Estimated In-Class Time 15 min
Estimated Pre-Class Time 15 min
Downloads Handout 10B-1
Answer Key 10B-1
In-Class Procedure
Pre-Class Preparation
Students identify authors’ methods for incorporating sources into their writing. Discussion follows.

Activities in this series: Activity 10A, Identifying Integration Methods.

Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to:

  • Differentiate between direct quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing as ways authors of scholarly works incorporate sources into their writing.

Relevant Threshold Concepts

  • Scholarship as conversation.

Suggestions for Use

  • This activity should be helpful in classes where beginning researchers will be incorporating the work of others in their own writing.
  • Students can complete Handout 10B-1 electronically or in print.
  • Download and perhaps print In-Class Procedure so you can take it with you to class.

Pre-Class Preparation

  • Review the handout and answer sheet for this activity.
  • Review In-Class Procedure below.
  • Decide whether you want students to complete Handout 10B-1 on paper or electronically.
  • If you decided on electronic handouts, put Handout 10B-1 in your learning management system.
  • If you decided on electronic handouts, put Handout 10B-1 in your learning management system.
  • If you decided on paper copies, print Handout 10B-1 (1 copy per student and 1 for yourself) and Answer Key 10B-1 (1 copy for yourself).
  • Using Answer Key 10B-1, plan your discussion of the answers on Handout 10B-1. The information at the top of the handout and answer key should be helpful.
  • Download and/or print In-Class Procedure so you can take it with you to class.

In-Class Procedure

  1. If you’re having students use printed copies of Handout 10B-1, pass them out or set them where students can pick them up as they come in.
  2. If you’re having students use an electronic Handout 10B-1, tell them how to find and open it.
  3. Ask students to complete Handout 10B-1 in 10 minutes.
  4. After 10 minutes, discuss the students’ answers for about 5 minutes.
  5. After 10 minutes, discuss the students’ answers, experiences, challenges, and insights for about 10 minutes.

Relevant Choosing & Using Sources Chapters:

Chapter 10, Writing Tips, “When to Quote, Paraphrase, or Summarize”.

Credit: Emily Sferra, at Ohio State University Libraries, contributed to the development of this activity.