
Medieval Slavic Manuscripts and Culture

Tag: Polata knigopisnaia

Dr. Yvonne Burns (1920-1998): Comparative Studies on Greek and Slavonic Gospel Lectionaries

The Hilandar Research Library received a query regarding the work of Dr. Yvonne Eileen Burns, whose published scholarship focused on Greek and Slavonic Gospel lectionaries. A “former lecturer in Serbocroat Language and Literature, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London,” Dr. Burns received her doctorate from the University of London in 1975.  Her dissertation, available online to download, is entitled A Comparative Study of the Weekday Lection Systems Found in Some Greek and Early Slavonic Gospel Lectionaries.

As indicated in various early volumes of Polata knigopisnaia: An informational bulletin devoted to the study of early Slavic books, texts and literatures, edited by William R. Veder (University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands) and Mario Capaldo (Università di Roma, Italia), Dr. Burns was active in the early 1980s presenting at conferences (such as the 21-24 March 1981: Birmingham. Fifteenth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies: Byzantium and the Slavs), attending meetings (e.g., 7 November 1981, Oxford: Meeting of the Slavic and East European Medieval Study Group, see the abstract of her “Lection Systems and Rubrics in the Study of Greek and Slavonic Gospel Manuscripts“) and publishing (she submitted a bibliography, pp. 80-81).

Robert F. Taft, S.J., cites the work of Dr. Burns in his The Byzantine Rite: A Short History (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1992), 49n17. There is an online Russian translation.

More recently, Dr. Burns was cited with Elena Velkovska for the significance of their individual research in Daniel Galadza’s 2018 book, Liturgy and Byzantinization in Jerusalem (Oxford University Press, p. 302):

“Similar studies on the lectionary have also been undertaken for the Byzantine rite, allowing a comparison between Hagiopolite and Constantinopolitan practices. The works of Yvonne Burns and Elena Velkovska are fundamental to an understanding of the structure and development of Byzantine lectionaries.”

Dr. Burns died on September 16, 1998 in Claygate, Surrey, England.


Selected Bibliography

“The Canaanites and Other Additional Lections in Early Slavonic Lectionaries.” Revue des études sud-est européennes 13 (1975): 525-528. Bucharest.

“Chapter Numbers in Greek and Slavonic Gospel Codices.” New Testament Studies 23.3 (1977) 320-333. Cambridge.

“The Historical Events that Occasioned the Inception of the Byzantine Gospel Lectionaries.” Jahrbuch der österreichischen Byzantinistik 32.4 (1982): 119-127. Wien.

“The Lectionary of the Patriarch of Constantinople.” Studia Patristica 15.1 (1984): 515-520. Berlin.

“The Numbering of the Johannine Saturdays and Sundays in Greek and Slavonic Gospel Lectionaries.” Palaeobulgarica/Старобългаристика 1.2 (1977): 43-55. Sofia.

[Бернс, Ивона.] “Распоред недељних перикопа у Мирослављевом јеванђељу”/’The Weekday Lection System of Miroslav’s Gospel.’ Зборник Народног музеја 6 (1970): 259-286. Beograd.

References to 1983 Articles on Medicinal Texts and Herbaria

In volume 9 (June 1984) of Polata knigopisnaia: an Information Bulletin Devoted to the Study of Early Slavic Books, Texts and Literatures, there is the feature , “ОБЬЩЕѤ ЖИТИѤ” [Ob’shtee zhitie], which provides a list of ongoing projects and recent publications of scholars in the field of Early Slavic studies. Dr. Nikolai Predov, “a psychiatrist and an active member of the Naučno družestvo po istorija i teorija na naukata, which, since 1982, publishes Sbornik ot naučni trudove i material i po istorija i teorija na naukata i tehnikata,” reports on several articles in the second volume (Sofia, 1983), which would be of interest to Polata knigopisnaia readers.

S.A. Vardaian, “Opyt armianskoi narodnoi mediciny v srednevekovnykh lechebnikakh X-XV vv.,” 167-179. ‘The practice of Armenian folk medicine in medieval manuals of folk remedies in the 10th-15th centuries.’

V. Vasilev, “Herbariiat na Psevdo-Apulei,” 188-203. ‘The Herbaria of Pseudo-Apuleius.’

N. Predov, M. Apostolov, “Novoto v bŭlgarskata manastirska psikhiatriia prez Srednovekovieto i neinata priemstvena vrŭzka s drevnata psikhiatrichna praktika,” 213-231. ‘Innovation in Bulgarian monastic psychiatry during the Middle Ages and its successful connection with ancient psychiatric practice.’

