The OSU Department of History of Art organized a Symposium in Honor of Myroslava M. Mudrak on Saturday, October 5, 2013. Professor Andrew C. Shelton, chair of the Department of History of Art, opened the venue with a heartfelt encomium to Professor Mudrak, who retired from the department June 1st after 31 years. The symposium was composed of presentations by four of Professor Mudrak’s former students (see the program below). Myroslava Mudrak responded to the tribute in the closing remarks of the symposium, and then the participants and the audience of students, colleagues, friends, and staff members adjourned to the graduate students’ reading room in Pomerene Hall for refreshments and more laudatory remarks – from colleagues both on site and from others who sent best wishes via email.
Professor Mudrak has been a friend and supporter of the Hilandar Research Project from the time of her arrival on campus, and has served on the Advisory Board for the Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies since its inception.
The Department of History of Art has established in tribute the “Myroslava M. Mudrak Graduate Research Fund in the History of Art,” fund #314565. “In the spirit of Dr. Mudrak’s teaching and mentoring, the fund supports research for graduate students in the Department of History of Art who have demonstrated intent to pursue professional work related to the visual arts after graduation.” If you wish to make a donation, contribute online at