What was your role on campus at the time:


During the school year 1969-70, where did you live:


Were you a member of any student organization on campus? If so, which one(s)?


During the weeks before the university closed, what was the most significant thing you observed?

My friend and I had been canoeing on the Olentangy, and on our way back to East Baker [Hall], we saw a gathering of students, police and firemen at the Neal Avenue gates to campus. I watched as one student in particular closed the gates and sparked the “riots” on OSU campus. Earlier in the winter I had been introduced to this young man as the boyfriend of my future wife’s best friend. He worked as an undercover Ohio State [Highway] Patrolman! So after all this time, I am able to say in all truthfulness, the police started this riot and did it before Kent State ever happened. I know this sounds strange, but it is the truth as I knew it then and now. 

What were your impressions of campus during the time period?

Ready to blow up as the Vietnam War and the draft escalated.

Did you think the university should be closed? Why or why not?

It would have been fine if the police/National Guard had not been allowed on campus.

What did you do during the two weeks the university was closed?

Home to Delaware, Ohio

Did you return to finish the quarter?


Looking back, what do you think are the lasting legacies of the student demonstrations?

I think it was shown that even in “Cowtown,” we (students) felt the same way about the war and the draft as did the students in California and New York.