I. Galčev, “Bŭlgari v Dubrovnik prez srednite vekove. Nikola Bulgar – knizovnik, lekar i diplomat,” 232-246. ‘Bulgarians in Dubrovnik during the middle ages. Nikola Bulgar – scribe, doctor and diplomat.’

Polata Knigopisnaia

Poziv za slanje radova

         Polata Knigopisnaia jedini je međunarodni časopis posvećen proučavanju slovenske srednjovekovne pismenosti na Zapadu. Od samog pojavljivanja – od 1978. godine – časopis Polata Knigopisnaia posvećen je održavanju visokog nivoa kvaliteta radova koji se u njemu objavljuju. Od 2006. godine časopis je dostupan samo kao internet izdanje na internet adresi Banke znanja Državnog univerziteta u Ohaju (Knowledge Bank at The Ohio State University): <>

Polata knigopisnaia 1 (1978)

Polata Knigopisnaia 1 (1978)

Urednici časopisa, Kristijano Didi (Cristiano Diddi) sa Univerziteta u Salernu (University of Salerno), M. A. Džonson iz Hilandarske istraživačke biblioteke Državnog univerziteta Ohaja (Hilandar Research Library at The Ohio State University) i Robert Romančuk (Robert Romanchuk) sa Državnog univerziteta Floride (Florida State University), primenjivaće novi sistem recenziranja radova potencijalnih saradnika od 2007. godine pa nadalje.

Svi potencijalni saradnici časopisa za koje urednici budu smatrali da su zadovoljili kriterijume časopisa biće anonimno recenzirani od strane dva recenzenta.

Recenzenti časopisa su: Dejvid Birnbaum (David J. Birnbaum) sa Univerziteta u Pitsburgu (University of Pittsburgh), Danijel Kolins (Daniel E. Collins) sa Državnog univerziteta Ohaja (The Ohio State University), Predrag Matejić iz Hilandarske istraživačke biblioteke Državnog univerziteta Ohaja (Hilandar Research Library at The Ohio State University), Dženifer Spok (Jennifer Spock) sa Univerziteta Istočnog Kentakija (Eastern Kentucky University) i Julija Verkholancev (Julia Verkholantsev) sa Univerziteta u Pensilvaniji (University of Pennsylvania).

Urednici časopisa Polata Knigopisnaia objavljuju poziv za slanje radova koji bi trebalo da se pojave u 2014. godini, u svesci br. 39. Polata Knigopisnaia objavljuje izdanja srednjovekovnih slovenskih tekstova, ali i članke, indekse, bibliografije i prikaze posvećene slovenskim srednjovekovnim tekstovima (rukopisima i štampanim knjigama), posebno njihovom istorijskom i kulturnom kontekstu.

Autori koji žele priložiti rad dodatne informacije o tematici časopisa i načinu priređivanja radova mogu dobiti od urednika časopisa.



Cristiano Diddi

M.A. Johnson

Robert Romanchuk

CFP: Polata Knigopisnaia 39 (2014)


Polata Knigopisnaia Issues Call for Papers

Polata Knigopisnaia, an international journal of Early Slavic books, texts, and literatures, is the only Western serial focused primarily on the study of Early Slavic manuscripts and material texts. Since publication began in 1978 it has maintained a rigorously high level of quality; from 2006 it has been available exclusively on-line at the Knowledge Bank at The Ohio State University:


Polata knigopisnaia 1 (1978)The editors of Polata Knigopisnaia, Cristiano Diddi of the University of Salerno, M. A. Johnson of the Hilandar Research Library at The Ohio State University, and Robert Romanchuk of Florida State University, have adopted an editorial-board peer review system for contributions from 2007 forward. All contributions that the editors consider to fit the scope and criteria of PK will be reviewed anonymously by two members of the editorial board.

The editorial board of Polata Knigopisnaia is: David J. Birnbaum of the University of Pittsburgh, Daniel E. Collins of The Ohio State University, Predrag Matejic of the Hilandar Research Library at The Ohio State University, Jennifer Spock of Eastern Kentucky University, and Julia Verkholantsev of the University of Pennsylvania.

The editors of Polata Knigopisnaia are issuing a call for papers to appear in vol. 39 (2014). PK publishes scholarly articles, editions, indexes, and bibliographical and review essays related to Early Slavic texts, manuscripts, and early printed books, and their historical and cultural contexts.

Authors considering submitting an article are encouraged to contact an editor to discuss length and subject matter, and to obtain a style sheet.


