века у цркви Светог Геогрија у Хиландару”/Petković, Sreten. “17th Century Frescoes from the Church of St. George at Chilandar.”
Пено, Весна. “Мелод и писар Герман Неон Патрон у хиландарским музичким рукописима”/Peno, Vesna. “Melod and Scribe Germanos Neon Patron in Chilandar Music Manuscripts.”
Трипковић, Стевица М. “Обнова конака из 1814. године у манатиру Хиландару”/tripković, Stevica M. “The 1814 Restoration of the Monastic Quarters at Chilandar.”
Бубало, Ђорђе. “Хиландар и стонски доходак у XIX веку”/Bubalo, Djordje. “Chilandar and the Ston Tribute in the 19th Century.”


Watermarks: Identification of Hilandar Fragment 739.III


Prior to the publication of his catalog of the Cyrillic manuscripts of Hilandar Monastery, Dimitrije Bogdanović identified fragments HM.SMS.758.IX and 759.VII as being part of HM.SMS.646 Lestvica (circa 1360-1370), so there is not a separate entry in his catalog for either fragment (cf. Bogdanović 1978: 222, 255 and 256). The fragments were placed with the original manuscript №646.

Напомена. Рукопису придружени листови које су били нађени и заведени као фрагменти 758/IX и 759/VII.” Bogdanović 1978: 222.

Therefore, there is also not a separate record for HM.SMS.758.IX or 759.VII in the two-volume print version of the Matejic & Thomas Catalog (2: 662, 743-746), the OSU Library Catalog, or WorldCat. When the Hilandar manuscripts were photographed, these two fragments thus appear on the reel of microfilm of HM.SMS.646 and not on the reel containing fragments HM.SMS.757.1-III, 758.I-VIII,X, and 759.I-VI, VIII-X.

Image of the description of watermarks in manuscript No. 646 from Bogdanovic's catalog, with the watermark "dragon" and the reference to the watermark album underlined in yellow.

Subsequent research by Predrag Matejic on the watermarks of the Hilandar Monastery manuscripts revealed that fragment HM.SMS.739.III was also from manuscript №646. The publication of this discovery, however, appeared with several critical typos that are now corrected below (noted in boldface):

“Први доказ ваљаности овог метода атрибуције је чињеница да сам помоћу њега утврдио да два фрагмента, бр. 739/III и бр. 759/X припадају хиландарским рукописима бр. 646 и бр. 396 [односно]. У ствари, фрагмент 739/III је део фрагмента 759/VII за који је Димитрије Богдановић утврдио да је део хиландарског рукописа бр. 646.” P. Matejic 1995: 288.

Image of description of Hilandar fragment 739.III from Bogdanovic's catalog, with watermark "dragon" and reference to watermark album underlined in yellow

Tatiana G. Popova today identified fragment HM.SMS.739.III as part of the Lestvica text “Слово к пастырю.”


Image Sources: Bogdanović 1978: 222 and 243.


Богдановић, Димитрије. Каталог ћирилских рукописа Манастира Хиландара. Београд: Српска Академија Наука и Уметности и Народна Библиотека Србије, 1978.

Matejic, Predrag, and Hannah Thomas, comp. Catalog: Manuscripts on Microform of the Hilandar Research Library (The Ohio State University). 2 vols. Columbus, Ohio: The Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies (The Ohio State University), in cooperation with the “Ivan Dujchev” Research Centre for Slavo-Byzantine Studies (Sofia, Bulgaria), 1992.

Матеич, Предраг. “Атрибуција рукописа помоћу анализе папира Хиландар у XIV веку.” В књ.: Проучавање средњовековних јужнословенских рукописа: Зборник радова са међународне хиладнарске конференције одржане од 28. до 30. марта 1989, уред. Павле Ивич, 287-299. Београд: Српска академија наука и уметности, одељенње језика и књижевности, 1995.


Reserved Manuscript Numbers in Hilandar Monastery’s Library


Dimitrije Bogdanović’s catalog of the Cyrillic manuscripts of Hilandar Monastery includes descriptions of three manuscripts that are no longer in Hilandar Monastery’s library: HM.SMS.297, 298, and 435.

Bogdanović quotes from the Hilandar Archives where it is indicated that these shelfmarks are reserved from the time that a Bishop Dimitrije borrowed the manuscripts on June 14, 1896, in order to study them in Beograd. The manuscripts were listed in Hilandar Library’s catalog under the numbers 9, 80, and 174. (Bogdanović 1978: 129)

A photograph of a wall of wooden bookcases in the library of Hilandar Monastery, circa 1970. The bookcases have glass doors and the bound volumes of the manuscripts on the shelves are visible through the glass.

Hilandar Monastery Library (circa 1970)

HM.SMS.297, Teodul’s copy of Teodosij’s Life of Saint Sava (1336) was originally no. 9. “Its fate is not known.” (Bogdanović 1978: 128)

HM.SMS.298, Monk Mark’s copy of the Lives of Simeon and Sava (circa 1360-1370), formerly no. 80, was first listed as no. 1366 in the National Library in Beograd before WWII. The National Library was destroyed during the bombing of Beograd on April 6, 1941, but this manuscript was not in the library at that time, so it survived and is now listed as Ps 17.

HM.SMS.435, Danil’s Miscellany (1553) has also been lost and its fate is unknown. Bogdanović reproduces Sava Hilandarec’s description of the scribal colophon (f. 210r) and the titles of the lives of the Serbian kings contained in the manuscript. (Bogdanović 1978: 167)


Source: Богдановић, Димитрије. Каталог ћирилских рукописа Манастира Хиландара. Београд: Српска Академија Наука и Уметности и Народна библиотека Србије, 1978.

Image Source: Photo by Walt Craig, circa 1970