Gold Pants ClubThe 1934 game against the University of Michigan was not a season-changer, but it did give then-new coach Francis Schmidt a special place in the hearts of Buckeye fans. Ohio State won the game 34-0, its largest margin of victory in the series to that point.  Coach Schmidt changed Buckeye lore forever when, before the season, he was asked about beating Michigan. 



Former OSU head coach Francis Schmidt

Francis Schmidt

Schmidt downplayed concerns; after all, he said, the University of Michigan football players “put their pants on one leg at a time same as everybody else.”  This comment created the “Gold Pants Club,” a group of businessmen who award a miniature gold football pants charm to all players who participate in a win over the Wolverines.  The charms are engraved with each player’s initials, the date of the game, and the final score.