
Mary P. Key Diversity Residents

Tag: Minnesota Institue

Minnesota Institute Takeaways: Good Stress, Bad Stress. Eustress, Distress

Did you know there’s such thing as “good stress”? I didn’t either. Stress, apparently, comes in two forms: distress, what we most closely associate with the term “stress,” and eustress, or good stress.

At the Minnesota Institute, to help us understand eustress, we were asked to think about a time when we created something and then to consider the following questions:

  • Was it hard work?
  • Were you energized?

Creating something, whether it’s building a shed at your house or developing a new library program, is never easy. Work is work and deadlines must be met and things must get done. Yet, what makes the deadlines, the hard work, the hours of effort poured into creating something, not only tolerable, but even energizing? When one is in the process of creating, there is a compelling, desired end goal. The creator has a vision and all efforts are channeled toward that vision. Eustress is all that creative energy driving the creator along, in spite of the hard work.

Distress, on the other hand, is draining, emotionally and if sustained long enough, physically. And unlike eustress, which manifests when a person has a vision, distress is brought on in absence of a vision. If there is no compelling place to go, no vision of the future, then the absence of a vision breeds fear and distress.

As librarians, shouldn’t our work always be creating something, even if it’s conceptual? Creating better services, creating better systems, creating stronger libraries?

Work will require effort, it will be challenging, but if we are feeling emotionally and physically drained, symptoms of distress, then perhaps the answer isn’t necessarily to work “harder” or longer, but instead to step back, and refocus on the vision, the compelling, desired end goal in our work.


Live Work Create

This captures the intent of my post much more succinctly.

Minnesota Institute Takeaways: Emotional Intelligence Not just touchy-feely stuff

If you think about the qualities of a person whom you’ve interacted with and admire as a leader, does the person seem to have extra-sensory perceptions about everything? Do they know the right thing to say at the right moment? Do they seem to understand you when you bring forward a problem or issue? Do they inspire you to do better, to take on a challenge, because somehow, things are going to be a-okay no matter what happens?

It’s not that this person knows everything (no one does, not even us librarians), but instead it’s the result of a finely tuned capacity to recognize one’s own emotions and the emotions of others and to respond productively to these emotions, otherwise known as Emotional Intelligence.

The ability to work effectively with others through an understanding of emotions may sound like touchy-feely, Kumbaya type of stuff, but how we recognize, react and manage our own emotions is fundamentally rooted in brain science. In very, very rudimentary terms, when we’re in a situation where the part of the brain, the amygdala, triggers “fight-or-flight” cocktail of hormones, like adrenaline and cortisol, blood rushes away from our brain leaving our capacity to think, process and essentially respond reasonably is severely limited.

Emotional Intelligence is, in part, the ability to pause, slow down, and restore blood flow to the brain. It’s something that, with practice, can be trained in all of us. It’s the cool as a cucumber mentality even in the hottest of moments.

Cool as a Cucumber
by Vera Kratochvil retrieved from

Though Emotional Intelligence stems from research on leaders and leadership, the components of Emotional Intelligence, self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills, are valuable to anyone who wants to be more effective in their professional and personal lives.

I think what’s great about Emotional Intelligence is that it’s something we can change, we can improve upon throughout our lives.

If you’re interested in learning more about Emotional Intelligence, I recommend starting with the following classic article:

Goleman, D. (1998). What Makes a Leader?. Harvard Business Review, 76(6), 93-102.

New Series: Takeaways from the Minnesota Institute

Washington Avenue Bridge at the University of Minnesota

Recently, I had the invaluable opportunity to participate in the Minnesota Institute for Early Career Librarians from Traditionally Underrepresented Groups (Minnesota Institute). This program, hosted by the University of Minnesota every two years, provides participants the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills in grant writing, academic research, and most notably leadership training.

During the week-long Institute, I came across many insights, “aha moments” and thought provoking ideas that I kept thinking colleagues back at Ohio State would also find fascinating.

Because there is too much to share in just one post, I am breaking up the takeaways in a series of posts.

Over the next few weeks I will cover the following topics from the Minnesota Institute that I found personally and professionally valuable:

-Emotional Intelligence

-Good Stress/Bad Stress, Eustress/Distress


-Value of a Personal Network

-Crafting a Personal Vision

I hope you too will find a takeaway that is personally or professionally meaningful. As always, feel free to share your own experiences, “aha moments,” or insights with these topics in the comments.

Happy reading!