The manga collection is growing!

Each summer I receive statistics on the size of collections at Ohio State for preparation of CEAL statistics. Since figures are given by location, I can also use these numbers to monitor the growth of the manga collection.

As of summer 2005 there are 7,828 volumes in the Japanese language in the Cartoon Research Library collections on the Main campus, with an additional 1,860 volumes located in the Cartoon Research Library’s remote depository, primarily manga magazine issues. The total is 9,688 volumes.

This figure does not include volumes in the current backlog of books waiting to be cataloged (ca. 1,000 volumes) or manga that have been translated in English, French, Chinese, etc. The number of translated manga is growing and probably can be estimated at more than 2,000 volumes.

Note: a keyword search in OSCAR on the word “manga” limited by Language = Chinese showed 471 titles, many of which are multi-volume series.

Here are the total volume numbers of Japanese language works in the Cartoon Research Library from previous summer counts:

2005: 9,688
2004: 8,473
2003: 7,892
2002: 6,188
2001: 5,480
2000: 3,588
1999: 2,366