This blog is the third in a 3-part series outlining a bilingual guide in English and Japanese to the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum (BICLM). To read this blog from the beginning, please click here. The purpose of this guide is to serve as an introduction and resource for Japanese-speaking visitors and researchers from all parts of the world.

While the first part of this blog dealt with the front atrium and the reading room, and the second part discussed the work space, archives, and holdings, this part of the blog will describe the museum portion of BICLM. The museum is where BICLM is able to share materials specially curated for general public viewing.


The Museum Entrance

• The doors to the museum are on the second floor. Next to the entrance, visitors will see the Will Eisner Seminar Room where OSU holds classes, workshops, and lectures on comics. On the way to these spaces, visitors will pass the Gene and Charles Schulz Lecture Room, also on the second floor and used for public events. / 博物館の入口は建物二階にあり、エントランス横には”ウィル・アイズナー セミナールーム”という、漫画に関するワークショップや講義が行われる部屋があります。手前には”ジェーン&チャールズ・シュルツ  レクチャールーム”という公開イベントに使われる部屋もあります。

View of the Will Eisner Seminar Room on the 2nd Floor

Inside the Museum

• Upon entering the museum, visitors will find a wall dedicated to Calvin and Hobbes, written by Bill Waterson, who is a native of Ohio. Another feature display is the former desk of Chester Gould who penned the comic “Dick Tracy.”/ 博物館内に入ると、壁にはオハイオ州出身のビル・ウォーターソンが描いたカルヴァン&ホブズの絵が飾られています。また、ディック・トレーシーを描いたチェスター・グールドの机も展示されています。

• There are three galleries within this museum: Treasures, Robinson, and Friends of the Library. / 館内にはそれぞれ、トレジャーギャラリー、ロビンソンギャラリー、フレンズ・オブ・ライブラリーと言う3つのギャラリーがあります。

• The Treasures Gallery holds a permanent collection featuring a history of cartoons. In chronological order, the exhibit shows pieces including early British political cartoons (1800s) and contemporary fanzines (amateur magazines). /トレジャーギャラリーは漫画の歴史を特集したコレクションです。このギャラリーは年代順に並んでおり、初期の英国の政治漫画(1800年代)から今日のファンジン(アマチュア雑誌)に至るまでの多くの作品を展示しています。

Treasures Gallery



Custom-made Drawers in the Treasures Gallery featuring Japanese manga

• The Robinson and Friends of the Library Galleries contain exhibits that rotate roughly 2 to 3 times each year. These galleries feature items from the BICLM collection as well as traveling displays. / ロビンソンとフレンズ・オブ・ライブラリーでは1年に2~3回作品が巡回展示され、ビリー・アイルランド漫画図書館の所蔵品と共に順次展示されます。

• On display in the Treasures room are an original piece of Jiji manga and an original piece by Rakuten Kitazawa. Also on display in the current Tales from the Vault: Celebrating 40 years at the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum exhibit is an original piece of artwork by Tezuka Osamu. /トレジャールームの展示品には、時事漫画の原作や北澤楽天のオリジナル作品があります。 さらに、ビリー・アイルランド漫画図書館と博物館の40周年記念展”テールズ フロム ボールト”では手塚治虫のオリジナル作品も展示されています。

The Billy Ireland Cartoon Museum and Library is a wonderfully unique collection that is an essential part of special collections here at OSUL. The resources of the BICLM are indispensable for many Japanese Studies events, such as our manga open houses and Tadoku events, and the vault archives are able to preserve many of our historically significant pieces. As this guide offers only a glimpse into the collection, we encourage all researchers and visitors to come to the Billy Ireland Cartoon Museum and Library to see their collection firsthand.

This concludes our 3 part blog outlining a bilingual guide (English/Japanese) created by East Asian Studies and BICML to bring OSUL special collections to a wider audience.

Directions to the Museum and hours of operation can be found here. Details on reading room reservations can be scheduled here.

For more information about Tadoku and/or Tadoku events, please visit our libguide here.

For more information about upcoming events hosted by Japanese Studies, please stay tuned to this blog, as well as OSUL’s blog on its Japanese Collection here.