Evaluation Rubric


This rubric is used to evaluate all proposals for the URLF each year. A range of points is assigned to each major category, as indicated, and definitions or descriptors are given for each category to show how the Teaching & Learning Committee views each criterion and applies it in evaluating proposals. Extra points may be given to proposals that (1) address DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) topics, or (2) address interdisciplinary research in an especially compelling way.  The point total for proposals is:  20, with optional extra points (totaling 4) as indicated above.

Student Name: Student 1

Research Topic: Topic of Interest

Mentor: Library Mentor


Points Available: 20 points in total (plus 4 possible bonus points)

Research Question: 0-6 points

  • 6 points – Presence of a clearly articulated research questions that the student intends to investigate
  • 4 points – Research question is stated, but its scope is too broad or a bit too narrow and needs additional refinement.
  • 2 points – Research question is stated, but it needs significant refinement or a guiding question is stated, but it is a “regular” questions not a research questions (i.e. a question that has a right or wrong answer).
  • 0 points – Research question is not stated.

Clarity and Organization: 0-4 points

  • 4 points – Proposal is written with clarity, with major subsections identified (research question/statement, brief literature review, methods to be used, timeline, and research artifacts or presentation format identified; reference or work cited list is included). Proposal is written with complete sentences and developed paragraphs.
  • 2 points – Most major subsections appear in the document, though one might be missing or additional information might be needed for clarity. Headings are used to identify the subsections.
  • 0 points – Two or more subsections are missing or not fleshed out enough to provide clarity.
    NOTE: Here we are assessing the students’ ability to communicate effectively their intentions. We are not evaluating the style of their writing and whether or not it conforms to academic/scholarly/disciplinary style. Some students might have a more colloquial style of writing depending on their class standing or their academic preparation. This should not be viewed as an impediment, as writing style develops over time (with practice) for many students.

Feasibility of Research: 0-5 points

  • 5 points – Proposal describes how the project will be accomplished within the ten-week fellowship period. Proposal includes a weekly timeline with targeted activities for each week
  • 3 points – A timeline is included but it is incomplete or does not give a weekly breakdown of tasks.
  • 0 points – A timeline is not included.

Research Product/Presentation of Findings: 0-5 points

  • 5 points – Proposal describes how the findings or results of the research will be communicated to a larger audience, through a publication, blog post, poster session, presentation, or public performance.
  • 3 points – Proposal states possible dissemination methods but does not provide sufficient detail.
  • 0 points – Information about dissemination is not provided.

Additional Points: 0-4 points

  • Up to 2 additional points: The proposed project addresses issues of equity, diversity, inclusion, accessibility, or social justice, including the centering of marginalized communities.
  • Up to 2 additional points: The project is interdisciplinary in nature.


Student’s Rubric Score


Table 1 - Rubric Score



Research Question


Clarity and Organization


Feasibility of Research


Research Product/

Presentation of Findings


Additional Points


Total Points



Additional Comments

A spot for folks to add additional comments.

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