Cristiano Diddi <>

M.A. Johnson <>

Robert Romanchuk <>

Polata Knigopisnaia featured on OSU Knowledge Bank’s homepage


The Knowledge Bank (KB), “a collaborative service of the Ohio State University Libraries and the Office of the Chief Information Officer,” serves as a digital repository for the preservation of digital materials and worldwide access to resources from the OSU community. Each month the Knowledge Bank administrators select a different KB collection to feature on their homepage. From today through the end of December 2012 the collection featured is Polata Knigopisnaia: An informational bulletin devoted to the study of early Slavic books, texts and literatures. Thanks to Brian Stamper from the Scholarly Resources Integration Department of the OSUL Collections, Technical Services, and Scholarly Communication Division (CTSCC) for coordinating this effort!


Screen shot of the Knowledge Bank homepage with the image of the cover of Polata knigopisnaia featured in the right-hand column of the page


 Image Source: Screen shot of Knowledge Bank homepage from Brian Stamper.


The First (and Only) Annual Hilandar Research Project Conference, 1984


The First – and what turned out to be the only – Annual Hilandar Research Project Conference was held May 3-4, 1984. The major goals of the conference were to provide an update of the Hilandar Research Project’s activities and financial status, and to offer concrete proposals for the expansion and development of the  Hilandar Research Project. Among the future goals enumerated by the Very Rev. Dr. Mateja Matejic were: “(1) the continuing acquisition and development of the collection of microform and reference materials; (2) the publication of a Supplemental and Cumulative Checklist of the holdings of the Hilandar Room (now over 2,000 items); (3) the publication of a detailed description of the Slavic codices of the Great Lavra Monastery on Mount Athos…” (Polata knigopisnaia 13: 71).

Photograph of the cover of the catalog of manuscripts in the Great Lavra monastery on Mount Athos. A yellow cover with an ornamental frame in red, and in the frame in black letters is the title and also the names of the authors. Under the authors' names in a circle are the words "Balcanica II Inventaires et catalogues"

Sofia: CIBAL, 1989

Among the ten presentations given, Robert Mathiesen (Brown University) reported on “The Present Status of Medieval Slavic Studies in the USA and Canada,” and concluded, among other things, that “North American scholars should concentrate on the treatment of problems less actively treated elsewhere in the world, such as Biblical textology” (Polata knigopisnaia 13: 27).

The report on the conference ends with the announcement that “On 5 May 1984, following the conclusion of the Conference, a new and completely furnished and reequipped Hilandar Room was dedicated by Robert Rade Stone, President of the Serb National Federation, and presented with the first original manuscript, a late XVIIIth century copy of Paisij Hilandarskij’s Istoria slavjanobǎlgarskaja by Mrs Esther N. Clarke(Polata knigopisnaia 13: 74).

Source: Matejic, Predrag. “Chronicle: 3-4 May 1984: Columbus. The First Annual Hilandar Research Project Conference.” Polata knigopisnaia 13 (December 1985): 71-74.

Image source: Cover of the book, M. Matejic and D. Bogdanovic, Slavic Codices of the Great Lavra Monastery: A Description (Sofia: CIBAL, 1989).


Call for Papers: Polata Knigopisnaia, Volume 39


Polata Knigopisnaia publishes scholarly articles, editions, indexes, and bibliographical and review essays related to Early Slavic texts, manuscripts, and early printed books, and their historical and cultural contexts. This is a call for papers to appear in vol. 39. Authors considering submission are encouraged to contact an editor (see below) to discuss length and subject matter, and to obtain a style sheet.

Image of the front cover of the journal Polata knigopisnaia, volume 1.


The current editors of Polata Knigopisnaia adopted an editorial-board peer review system for contributions beginning with volume 38. All contributions that the editors consider to fit the scope and criteria of PK will be reviewed anonymously by two members of the editorial board.


Polata knigopisnaja: An informational bulletin devoted to the study of early Slavic books, texts and literatures was founded by William R. Veder (University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands) and Mario Capaldo (University of Rome, Italy) in 1978. They generously allowed all past issues accessible freely via the internet through the Hilandar Research Library and The Ohio State University Libraries (Columbus, Ohio). From its 2006 issue PK has been available exclusively on-line through the OSU Knowledge Bank.


Editors of Polata Knigopisnaia:
Cristiano Diddi, Università degli Studi di Salerno <>
M.A. Johnson, The Ohio State University <>
Robert Romanchuk, Florida State University <>