
Medieval Slavic Manuscripts and Culture

Tag: Klimentina Ivanova

Studia mediaevalia Slavica et Byzantina, v. 1

The Institute of Literature of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences publishes a journal devoted to medieval Slavonic and Byzantine studies. Each issue focuses on a particular theme or specific topics.  Volume one, which includes articles on death and funeral rites in the Judaeo-Christian tradition, the Slavonic Euchologion, and the alphabet and Typikon as foundations of medieval Slavonic literature, was published in memory of Stefan Kozhukharov.

vol. 1 (2011), Смъртта и погребението в юдео-христианската традиция / Death and Funeral in the Jewish-Christian tradition, compiled and edited by Regina Koicheva and Anissava Miltenova.

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Conference on Stanislav’s Reading Menologion: May 21, 2013, Sofia, Bulgaria



A conference will be held at the University of Sofia on May 21st on the topic of the Stanislav Reading Menologion. The day-long conference, which is a part of the project “Reconstruction of the Preslav Hagiographical Collections: the Study and Publication of the Stanislav Reading Menologion” (see description of project below),* aims to bring together scholars from different areas of Palaeoslavic studies who have research experience with manuscript No. 1039, preserved in the SS. Cyril and Methodius National Library of Bulgaria in Sofia.

Discussion topics include:

  • History of the manuscript
  • Characteristics of the codex
  • Codicological, paleographic, linguistic, textological features
  • Translation and adaptation of original Byzantine hagiographical texts in a South Slavic context
  • Digital resources, providing access to medieval Slavonic texts and codices.


Първо заседание/ Session 1 (9:00 – 11:00)

Проф. дфн Боряна Христова (НБКМ, София) Думи за ръкопис № 1039 (Станиславов чети-миней) от НБКМ / Words about Ms. 1039 (Stanislavs Menologion) from the National Library in Sofia

Проф. д-р Климентина Иванова (СУ, КМНЦ, София) Представянето на староизводните чети-минеи в Bibliotheca Hagiographica BalcanoSlavica (BHBS) и проблемите, които остават нерешени/The Place of the Old Redaction Menologia in Bibliotheca Hagiographica BalcanoSlavica (BHBS): Cases Unsolved

Проф. чл. кор. Иван Добрев (София) Лексикални особености в ръкопис № 1039 (Станиславов чети-миней) /Lexical Characteristics of Ms. 1039 (Stanislavs Menologion)

Проф. дфн Боряна Велчева (София) За показателните местоимения в ръкопис № 1039/About the Demonstrative Pronouns in Ms. 1039

Дискусия /Discussion

Кафе пауза /Coffee Break

Второ заседание/ Session 2 (11:10 – 13:00)

Д-р Явор Милтенов (ИБЕ, БАН, София) Бележки върху състава и историята на НБКМ 1039/Notes On the Content and History of Ms.1039 from the National Library in Sofia

Д-р Диана Атанасова (СУ, София) Станиславовият чети-миней и институционализираното четене (особености на състава и ролята на Устава)/ Stanislav’s Menologion and the Institutionalized Reading (Content Characteristics and Role of the Typicon)

Д-р Анета Димитрова (СУ, София) Йоан Златоуст в ръкопис № 1039 от НБКМ/ St. John Chrysostom in Ms. 1039 from the National Library in Sofia

Проф. дфн Искра Христова-Шомова (СУ, София) Съставът на ранните славянски празнични минеи в съпоставка със състава на ранните чети-сборници/Comparative Study of the Contents of the Early Festal Menaia and of the Early Reading Miscellanies

Дискусия /Discussion

Обедна почивка/ Lunch Break

Трето заседание/ Session 3 (14:00 – 15:30)

Доц. д-р Андрей Бояджиев (СУ, София) Палеографски и езикови наблюдения върху ръкописис № 1039 от НБКМ/Paleographic and Language Observations on Ms. 1039 from National Library in Sofia

Докт. Цветомира Данова (КМНЦ, София) Слово за Въздвижение на кръста от св. Андрей Критски по ръкопис НБКМ 1039 /The Homily on the Elevation of the Cross by St. Andrew of Crete in Ms. 1039 from the National Library in Sofia  

Д-р Мая Петрова-Танева (ИЛ, БАН, София) Житието на Ефросина Александрийска в Станиславовия чети-миней (НБКМ 1039) от XIV в./The Life of St Euphrosyne of Alexandria in the Stanislavs Menologion (Ms. 1039) from the Fourteenth Century

Prof. Dieter Stern (Universiteit Gent, Belgium) Deviations from Literalism: Remarks on the Slavic Translation of the Greek Life of Abraham of Qidun /Отклонения от буквализма: коментар върху славянския превод на гръцкото Житие на преподобния Аврамий

Дискусия /Discussion

Кафе пауза /Coffee Break

Четвърто заседание/ Session 4 (15:40 – 18:00)

Dr. Małgorzata Skowronek (Uniwersytet Łódzki) Култът към св. Архангели и други безплътни сили в Станиславовия чети-миней/ The Cult of St. Archangels and Other Bodiless Powers in Stanislav’s Menologion

Д-р Любка Ненова (ЮЗУ, Благоевград) Някои езикови особености в Житието на св. Йоан Милостиви от ръкопис НБКМ 1039/ Some Linguistic Characteristics of the Life of St. John the Merciful in Мs. 1039 from the National Library in Sofia

