An update to Sierra is scheduled for November 5 that is expected resolve several outstanding known issues. There will no downtime for this update, but in order to see the changes, staff should close and re-launch the Sierra Desktop Application (SDA) session.  New Jar files must be downloaded before the SDA will launch, so it may take a few moments.


This update is expected to resolve:


Acquisitions (1 ticket resolved) Invoice date not populating invoice
Description: When processing electronic invoices, the invoice date from the file does not populate the invoice date field in the invoice on the Accept/Reject tab. In some cases, the invoice date is blank and in other cases, the date shows as 1/1/1970.
Cataloging (2 tickets resolved) Automatic Authority Control Processing issue
Description: Automatic Authority Control Processing is not updating all headings when it runs overnight.
Missing custom limits
Description: Migrating libraries that created custom limits in Millennium do not have access to the custom limits in Sierra. [Custom limit examples: – Illustrations, Game format, Conference publication, Festschrift, Video recording]
Circulation (1 ticket resolved) Circulation overrides file missing staff initials
Description: When an item is checked out to a local patron, overriding an INN-Reach request, the circulation overrides report does not include staff initials.
Create Lists/Desktop (3 tickets resolved) Slow loading of SDA and slow access to functions
Description: A library reports that logging in is very slow. Also in Create Lists the “Use Existing Search” function takes from 1 minute to 4 minutes to load for most users. Sometimes the search never appears, causing the SDA to freeze and require a relaunch. Additionally, accessing functions that use create lists is very slow once the user has logged into SDA.
Create Lists searches specifying MARC tag and subfield with “All fields don’t have” don’t complete successfully
Description: A Create Lists query specifying MARC tag and subfield with”All fields don’t have” fails with an error message: “Error processing query”. The review file never displays as “complete” and the search cannot be cancelled, resulting in a busied review file.Example: MARC tag 245 | h “All fields don’t have”
Status listed as empty even though results were displayed
Description: Create List has results, however still had ‘in progress” status. The “Cancel” button was used to try and cancel the progress, however it only changed the status to “Empty” but the 18 records are still in the review file.
INN-Reach (2 tickets resolved) Can’t view details for items in reports
Description: When viewing all INN-Reach reports, highlighting an item and right clicking should bring up an active contextual menu that includes an option to view details for the item. Instead, the system is offering the menu, but with all choices greyed out and inactive. The user cannot view detail.
Patron not blocked based on maximum owed
Description: When authenticating for INN-Reach, a patron is not being blocked for exceeding the MAX OWED limit for the patron’s patron type.
WebPAC (3 tickets resolved) Checked out items displaying as available
Description: In WebPAC browse displays, checked out items sometimes display as available.
Title searches for large results sets issue
Description: WebPAC title searches for large results sets can sometimes take up to 5 minutes to return results and sometimes end with a proxy error.
Title search record browse links to the wrong records
Description: In some cases, when a user chooses a record from a title search results browse screen, the wrong title is displayed.


If these are issues that were affecting you, and you don’t notice improvement – please let us know!

–Integrated Library Management Systems Team