This is a guide to selected materials in the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum collection that have been created by artists who are African American, Latin/x American, Asian American, and Indigenous Peoples of the Americas.

Each guide is presented in two different organizational structures containing the same content, in order to facilitate varying researcher needs. The first section of each guide is organized by material type (biographical files, original art, archival collections, bound volumes, comic books, online resources, and more), and the second is organized alphabetically by creator.

This resource is a work in progress and is not intended to be a complete list of all cartoonists who identify as African American, Latin/x American, Asian American, or Indigenous Peoples of the Americas. 

We welcome suggestions of cartoonists whose work is held in our collection that can be added to this list. We also welcome suggestions of cartoonists whose work we should seek to add to our collection. Finally, if you see any errors, please let us know! Email us at

Here are additional resources that might be helpful:

Information in the Guide to Multicultural Resources was originally compiled by Joe Miller in 2012. Materials added to the collection after this date may not be reflected here.

Header background image is courtesy of Love and Rockets by Gilbert Hernandez 1996.


Weshoyot Alvitre (b. 1984)

Affiliation(s): Tongva (Los Angeles Basin)

Creator website:

Sample title(s): Tales of the Mighty Code Talkers, Sixkiller

Materials by or about this creator in the BICLM collection:


Kristina Maldonado Bad Hand

Affiliation(s): Sicangu Lakota and Cherokee

Creator website(s):;

Sample title(s): Indigenous Superhero Sketchbook 2, Tales of the Mighty Code Talkers

Materials by or about this creator in the BICLM collection:


Rafael Maldonado Bad Hand

Creator website(s):

Sample title(s): Pilla

Materials by or about this creator in the BICLM collection:


Shaun Beyale

Affiliation(s): Diné (Navajo)

Creator website(s):;

Sample title(s): Relational Constellation

Materials by or about this creator in the BICLM collection:


Roy Boney Jr.

Affiliation(s): Cherokee

Creator website(s):;

Sample title(s): Dead Eyes Open, Trickster

Materials by or about this creator in the BICLM collection:


Ricardo Caté

Also known as: Ricardo Lee Caté

Affiliation(s): Kewa (Santo Domingo)

Creator website(s):;

Sample title(s): Without Reservations

Materials by or about this creator in the BICLM collection:


Richard Crowsong

Also known as: Richard Paul Davis; Crowsong

Creator website(s):;

Sample title(s): Vile

Materials by or about this creator in the BICLM collection:


Jason EagleSpeaker   

Affiliation(s): Blackfoot and Duwamish

Creator website(s):

Sample title(s): Uneducation

Materials by or about this creator in the BICLM collection:


Lee Francis IV (b. 1977, 1978)

Also known as: Francis Lee 4, Dr. E. Francis Lee

Affiliation(s): Pueblo of Laguna

Creator website(s):

Sample title(s): Sixkiller

Materials by or about this creator in the BICLM collection:


Elizabeth LaPensée

Affiliation(s): Anishinaabe

Creator website(s):

Sample title(s): Deer Woman: An Anthology

Materials by or about this creator in the BICLM collection:


Darcie Little Badger

Affiliation(s): Lipan Apache

Creator website(s):

Sample title(s): Relational Constellation

Materials by or about this creator in the BICLM collection:


Brandon Mitchell

Affiliation(s): Mi’kmaq

Creator website(s):;—Samples.html

Sample title(s): River Run

Materials by or about this creator in the BICLM collection:


Renee Nejo

Affiliation(s): Diegueño

Creator website(s):

Sample title(s): Tales of the Mighty Code Talkers, Indigenous Superhero Sketchbook 2

Materials by or about this creator in the BICLM collection:


Jonathan Nelson

Affiliation(s): Kiiyaa’áanii (Towering House Clan) and Naakai Dine’é (Mexican Clan)

Creator website(s):;

Sample title(s): The Wool of Jonesy

Materials by or about this creator in the BICLM collection:


Jon Proudstar (b. 1967)

Affiliation(s): Yaqui

Creator website(s):;

Sample title(s): Tribal Force

Materials by or about this creator in the BICLM collection:


David Robertson (b. 1977)

Affiliation(s): Swampy Cree

Creator website(s):

Sample title(s): Sugar Falls: A Residential School Story

Materials by or about this creator in the BICLM collection:


Steven Keewatin Sanderson

Affiliation(s): Plains Cree

Creator website(s):;

Sample title(s): Just a Story

Materials by or about this creator in the BICLM collection:


Michael Sheyahshe (b. 1975)

Affiliation(s): Caddo

Creator website(s):

Sample title(s): Native Americans in Comic Books: A Critical Study

Materials by or about this creator in the BICLM collection:


Niigaanwewidam James Sinclair

Also known as: Niigaanwewidam J. Sinclair, Niigaanwewidam J. Sinclair

Affiliation(s): Anishinaabe (St. Peter’s/Little Peguis)

Creator website(s):

Sample title(s): This Place: 150 Years Retold

Materials by or about this creator in the BICLM collection:


Arigon Starr

Affiliation(s): Kickapoo of Oklahoma

Creator website(s):

Sample title(s): Super Indian

Materials by or about this creator in the BICLM collection:


Jim Terry

Creator website(s):;

Sample title(s): Trash Bridge

Materials by or about this creator in the BICLM collection:


Richard Van Camp (b. 1971)

Affiliation(s): Dogrib (Tlicho)

Creator website(s):

Sample title(s): Path of the Warrior, Kiss Me Deadly

Materials by or about this creator in the BICLM collection:


Brian Wright-McLeod

Affiliation(s): Dakota-Anishnabe*

Creator website(s):;

Sample title(s): Red Power: A Graphic Novel

Materials by or about this creator in the BICLM collection: