
Medieval Slavic Manuscripts and Culture

Tag: Music Manuscripts

Recent Book Donations, Spring 2014


The Hilandar Research Library has received a number of books as gifts in kind this spring from various donors. Among the donors are researchers who have worked with HRL materials both recently and in the past, anonymous gifts from the local Greek Orthodox community, donors who are adding to existing collections, as well as a colleague once removed who want to find a good home for her books. We greatly appreciate the spirit of the support and patronage that all offers of book donations imply, but we are limited by space and our collection development policy by what we can accept. Happily, the books offered to us below were ones we did not already have and all of them enhance our collection of secondary source material. Below is a selection of the most recent donations.

Picture of the cover of the book- light brown cover with the authors' names and the title in a reddish brown

Loveshki Damaskin: A “Vernacular” Monument from the 17th Century (Sofia, 2013)

Olga Mladenova, professor in the Department of Linguistics, Languages, and Cultures at the University of Calgary, Canada, was invited to The Ohio State University in March 2013 to present the 16th Annual Kenneth E. Naylor Memorial Lecture in South Slavic Linguistics. Her talk “The Rise of Modern Bulgarian Literacy in the Seventeenth Century: New Facts and Interpretations,” focused on the texts found in the Bulgarian damaskini, compilations of excerpts from religious and liturgical works that are written in the vernacular of the 17th-18th centuries, rather than in Church Slavonic. While here, she spent a few days in the Hilandar Research Library looking at available resources on the damaskini, which she has incorporated into this gift book, Ловешки дамаскин новобългарски паметник от XVII век, co-authored by Boriana Velcheva (Sofia, 2013). Professor Mladenova vowed to return! She spent 10 days here last month, continuing her work on the damaskini, so there will likely be a companion volume to the Loveshki Damaskin in the near future.

Dust jacket of the book with author's name and the title on a yellowish-green background above a picture of a mosaic bird

Averil Cameron’s Byzantine Matters (Princeton, 2014)

We received two books as part of an anonymous donation from someone we know to be from the Greek Orthodox community here in Columbus, Ohio. One is Averil Cameron‘s most recent publication, Byzantine Matters, five essays on controversial themes related to Byzantine studies. The second book is the exhibition catalogue for Treasures of Mount Athos, co-sponsored by the Holy Community of Mount Athos, the Organization for the Cultural Capital of Europe (Thessaloniki 1997), and the Museum of Byzantine Culture of the Greek Ministry of Culture. The exhibition catalogue is in English, and full of beautiful photographs of the items that were on display.

Cover of the book is an image of the Byzantine Emperor Alexios III Comnenos and St. John the Baptist, circa 1375 - the front of a two-sided icon from Dionysiou Monastery on Mount Athos

Treasures of Mount Athos (Thessaloniki, 1997)

In addition to commentary on the Exhibition itself and the Exhibition Catalogue, there are messages from various dignitaries included, an introduction, and sections on Painting (Monumental Painting, Portable Icons, Anthivola, Paper Icons, and Illuminated Manuscripts), Sculpture (Byzantine Sculpture, Stone-Carving, Wood-carving), Minor Art – Church Embroidery (Minor Art, Ceramics, Church Embroidery, Antimensia), Historical Archives (Greek Documents, Ottoman Documents, Slavonic Documents, Romanian Documents, Monastery Seals), and Libraries (Greek Manuscripts, Slavonic Manuscripts, Georgian Manuscripts, Music Manuscripts, and Incunabula).

Cover of the book is a photograph of an ancient fortress with the mountains behind it viewed from an archway; the title is written in white letters on a maroon band horizontally across the middle of the cover, below the band is a photograph of a stone with a Cyrillic inscription on it.

The Ancient Bulgars: The Discussion Continues (Sofia, 2014)

Tsvetelin Stepanov (Centre for Cultural Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, Sofia University, Bulgaria), who spent some time in Spring 2005 conducting research in the Hilandar Research Library, sent us his latest book: a selection of articles compiled and edited by him, entitled The Ancient Bulgars: The Discussion Continues (= Bŭlgarska vechnost 106) (Sofia, 2014). Besides Stepanov’s introduction (7-15) and article on the origin of the Bulgarian aristocratic titles – “(Indo-)Iranian, Turkic or Other?” (119-134), this compilation includes articles by Atanas Stamatov on the Christianization of  the Armenian Bulgars (16-26); Petŭr Goliiski on Bulgars near the Caucasus during the 2nd-5th centuries according to Armenian sources (27-35), Boris Zhivkov on the legend of Kubrat (36-49), Aleksandŭr Aleksiev-Khofart on Indo-Iranian mythological and religious traces in several Old Bulgarian monuments (50-65), Todor Chobanov on pagan temples in Danube Bulgaria (66-90), Oksana Minaeva on the legacy of the Sassanid culture and its parallels in Bulgarian metalwork during the 7th-9th centuries (91-118), and Alexandŭr Moshev on new epigraphical data on the presence of the Bulgars in the Black Sea area in the 2nd-5th centuries (135-141).


Recent Acquisition: Byzantium without Borders


A recent acquisition comes as a donation from Svetlana Kuiumdzhieva, renown musicologist and vice-president of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. It is the most recent issue of Българско музикознание /Bulgarian Musicology 36.3-4 (2012), which contains the proceedings of “Byzantium Without Borders: Hymnography and Music in the Byzantine World,” the 22nd International Congress of Byzantine Studies that was held in Sofia, Bulgaria, August 22-27, 2011.BulgarskoMuzikoznanie3-4

The papers are divided into three sections: New Sources, New Approaches, and Distinguished Personalities.

“New Sources” includes articles by Svetlana Kuiumdzhieva on the Tropologion, Yuliya Artamonova on Znamennaia Notation, Gregory Myers on the ritual and music for the Dedication of a Church; Olga Grinchenko discussing Byzantine and Slavic Kontakaria, and musical manuscripts from Sozopolis (by Stefan Harkov) and in Ohrid and Tirana (by Asen Atanasov).

Christian Troelsgärd addresses a “new approach” in “The Construction and Dissemination of the Middle Byzantine Musical Notation,” Nina Zakharina considers “On the Reforms (‘Ispravlenie’) of Russian Liturgical Chant Books from the 11th to the 19th Century,” Galina Alekseeva and Denis Gordeev write on “Mechanisms for the Adaptation of Byzantine Culture in Russia: Chant, Church Service,” and Elena Toncheva‘s abstract alludes to discussion “About the Modal Characteristics during the Post-Byzantine Period: Based on Sources in Slavonic Church Music.”

Prominent figures in Byzantine and Slavic musicology discussed are: Gregory of Nyssa – by Anna Arevshatyan, Photios – by Silvia Tessari, Apostol Nikolaev-Strumski – by Stefka Venkova, and Hieronymus Tragodistes – by Christiana Demetriou.


Recent Acquisition: Hilandarski zbornik 12 and 13


Predrag Matejic recently returned from a trip to Bulgaria and Serbia with a number of books donated to the Hilandar Research Library by various individuals and institutions. The Serbian Academy of Science and Art presented Dr. Matejic with copies of volumes 12 and 13 of Hilandarski zbornik.

An invaluable work found in volume 13 is Mirko Kovačević’s article on the Hilandar monastic residence, the “white konak,” which was mostly written before the fire of 2004. The article includes detailed architectural drawings and photographs of the building’s interior, exterior, and various ornamental features, as well as devastating images of the ruined structure after the fire.

A photograph of volume 12 of the journal Hilandarski zbornik: the book has a red cloth cover with Serbian Cyrillic name of the journal in silver followed by the numeral 12 at the bottom of the front cover and a silver square seal of the two-headed eagle in the upper right corner of the book.Table of contents for volume 12 (2008):

Калић, Јованка. “Растко Немањић, истраживања”/Kalić, Jovanka. “Rastko Nemanjić – Research.”
Благојевић, Милош. “Хиландарски поседи на Косову и Метохији (XII-XV век)”/Blagojević, Miloš. “Chilandar estates in Kosovo and Metohija (12th-15th centuries).”
Bogdanović, Jelena.
“Some Additional Observations on the Original Tomb of St. Simeon at Hilandar and its Significance for the Architectural History of the Monastery”/Богдановић, Јелена. “Првобитни гроб св. Симеона и његов значај за историју архитектуре манастира Хиландар.”
Pavlikianov, Kyrill. “Unknown Slavic Charter of the Serbian Despot John Ugleša in the Archive of the Athonite Monastery of Vatopedi”/Павликијанов, Кирил. “Непознат словенски акт српског деспота Јована Угљеше из Архива атонског манастира Ватопеда.”
Бубало, Ђорђе. “Прилози српској дипломатици”/Bubalo, Djordje. “Four Studies on Serbian Diplomatics.”
Јовановић, Томислав.
“Карејски и Хиландарски типик у руском преводу из збирке Белокриницког манастира”/Jovanović, Tomislav. “Karayas’ and Chilandar typicons in the Russian translation from the Belokrinici monastery.”
Ракић, Зоран.
“Црква Светог Саве Српског у Хиландару”/Rakić, Zoran. “The Church of St. Sava in Chilandar.”
Бобров, Юрий, Боян Милькович.
“Карейская Богородица Млекопитательница. Краткая история и превоначальный вид”/Бобров, Јуриј, Бојан Миљковић. “Карејска Богородица Млекопитатељница. Кратка историја и првобитни изглед.”
Иванић, Бранка.
“Прилог тумачењу сликаног програма параклиса Светог Ђорђа на пиргу Светог Ђорђа у Хиландару”/Ivanić, Branka. “Additional Interpretation of the Iconographic Programme on the Parecclesion of St. George’s Tower at Chilandar.”
Fotić, Aleksandar.
“Xenophontos in the Ottoman Documents of Chilandar (16th-17th century)”/Фотић, Александар. “Ксенофонт у османским документима манастира Хиландар (16-17. век).”
Стошић, Љиљана.
“Једна непозната илустрована Библија из ризнице манастира Хиландара”/Stošić, Ljiljana. “An Unknown Illustrated Bible from the Chilandar Treasury.”
Peno, Vesna.
“Hilandar Church Chanting in 19th Century in the Frame of Mount Athos Music Tradition.”/Пено, Весна. “Светогорска музичка традиција и црквено појање у Хиландару у XIX веку.”

A photograph of volume 12 of the journal Hilandarski zbornik: the book has a red cloth cover with Serbian Cyrillic name of the journal in silver followed by the numeral 13 at the bottom of the front cover and a silver square seal of the two-headed eagle in the upper right corner of the book.

Table of contents for volume 13 (2011):

Томовић, Гордана.“Манастир Светог Ђорђа и село Уложишта на Дреници”/Tomović, Gordana. “The Saint George Monastery and the Village Uložišta on the Mount Drenica.”
Ковачевић, Мирко.“Конак обновљен 1598/1615. године – Бели конак (25)”/Kovačević, Mirko. “The Restoration of the Konak 1598/1615 – the White Konak (25).”
Петковић, Сретен. “Фреске XVII века у цркви Светог Геогрија у Хиландару”/Petković, Sreten. “17th Century Frescoes from the Church of St. George at Chilandar.”
Пено, Весна. “Мелод и писар Герман Неон Патрон у хиландарским музичким рукописима”/Peno, Vesna. “Melod and Scribe Germanos Neon Patron in Chilandar Music Manuscripts.”
Трипковић, Стевица М. “Обнова конака из 1814. године у манатиру Хиландару”/tripković, Stevica M. “The 1814 Restoration of the Monastic Quarters at Chilandar.”
Бубало, Ђорђе. “Хиландар и стонски доходак у XIX веку”/Bubalo, Djordje. “Chilandar and the Ston Tribute in the 19th Century.”