Category: Voices in Humanism (page 4 of 16)

Sunset Park

Voices in Humanism

Sunset Park
Our Port Clinton home is blessed with a lovely park nearby with its spectacular sunsets.
Retiring from family medicine brings its quiet rewards.

Holly Cronau, MD
OSU College of Medicine 1985
Emeritus Associate Professor of Clinical Family Medicine
Photographer, Voices in Humanism

First Rehearsal Joys

Voices in Humanism

First Rehearsal Joys

After a very long COVID related pause in in-person rehearsals for our Professional School Orchestra (PSO), rehearsals returned on September 28, 2021.
Once again, music filled Meiling Hall with joy and hope.
Our PSO had kept the music flowing since spring of 2020 with emailed PSO Play Lists, virtual PSO concerts, participation in both the National Virtual Orchestra and the National Association for Medical Orchestras.
We welcome all members of the Professional School Orchestra back home to Meiling. We look forward to your first concert in December.

Me and My Shadow

Voices in Humanism

Me and My Shadow
Wilbur trying to process if social distancing applies to his own shadow.

Jody Glasser Sobol
Medical Student Mom
Voices in Humanism Advisor

Ounce of Prevention

Voices in Humanism

Ounce of Prevention
Created for the American Academy of Family Physicians Foundation Silent Auction 2021
Donated to honor the dedication of family physicians during the COVID pandemic.

Brian Bachelder, MD
Past President, Ohio Academy of Family Physicians
Family Physician and Medical Educator
Home Town: Mt. Gilead, Ohio
Media: Foiled Stained Glass

Going to the Park

Voices in Humanism

Going to the Park
Ask any grandpa and they will tell you nothing is better than one-on-one time with their grandchild — especially after months of separation due to COVID restrictions. The little one may be too small to remember in years to come but the elder will never forget a magic moment like this one.

Jeanie Croope
Media: Watercolor on Paper
Artist, Photographer, Blogger, Community Volunteer
WKAR Public Broadcasting, Retired
Friend of Voices in Humanism

New Day

Voices in Humanism

A New Day
“Then God said, Let there be light; and there was light.” Genesis 1:3
After a long winter’s night, I am always in awe of the rising sun of the early morning hours; transcendent beauty which brings with it the peace ‘which passeth all understanding’.

Louise Dierker, MD, MPH, MM, MFA
OSU College of Medicine Class of 1967
Following a career in medicine as a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, Dr. Louise Dierker pursued her love of music, earning degrees in music composition.
LADierker. com

Cross Stitch

Voices in Humanism

Cross Stitch: Paul Cezanne ’s 1894  painting: Curtain, Jug and Fruit Bowl
“I have always admired the ability of the impressionist painters to find inspiration in even the most ordinary objects. For me, cross- stitching is a form of relaxation and mediation. There are few things more satisfying than watching thousands of tiny stitches come together to make a picture.”

Tatiana Chichilla
Graduate Student, Division of Humanism
Genetics Genetic Counseling Graduate Program
OSU College of Medicine

Lily Pond

Voices in Humanism

Lily Pond at Kingwood Center Gardens, Mansfield, Ohio
“Bringing Heaven Down to Us on Earth.”

Bob Corby
Photographer, Cartoonist and Retired Engineer

Alone Together

Voices in Humanism

Alone Together
I am a semi-retired holistic family physician who loves to make music and art. I particularly enjoy creating customized dioramas with a unique combination of materials: pistachio nut shells, pipe cleaners, and found art objects. I entitled this piece, Alone Together, which emphasizes our connectedness during isolation. I dedicated this piece to the memory of my mother, Beatrice Silverman, 1/24/1928 to 5/31/2019. For the duration of this bizarre pandemic, I pray that most people will be blessed with the technology to stay connected. Meanwhile, I hope my diorama will remind viewers of the sweetness of that connection. Blessings to all—stay safe and be well.

Debbi Silverman, MD, FAAFP
Certified Wellcoach, C.W.C, C.G.P. retired
Member, Ohio Academy of Family Physicians


Voices in Humanism

“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined,
he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.”
Henry David Thoreau
Walden Pond

During our recent trip to Vermont, the beauty of Grout Pond in the morning was captured in this photo complete with portaged kayak, canoe and gear. This incredibly peaceful spot immediately takes us away from the hustle and bustle of life.

Rachel Flocken
Program Coordinator
Division of Human Genetics
Genetic Counseling Graduate Program
The Ohio State University College of Medicine
Voices in Humanism Board

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