
General Search Tips

The Digital Collections “search” box defaults to a basic search, which searches the entire holdings for a word or phrase.

To search for a specific field, you can use the “All Fields” drop-down menu. These fields are available:

Screenshot of search options in Digital Collections

More tips:

Note: Truncation and wildcard searching ("?" or "*") are not currently supported in this platform.

Faceted Search

Facets are filters that can help you more precisely refine or define your search. Users can browse or narrow search results by using the faceted search tool, titled “Limit your search.”

Screenshot of facets in Digital Collections

To use facets, select a single value under “Limit your search.”

Screenshot of how to limit search results using facets in Digital Collections

To use multiple facets, select additional values to add to your search. Users can expand each facet view by selecting “more” and sort terms from A-Z. These screenshots only show a few of the facets available.

Screenshot of how to use multiple facets and do an A-Z sort in Digital Collections

Viewing Images and Documents

When there is more than one file, there are several ways to browse through the images. There are image thumbnails in the CONTENTS tab on the left. There are also arrows to go forward, backward, first image, last image at the top-center of the viewer.

Screenshot of the PDF viewer in Digital Collections

When rolling over the viewer, additional Viewing options become available. Zoom in (+), zoom out (-), and rotate icons to the upper left of the image help users get a better view of the image. There are also forward and backward buttons to the left and right of the image.

PDFs will display in the image viewer if your web browser is set to display this document type in the browser. PDFs may open in another application, download, or prompt to save depending on your browser settings.


The download option has been disabled and removed from the current version of Digital Collections for images, audio, and video. This reflects an institutional decision due to copyright and other considerations.

PDFs may be downloaded by clicking the save icon (folder with a down arrow) in the toolbar above the file display. You can also download by clicking the download button next to the file information at the bottom of the record display.

Audio and Video

Digital Collections does not have a streaming server. While many audio and video file formats can be played back in the media player in Samvera Hyrax, playback is not guaranteed, and the quality of playback may vary greatly. The player will allow you to play the recording, scrub to a particular timecode, turn audio on or off, adjust the audio volume and display the video player in full screen mode.

A representative media image of the physical item may be available, even if the record itself is not available due to copyright or other considerations. Contact the unit for assistance with these items.


In general, University Libraries does not own the copyright for materials from our collections and cannot grant copyright permissions for these materials.

The user is responsible for making a final determination of copyright status. If copyright protection applies, permission must be obtained from the copyright holder to reproduce, adapt, distribute, publicly display, or publicly perform the work beyond the bounds of fair use or other exceptions in the law. Works in the public domain are not protected by copyright and do not require permission to use.

Please cite The Ohio State University Libraries as the source of the material when using or reproducing materials from University Libraries collections.

In Digital Collections, there may be additional information about the copyright status of the work. The Rights Statement field provides a link to the statement we have assigned. The Rights Note will provide additional information. One of the following statements appears and may help you determine how you can use the work:

“This item, made available for research and educational purposes, may be protected by copyright; the user is responsible for making a final determination of copyright status” indicates you may need to seek permission from the rights holder for some activities, such as commercial uses."

“The Ohio State University Libraries believes this object is in the Public Domain in the United States; users are responsible for making a final determination of copyright status” indicates there may not be a rights holder."

In all cases, users are responsible for making a final determination of copyright status.


Not all items in Digital Collections are available because of copyright or other considerations; these items are in Digital Collections so we can preserve the digital files for long-term study. Some require Ohio State authentication. You must contact the collecting unit for access in other cases. Please read the Access Rights field, within each record, for information on how to view the items.

Screenshot of access rights in Digital Collections

Digital Accessibility

University Libraries is committed to creating an environment of respect and inclusion for our patrons, and we strive to ensure equitable access to all of our facilities, resources and services. Accessibility Information and Resources

Accessibility Information and Resources

For persons with disabilities in need of assistance with the Libraries' websites, digital resources, or content, please email the Libraries' Accessibility Services team (


For questions about content found in Digital Collections, please contact the holding Unit.

Contact information can be found along the top of the Digital Collections results page:

Screenshot of where to find unit contact information in Digital Collections

Additionally, holding Units can be reached via email address:

For general questions or technical issues with the Digital Collections, use the Contact Us form.

Technical information


Many Libraries departments make Digital Collections possible. We appreciate the efforts of many to make this available, including Technology and Digital Programs, Archival Technical Services, Area Studies, Cataloging, Collections Strategy, Conservation, Digitization, Metadata Initiatives, Special Collections and Archives, and the Libraries' leadership team. Thanks to anyone else we overlooked!

Sources Lafayette College, Help Using Lafayette Digital Repository