Dr. Lara Sels (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven/ Universiteit Gent, Belgium) Prof. David J. Birnbaum (University of Pittsburgh, USA) Editing the Bdinski Sbornik as a Multilayered Reality/ За издаването на Бдинския сборник като многопластова реалност  

Проф. дфн Анна-Мария Тотоманова (СУ, София) Електронни инструменти за обработка на средновековни славянски текстове/ е-Tools for Processing Medieval Slavic Texts

Д-р Диана Атанасова (СУ, София), докт. Козма Поповски (КМНЦ, София) Представяне на сайта Hagioslavica/ Presentation of the Website Hagioslavica

Дискусия /Discussion

Закриване на конференцията/ Closing of the Conference

* * *

Конференцията е във връзка с изследователски проект „Реконструкция на преславските агиографски сборници: издание и изследване на Станиславовия чети-миней” (ДМУ 03/19), финансиран от Фонд „Научни изследвания” към МОНМ.
*Reconstruction of the Preslav Hagiographical Collections: Study and Publication of the Stanislav’s Menologion” is the title of a project developed by a team of young Bulgarian medievalists. Its principal task is the preparation and publication (both digital and traditional) and research of Stanislav’s Menologion (better known as manuscript No. 1039 from the National Library in Sofia). It is one of the most valuable medieval Slavic manuscripts, preserved in the “St. St. Cyril and Methodius“ National Library. Stanislav’s Menologion is significant because, although it is a 14th-century copy, it preserves a number of archaic texts that allow us to reconstruct faithfully the original contents of menologia that were compiled and translated during the Golden Age of medieval Bulgarian literature and culture.

Source: Email  from Diana Atanassova.


Recent Acquisition: Kirilo-Metodievski Studii 21


Newly arrived:

Image of the front cover of the journal Kirilo-Metodievski Studii volume 21

Festschrift to Heinz Miklas

Kirilo-Metodievski Studii 21, which is a festschrift to Heinz Miklas.

Edited by Tatiana Mostrova, with a tribute to Heinz Miklas by Svetlina Nikolova, contributors include: Desislava Atanasova, Elka Bakalova, Galina Baranokova, Aksiniia Dzhurova, Jasmina Grković-Major, Klimentina Ivanova, Ivona Karachorova, Antonija Zaradija Kiš, Alda Giambelluca Kossova, Irina Kuzidova, Georgi Minczew, Boiko Mircheva, Tatiana Mostrova, Svetlina Nikolova, Tatiana Pentkovskaia, Kazimir Popkonstantinov, Maria Schnitter, Irena Špadier, Radoslava Stankova, Anatolii Turilov, William R. Veder, and Christian Voss.

The articles touch on the following topics: Bogomilism, the Gospels of Romanian rulers, the Bychkov Psalter, the Book of Jeremiah, Anastasius of Sinai, the Archangel Michael, St. Clement of Rome, St. Basil the Younger, Cyril of Turov, Bishop Cyprian, the Alexander Myth, the functional styles of Serbian Church Slavonic, etc.

See table of contents.


Festschrift for Predrag Matejic, Part 1


The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) and the Cyrillo-Methodian Research Centre (Sofia, Bulgaria) honored Predrag Matejic, Curator of the Hilandar Research Library and Director of the Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies, with а festschrift on the occasion of his 60th birthday (August 2, 2012) that spans issues 3 and 4 of volume 36 (2012) of the prestigious journal Palaeobulgarica/Старо-Българистика.

Image of the front cover of the volume of Palaeobulgarica

Festschrift to Predrag Matejic

Contents of Palaeobulgarica/Старо-Българистика 36.3 (2012):

Svetlana Kuiumdzhieva, “Приносът на д-р Предраг Матеич за развитието на славистиката и българистиката”/’The Contribution of Dr. Predrag Matejic to the Development of Slavistics and Bulgarian Studies,’ 3-10.

Klimentina Ivanova, “За календарните триодни сборници, писани в Хилендарския манастир”/’On the Panegyrical Triodia Written in Hilandar Monastery,’ 11-28.

Francis J. Thomson, “The July and August Volume of the Hilandar Menelogium,” 29-59.

Aksiniia Dzhurova, “За украсените в Blütenblattstil ръкописи от X век – евангелията Berat 4 и Vlorë 5 от Държавния архив в Тирана”/’About Two 10th-Century Manuscripts Illuminated in the ‘Blütenblatt’ Style: The Gospels Berat 4 and Vlorë 5 in the State Archives in Tirana, Albania,’ 60-82.

Svetlana Kuiumdzhieva, “По какъв осмогласник е пял св. Йоан Дамасин?”/’What Did the Book of the Octoechos that St. John Damascene Use Look Like?,’ 83-91.

Cynthia M. Vakareliyska, “Archaic Constantinople Typikon Commemorations in the Menelogion to Apostolus Dečani-Crkolez №2,” 92-103.

Mariyana Tsibranska-Kostova, “Ленгендарната история на Света гора в един печатен апокриф от Венеци (1571–1572)”/’The Legendary History of the Holy Mount in One Printed Apocrypha from Venice (1571-1572),’ 104-124.