OSUL has added several new titles to the Korean Extensive Reading resource. Below are some of the titles and their summaries:

  • Photos of the new Korean readers내 이름은 독도 by  이 규희 (밝은 미래, 2013) –  the history of Dokdo island (Liancourt Rocks), the island involved in a territorial dispute between Japan and Korea.
  • 어린이를 위한 조선 지식인의 글쓰기 노트  by 엄 윤숙 (포럼, 2014) – the history and literature of scholars from the Chosŏn dynasty.
  • 한글을 지킨 사람들 by 김 슬옹(아이 세움, 2013) – the story of Sejong the Great who created  the Korean alphabet system, Hangul , and the story of people such as Ju, Si-Gyeong  who further developed Hangul, making it the national language of Korea.
  • 조선 시대 옷장을 열다 : 옛 사람들의 옷 이야기 by  조 희진 (위즈덤 하우스: 스콜라, 2014)-  an introduction to the fashion of the Chosŏn dynasty.
  • 옛 이야기 들썩, 우리 음악 얼쑤 ! by  이 효분 (웃는 돌고래, 2013) – an introduction to the traditional Korean music Gugak.
  • 궁궐에는 누가 살았을까? by  김 은하 (웅진주니어, 2014)- a description to the life in the royal palace during the Chosŏn dynasty.
  • 초등학생을 위한 인물 한국사 by 윤 희진 (길벗 스쿨, 2014)- biographies of famous Korean historical figures from the Kojosŏn period to the late Chosŏn dynasty.
    • v. 1. Kodae (Tan’gun – Taejoyŏng) — v. 2. Koryŏ (Kyŏnhwŏn – Ch’oe Mu-sŏn) — v. 3. Chosŏn Sang (Yi Sŏng-gye – Sohyŏn Seja) — v. 4. Chosŏn Ha (Yŏngjo – Ch’oe Je-u) — v. 5. Ilche Kangjŏmgi
      v. 1. 고대 (단군 – 대조영) — v. 2. 고려 (견훤 – 최무선) — v. 3. 조선 상 (이성계 – 소현세자) — v. 4. 조선 하 (영조 – 최제우) — v. 5. 일제강점기 (흥선 대원군 – 김구)

For more reading suggestions, please visit the Korean Studies Resources – click on the “Extensive Reading” subpage under “Reading for Fun” to access the Korean – Extensive Reading resource guide. The guide lists out Korean books that are selected for students in the early stages of learning Korean, and the titles are sorted by subject and by book type.