
Medieval Slavic Manuscripts and Culture

Tag: Travelers to and from Mount Athos

Book Launch in Serbia includes Biography of Elder Nikanor of Hilandar


Sunday, June 29, 2014 in the afternoon in the Ružica Church in the Kalemegdan Fortress in Beograd, there will be a book launch of two new titles:

Starac Nikanor Hilendarac by Protojerej stavrofor Srboljub Miletić, and

Zapovedni crkveni praznici kod Srba by Protojerej stavrofor Dušan Kolundžić.

E-invitation for a book launch with a photograph of the book cover (picture of Monk Nikanor) and the cover a book about church feast days in Serbia with image of Andrei Rublev's Holy Trinity

Invitation to a book launch for a biography of Elder Nikanor of Hilandar

Elder Nikanor was at Hilandar Monastery when the Very Rev. Dr. Mateja Matejic, Walt Craig, and later Predrag Matejic were filming the manuscripts in Hilandar Monastery’s library. There are photos of Father Nikanor among the Hilandar Research Library’s slide collection, some of which were incorporated into the video interview of Predrag Matejic’s visits to Mount Athos that formed a part of the Thompson Library exhibit (Summer 2013) at The Ohio State University: “Travelers to and from Mount Athos: The Translation of Culture, Knowledge, and Spirituality.” The Very Rev. Miroljub Ružić also mentions Father Nikanor in the interview he gave for the same exhibit.


6th International Hilandar Conference, July 19-21, 2013


The 6th International Hilandar Conference, “Medieval Slavic Text and Image in the Cultures of Orthodoxy,” begins Friday, July 19th, with an opening reception and keynote lecture at the Blackwell Inn on the campus of The Ohio State University at 6pm. Beginning at 6:15pm, welcoming remarks will be made by David C. Manderscheid, Executive Dean and Vice-Provost of the College of Arts and Sciences, Lisa R. Carter, Associate Director for Special Collections and Area Studies of the OSU Libraries, and Predrag Matejic, Curator of the Hilandar Research Library (HRL) and Director of the Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies (RCMSS).

Image of Andrei, Fool for Christ, from an original manuscript in the collection of the Hilandar Research Library

Andrei, Fool-for-Christ SPEC.OSU.HRL.SMS.2

Mirjana Živojinović, the President of the Hilandar Committee and a distinguished member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, will present the keynote address, “My Hilandar,” about her life’s work on the history and documents of the Serbian Orthodox Hilandar Monastery on Mount Athos.

20 papers will be presented at the 6th International Hilandar Conference in six panels on Saturday, July 20th (9:00 am to 5:00 pm) and July 21 (9:00 am to 12:00 pm) in Thompson Library, Room 165. The panel topics include “Hilandar Monastery,” “Image – Visual Theology,” “Focal Points of Culture,” “Medieval Textual Tradition,” “Liturgical Tradition,” and “Reinterpreting the Textual Tradition.” The presentations will be 20 minutes in length with time for questions at the end of each session.

View the preliminary program.

In conjunction with this summer’s major events sponsored by the RCMSS and the HRL, i.e., the Medieval Slavic Summer Institute and the 6th International Hilandar Conference, the exhibit in the Thompson Library Gallery is “Travelers to and from Mount Athos: The Translation of Culture, Knowledge, and Spirituality.” Summer hours of the Gallery in Thompson Library, 1st floor, are Mondays-Fridays, 10am to 4pm, and Saturdays and Sundays from noon to 4pm.


7th Biennial Medieval Slavic Summer Institute (MSSI)


Photo of MSSI participants and HRL/RCMSS staff in the Special Collections Reading Room

MSSI 2013 Orientation

The Seventh Biennial Medieval Slavic Summer Institute (MSSI) opened on Monday, June 24, 2013, with 11 of the 12 participants in attendance. The orientation was held in the Conference Room (105C) of the Jack and Jan Creighton Special Collections Reading Room of the Thompson  Library.

Predrag Matejic, Director of the Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies (RCMSS), welcomed the participants and led the introductions; Rebecca Jewett, Assistant Curator of Rare Books and Manuscripts and the Reading Room Manager, reviewed the procedures for conducting research, paging books, etc. Helene Senecal, RCMSS Coordinator, addressed the logistics of the housing and university benefits for the non-OSU students; Lyubomira Parpulova Gribble, HRL Assistant Curator, shared her research interests with the group; RCMSS GA Lauren Ressue introduced the participants to the OSU learning management system “Carmen”; and Daniel E. Collins of the OSU Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures said a few words about the “Readings in Church Slavonic” course that he teaches during the MSSI.

Photo of the MSSI participants and HRL/RCMSS staff at a table in the faculty club

MSSI 2013 Luncheon at the OSU Faculty Club

The participants viewed the online video, Preserving and Accessing the Past: The History of the Hilandar Research Library and the Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies, and then toured Thompson Library, where they wound up at a gallery talk about the current exhibit, Travelers to and from Mount Athos: The Translation of Culture, Knowledge, and Spirituality.

Luncheon was held at the OSU Faculty Club, followed by the first session of the MSSI from 2pm to 4pm, where Daniel Collins led the class through a reading of a prayer of St. John Chrysostom in manuscript BAN.13.7.5.


Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage 33 (June 2013) Available


The latest issue of Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage, vol. 33 (June 2013), is now available, and readers in the US have reported receipt of the RCMSS/HRL newsletter in the mail. The lead article describes the current exhibit in the Thompson Library Gallery, May 15-September 8, 2013: “Travelers to and from Mount Athos: The Translation of Culture, Knowledge, and Spirituality,” an exhibit of the Hilandar Research Library.


Photo of the front cover of the RCMSS/HRL newsletter volume 33 , June 2013

CMH 33 (June 2013)

Additional highlights of this issue include:

  • a two-page article by Peter DeSimone (MSSI 2008, RCMSS graduate associate, and OSU History PhD 2012), “Old Rite in Late Tsarist Russia: Documents of the Moscow Old Ritualists in the Pimen Sofronov Collection”;
  • the preliminary program of the forthcoming 6th International Hilandar Conference, July 19-21, 2013;
  • RCMSS & HRL News Notes;
  • Director’s Desk;
  • an article outlining the various ways to support the Hilandar Research Library and the Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies, along with a list of recent contributions to the Hilandar Endowment Fund, Hilandar’s Friends of the Library Fund, and Gifts in Kind.