
Medieval Slavic Manuscripts and Culture

Tag: Robert Romanchuk

49th Annual Convention of the Association for Slavic, East European, & Eurasian Studies (ASEEES)

November 9-12, 2017, the 49th Annual ASEEES Convention was held in the Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile Hotel on Michigan Avenue. The convention theme “Transgressions” was inspired by the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution.

As usual, one had to weigh the merits of the panels and roundtables in each session, considering both the known and unknown participants, the provocative titles that may or may not live up to their titles, and the wide array of fascinating topics before making one’s selection of which panels and/or individual papers to attend.

Two medieval Slavic-themed panels were scheduled during the opening session on Thursday afternoon (1pm-2:45pm) as was the first Slavic librarian panel:

Session 1-36: Transgressions in Translation Panel 1: Transgressive Translations in the Slavic Middle Ages – “Navy Pier” Room, 10th floor
Chair: David J. Birnbaum, U of Pittsburgh
Papers: Robert Romanchuk, Florida State U, “The Slavic Digenis Akritis: Translation out of Greek vs. Translation into Slavic”;
Moshe Taube, Hebrew U of Jerusalem (Israel), “Subversive Translations from Hebrew in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and in Muscovy”;
Discussant: Julia Verkholantsev, U of Pennsylvania.

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Polata Knigopisnaia

Poziv za slanje radova

         Polata Knigopisnaia jedini je međunarodni časopis posvećen proučavanju slovenske srednjovekovne pismenosti na Zapadu. Od samog pojavljivanja – od 1978. godine – časopis Polata Knigopisnaia posvećen je održavanju visokog nivoa kvaliteta radova koji se u njemu objavljuju. Od 2006. godine časopis je dostupan samo kao internet izdanje na internet adresi Banke znanja Državnog univerziteta u Ohaju (Knowledge Bank at The Ohio State University): <>

Polata knigopisnaia 1 (1978)

Polata Knigopisnaia 1 (1978)

Urednici časopisa, Kristijano Didi (Cristiano Diddi) sa Univerziteta u Salernu (University of Salerno), M. A. Džonson iz Hilandarske istraživačke biblioteke Državnog univerziteta Ohaja (Hilandar Research Library at The Ohio State University) i Robert Romančuk (Robert Romanchuk) sa Državnog univerziteta Floride (Florida State University), primenjivaće novi sistem recenziranja radova potencijalnih saradnika od 2007. godine pa nadalje.

Svi potencijalni saradnici časopisa za koje urednici budu smatrali da su zadovoljili kriterijume časopisa biće anonimno recenzirani od strane dva recenzenta.

Recenzenti časopisa su: Dejvid Birnbaum (David J. Birnbaum) sa Univerziteta u Pitsburgu (University of Pittsburgh), Danijel Kolins (Daniel E. Collins) sa Državnog univerziteta Ohaja (The Ohio State University), Predrag Matejić iz Hilandarske istraživačke biblioteke Državnog univerziteta Ohaja (Hilandar Research Library at The Ohio State University), Dženifer Spok (Jennifer Spock) sa Univerziteta Istočnog Kentakija (Eastern Kentucky University) i Julija Verkholancev (Julia Verkholantsev) sa Univerziteta u Pensilvaniji (University of Pennsylvania).

Urednici časopisa Polata Knigopisnaia objavljuju poziv za slanje radova koji bi trebalo da se pojave u 2014. godini, u svesci br. 39. Polata Knigopisnaia objavljuje izdanja srednjovekovnih slovenskih tekstova, ali i članke, indekse, bibliografije i prikaze posvećene slovenskim srednjovekovnim tekstovima (rukopisima i štampanim knjigama), posebno njihovom istorijskom i kulturnom kontekstu.

Autori koji žele priložiti rad dodatne informacije o tematici časopisa i načinu priređivanja radova mogu dobiti od urednika časopisa.



