
Over the past year, the SDIWG working group has been working hard to identify gaps, opportunities, and lay the foundation down to continue moving the Libraries towards a more programmatic approach to digital collections.  The development of the DI White Paper, the Guiding Principles, coupled with work done by the Preservation Working Group have all contributed in helping the Libraries get to where it is today.  And where is that?  We are in a place of deeper collaboration, and a place where we are beginning to see the Libraries, through AD&S and it’s partners, moving to implement a number of components related to the Libraries’ new digital infrastructure.  It’s exciting and a little nerve-wracking all at the same time, as we see the Libraries make its next evolutionary leaps.

And as exciting as this is for me, it was only made possible by the hard work of people to numerous to mention and an organization that has shifted it’s organization to support this type of very deliberate, but at the same time organic, growth.  Its work we want to share, and highlight, and show other people that Ohio State University Libraries is moving, and moving in a good direction.  At Open Repositories 2014, I’ll be highlighting this work, the people, and the organizational structures that are moving the Libraries forward.
