October 2016 – December 2016

This is based on work completed December 6, 2016

Digital Collections

  • (tick) Post-Sufia 7/Fedora 4.5 Clean Up
    Data migration and functionality clean-up crept well through October and even into November. The system soft launched on November 8, and then fully cut over on November 16, 2016.  We have been making some small changes to the way things are indexed, displayed, organized, but overall we have finished the migration.
  • (tick) Non-Image Items
    We have tested and adjusted the display of non-image content in Digital Collections, including pdf, Word docs, and progressive streaming for audio and visual derivatives.
  • (warning) (blue star) OAI Export Server
    Ohio is now a part of the DPLA. This means that we’ll need to look at implementing an OAI output/server as part of Digital Collections by the first of the year.   We are looking at implementing a plugin yet this year.
  • (minus) Controlled Vocabulary
    Allow data entry to select and record controlled vocabulary entries for certain Digital Collections fields. We are unlikely to make much progress yet this year, reflecting both the state of the community and our workload.

Non-Digital Initiatives

  •  (tick) Room Reservations Updates
    There are several outstanding enhancement requests for the Room Reservation System. New responsive calendar plugin and editable reservation title are expected to be completed by end of 2016.
  •  (tick) SUMA Space Use Assessment (for Research Commons)
    App should be installed and tested by end of 2016.
  • (minus) Discovery Inquiry/Pilot (on hold)
    Work with SDIWG/DSMWG to develop and user-test a proof of concept presentation of different data sources (via APIs) into a unified library search with a modular result display, grouped by commonality.
  •  (minus) Hours/Locations (*subsumed by website redesign project)
    There have been requests for fixes and enhancements of the Hours/Locations app/widgets. We also have collected useful feedback from the locations focus groups. And we would want to add additional data elements to the app so the information can be leveraged by other apps and future website via API. 


  • (warning) Migration Off of OCIO Web Hosting
    Work to get the remaining content off of the OCIO Web Hosting server.  They are changing the terms of their hosting service, and we are coming to rely less and less on this platform. Remaining features that need to be migrated are documents, downloads, projects (exhibits and albums), staff, and wikis. Should be completed early 2017.
  •  (warning) Drupal Infrastructure
    Stand up multi-environment Drupal infrastructure, build test modules for pulling in data from APIs, and plan project.
  • (tick) IT Help on Confluence
    Launched a self serve documentation center at go.osu.edu/libithelp. Will have all IT CarmenWiki content moved to local Confluence by end of year.
  • DSpace Upgrade 1.8 to 5.6


(tick) – likely to be completed this quarter
(warning) – possible completion this quarter
(minus) – not likely to be completed this quarter
(blue star) – project added after beginning of quarter