Cristiano Diddi

M.A. Johnson

Robert Romanchuk

CFP: Polata Knigopisnaia 39 (2014)


Polata Knigopisnaia Issues Call for Papers

Polata Knigopisnaia, an international journal of Early Slavic books, texts, and literatures, is the only Western serial focused primarily on the study of Early Slavic manuscripts and material texts. Since publication began in 1978 it has maintained a rigorously high level of quality; from 2006 it has been available exclusively on-line at the Knowledge Bank at The Ohio State University:


Polata knigopisnaia 1 (1978)The editors of Polata Knigopisnaia, Cristiano Diddi of the University of Salerno, M. A. Johnson of the Hilandar Research Library at The Ohio State University, and Robert Romanchuk of Florida State University, have adopted an editorial-board peer review system for contributions from 2007 forward. All contributions that the editors consider to fit the scope and criteria of PK will be reviewed anonymously by two members of the editorial board.

The editorial board of Polata Knigopisnaia is: David J. Birnbaum of the University of Pittsburgh, Daniel E. Collins of The Ohio State University, Predrag Matejic of the Hilandar Research Library at The Ohio State University, Jennifer Spock of Eastern Kentucky University, and Julia Verkholantsev of the University of Pennsylvania.

The editors of Polata Knigopisnaia are issuing a call for papers to appear in vol. 39 (2014). PK publishes scholarly articles, editions, indexes, and bibliographical and review essays related to Early Slavic texts, manuscripts, and early printed books, and their historical and cultural contexts.

Authors considering submitting an article are encouraged to contact an editor to discuss length and subject matter, and to obtain a style sheet.


Cristiano Diddi <>

M.A. Johnson <>

Robert Romanchuk <>

Books from the Russian National Library


Among the books that we have added to our collection in the past year are a half a dozen that came to us thanks to Zhanna Levshina of the Manuscripts Division of the Russian National Library, St. Petersburg. We are also grateful to Robert Romanchuk, professor of Russian, Slavic and medieval studies at Florida State University (Tallahassee), for bringing the books to us from Russia. This post highlights a book of research on the Ostromir Gospel.

Front cover of the book - midnight blue with a color image of the miniature of St. Luke from the Ostromir Gospel on the front, with the title of the manuscript above the image, and the subtitle of the book below the image

A collection of scholarly articles on the Ostromir Gospel (St. Petersburg: RNB, 2010)

E.V. Krushel’nitskaia, otvet. red., A. A. Alekseev, M. IU. Liubimova, i dr.; sostav. Zh. L. Levshina, Ostromirovo Evanglie i sovremennye issledovaniia rukopisnoi traditsii novozavetnykh tekstov: Sbornik nauchnykh statei (St. Petersburg: Russian National Library, 2010).

This is a collection of articles on the Ostromir Gospel, the earliest extant dated East Slavic manuscript, published on the occasion of the 950th anniversary of the creation of codex (1056-1057).


Осторомирово Евангелие: вопросы изучения и восприятия памятника/The Ostromir Gospel: Questions regarding the Study and Reception of the Monument

От редколлегии/’From the editors,’ 7-11
Е. В. Крушельницкая, “Остромирово Евангелие и Российская национальная библиотека: хранение и изучение памятника”/’The Ostromir Gospel and the Russian National Library: the Housing/Preservation and Study of the Monument,’ 15-40.
A. A. Aлексеев, “Остромирово Евангелие и византийско-славянская традиция Священного Писания”/’The Ostromir Gospel and the Byzantino-Slavic Tradition of the Holy Scriptures,’ 41-59
О. С. Попова, “Остромирово Евангелие: Миниатюры и орнаменты”/’The Ostromir Gospel: Miniatures and Ornamentation,’ 60-84
А. В. Сиренов, “Мнение старообряцев о подложности Остромирово Евангелия”/’The Opinion of the Old Believers on the Spuriousness of the Ostromir Gospel,’ 85-94

Image of the full-page illumination of St. Luke

Miniature of St. Luke from the Ostromir Gospel

Книжная традиция новозаветных текстов: разные аспекты исследования/’The Literary Tradition of New Testament Texts: Various Aspects of Research’

