We’ve received some feedback from staff that they aren’t always sure when their IT requests have been completed. So, beginning Thursday evening, June 27, 2013, we will begin sending e-mail notifications to you when: 1) we add a comment to your ticket/request; 2) we resolve your ticket/request (meaning we believe we’ve completed the task.)

What if I don’t want these e-mails?

We are currently not able to turn e-mails off on a per-individual basis. However, it is possible to set up a rule in Outlook to divert emails from a particular recipient. If you’d like help setting up a rule, please contact us using go.osu.edu/hub.

What if my request is not really completed?

When we complete a request, we mark your issue as “resolved” in our system. If your issue isn’t completed to your satisfaction, you can always click the link in the e-mail and “un-resolve” the ticket to let us know that the problem persists.

How do I reply to the e-mails?

When you receive an e-mail from our system, you can reply in two ways: 1) you can either reply directly to the e-mail, and anything you type into the body of the e-mail will be added as a comment on your ticket; or 2) you can click the link in the e-mail and add a comment from within Hub itself. Please make sure not to edit the subject line of the email, because our system uses the subject to link up to the correct ticket number.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns about this change, please feel free to let us know at go.osu.edu/hub.