What was your role on campus at the time:


During the school year 1969-70, where did you live:


Were you a member of any student organization on campus? If so, which one(s)?

Women’s field hockey

During the weeks before the university closed, what was the most significant thing you observed?

A large gang of young pre-teen and teen-aged black boys breaking windows, spray painting buildings and looting retail stores on High Street.

What were your impressions of campus during the time period?

I was having to continue to attend classes, and around the Oval it appeared to me many, many people that were protesting didn’t really look like normal OSU students. There were a lot of “newcomers” to campus.

Did you think the university should be closed? Why or why not?

Yes! While going to and from classes, I found myself surrounded by protesters, put in possibly perilous situations, moments of danger, and one should not have to run through tear gas.

What did you do during the two weeks the university was closed?

Went home

Did you return to finish the quarter?


Looking back, what do you think are the lasting legacies of the student demonstrations?

The same crazies that were causing most of the unrest in the ’60s are now in power in Washington, DC, and have friends spread around the world causing the present-day destruction of the U.S.! They are forcing the “transformation” of the U.S. onto the citizens of America. Yes, it’s the same groups, different title names, older, but the same ideologies of anti-America, anti-capitalism, pro-socialism.