К. Попконстантинов, “Евангельские тексты в эпиграфических памятниках средневековой Болгарии”/’Gospel Texts in the Epigraphical Monuments of Medieval Bulgaria,’ 97-105
В. А. Есипова, “Новозаветные тексты в составе рукописей из сибирского собрания XIII‒XVIII веков”/’New Testament Texts in the Structure of a Siberian Collection of the 13th-18th Centuries,’ 106-116
А. А. Турилов, “Из какого евангельского кодекса происходит послесловие анагноста Радина?” 117-127
С. Г. Жемайтис, “Спиридоний—диакон, протодиакон, писец Киевской Псалтири и Евангелия 1393 года: опыт реконструкции биографии,” 128-147
В.А. Ромодановская, “Маргиналии в Евангелиях Геннадиевской Библии 1499 года (на примере Евангелия от Иоанна)”/’Marginalia in the Gospels of the Gennadii Bible of 1499 (for example, the Gospel According to John),’ 148-161
Е. К. Братчикова, “Сийское Евангелие XVII века—’редчайший образец иллюстрированного апракоса’ (особенности текстовой и изобразительной композиции),” 162-171
О. В. Чумичева, “Символы евангелистов в русской рукописной традиции,” 172-180
И. Д. Соловьева, “К истории живописного оклада русских напрестольных Евангелий,” 181-190
О. А. Белоброва, “Дневникове записи военного моряка Д. П. Белоброва на Евангелии, изданном на церковнославянском языке в Киево-Печеской лавре в 1900 году,” 191-197
Г. Импости, “Два знаменитых библиотекаря: Джузеппе Меццофанти и Александр Востоков,” 198-209
В. Н. Алексеев, Е. И. Дергачева-Скоп, А. Ю. Бородихин, А. В. Шабанов
, “Цифровая версия Острожской Библии: к проблеме максимального функционального приближения электронного образа к живому к ‘живому’ памятнику,” 210-218

Евангельский текст и древнерусские нотированные рукописи/’The Gospel Text and Old Russian Notated Manuscripts’

Н. В. Рамазанова, “Остромирово Евангелие и древнерусские нотированные рукописи,” 221-238
А. Н. Кручинина, “Евангельский текст в древнерусских песнопениях,” 239-249
А. Н. Гаевская, “Неделя о мытаре и фарисее: евангельское чтение, гимнография, роспев,” 250-263
Ю. В. Жилина, “Евангельские чтения в службе Сретения Господня,” 264-274

Юбилейные выставки в Отделе рукописей Российской национальной библиотеки/’Jubilee Exhibitions in the Manuscripts Division of the Russian National Library’

Е. В. Крушельницкая и В.А. Ромодановская, “Обзор,” 277-279
Остромирово Евангелие и рукописная традиция новозаветных текстов:
И. Н. Лебедева, “Греческие рукописи евангельских текстовVI–XIII веков,” 280-285
Ж. Л. Левшина, “Южнославянские рукописные Евангелия,”286-301
О. С. Сапожникова, Е. Э. Шевченко, “Рукописные Евангелия в Древней Руси и Новой России: XI–XIX веков,” 302-322
Н. В. Рамазанова, “Певческие рукописи XII–XVII веков,” 323-332
М. Г. Логутова, “Евангелие в западноевропеŭскоŭ рукописноŭ традиции: от слова к образу,” 333-339
О. В. Васильева, “Рукописи Нового Завета на восточных языках,” 340-349

Список сокращений/’List of Abbreviations,’ 350-352
Иллюстрации/’Illustrations,’ 353-416.

Beautiful, full-color plates

Other titles include:

Brown background with two white strips in the lower half of the book, one with the name of the author, the other with the title. Above the white strips is a black and white photograph of a young Vladimir Mošin

Front cover of “Archpriest Vladimir Mošin” (St. Petersburg, 2012)

Протоиереŭ Владимир Мошин, Воспоминания/’Reminiscences’ (Санкт-Петербург Цветослов, 2012). Издание подготовили Ж. Л. Левшина и Е. А. Пережогина.

Back cover in brown with two black and white photos - one of Mošin as an elderly man, one of a blond boy between his parents.

Back cover of “Archpriest Vladimir Mošin” (St. Petersburg, 2012)












Ж. Л. Левшина, ред. Жития, Святитель Николай Жичский: Служба—Житие—Житије (Санкт-Петербург Цветослов, 2013). The book includes a tribute to Hrizostom, Bishop of  Žiča (1939-2012), and a former librarian of Hilandar Monastery

Red front cover with title and publisher's name in white, in the middle is a color photo of an icon of the saint - on a gold background

St. Nicholas, Bishop of Žiča (Serbia): Office – Life (St. Petersburg, 2013)