
Medieval Slavic Manuscripts and Culture

Tag: Iskra Khristova-Shomova

Recent Acquisitions – Gift Books – April 2016

Gift books received in April 2016 include Реторика на историчното: Деяние на Св. Никола в южнославянски контекст by Diana Atanassova,

Book cover of paperback book, white/gray background with decorative edge along the top and viaz' along the outer lower half of the cover; image of St. Nicholas appearing in a dream to Emperor Constantine the Great from fresco in Grachanitsa Monastery.

Book cover image is from a fresco in Gračanica Monastery of St. Nicholas appearing in a dream to Constantine the Great.

and Кирило-Методиевски четения 2015: Юбилеен сборник edited by Anna-Maria Totomanova and Diana Atanassova (Department of Slavic Studies, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”).










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Workshop on Women and Holiness in the Slavic Middle Ages


Today, at the University of Sofia, Bulgaria, a workshop was held on “Productive Methods in Interdisciplinary Studies of Women and Holiness in the Slavic Middle Ages.” The conference is dedicated to the 160 anniversary of the death of Elena Muteva (1829-1854), a Bulgarian poet, translator, and folklorist, and is sponsored by the “Encyclopaedia Slavica Sanctorum: Saints and Holy Places in Bulgaria” project, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski,” and Manchester University in the UK.

Iskra Khristova-Shomova opened the conference, which consists of nine panels, where each speaker is given 10 minutes. The closing remarks were moderated by Maria Yovcheva.

Below is a list of the participants and their presentation titles. Click on this link for the abstracts of the talks in English.

photo of one of the buildings of the university, a side view taken from a major thoroughfare; there are trees in the from of the building and on the street light pole is a sign advertising "Dunkin Donuts"

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”

Tsvetelin Stepanov, “The Sanctity and the Capital: Trajectories of Women’s Protection”
Catherine Pancheva-Dikova, “How to Translate ‘Pokrov bogorodichen'”
Ana Stoykova, “‘Why have you come here? There are monks here, and you are a woman!’ (Women and Mount Athos in Byzantine and Slavonic Sources)”
Margaret Dimitrova, “Childbirth, Mothers and the Church: What Can We Learn from Medieval Euchologia?”
Julia Zlatkova, “Gender Specifics of Female Patronage and Charity in Late Antiquity”
Diana Atanasova-Pencheva, “The Betrothed and the Bride: Female Martyrdom as a Transformation of Social Roles”
Anisava Miltenova, “The Texts about Evil Women: Deviations of Biblical Stories”
Biliana Kourtasheva, “The Rehabilitation of the Stepmother”
Maya Petrova-Taneva, “Theodora the Queen of Tŭrnovo, Byzantine Empress Theophano, and the Bdinski Zbornik
Elka Bakalova, “Women Intellectuals in Byzantium: St. Catherine of Alexandria”
Dilyana Radoslavova, “The Semantics of Book Compilation or Topics as a Key in Composing Calendar-Oriented Collections”
Iliana Chekova, “The Repertoire and the Topoi of Women’s Holiness”
Adelina Angusheva-Tihanov, “The Rhetoric of Womanhood: Women in Hagiographical and Medical Discourse in the Slavic Orthodox Middle Ages”
Maria Yovcheva, “Abbas Zosimas from the Vita of St. Mary of Egypt”
Maria Schnitter, “The Specifics of Women’s Holiness in the Orthodox Tradition: The Question of the Saint-Prostitute”
Radoslava Stankova, “The History of the Cult of St. Petka of Tŭrnovo (Paraskeva of Epivat) according to South Slavic Written Sources”
Evelina Mineva, “Byzantine Hymnographic Works of St. Paraskeva of Epivat and their Slavonic Translation”
Desislava Lilova, “Secular and Church Geography in the Imagination of the Period of the Bulgarian Revival”
Vladimir Dimitrov, “Identity Transformations of the Women Saints in Bulgarian Lands at the Time of the Late Revival Period”
Katya Staneva
, “Reception and Ideology: the ‘Turkish Tales’ in Bulgarian Booklets (Bŭlgarski knizhnitsi)”
Olga Todorova, “Maiden in Prison: Women’s Martyrdom in the Time of the Ottoman Rule – the Historical Realia and the Literary Folk Fictions”


Conference on Stanislav’s Reading Menologion: May 21, 2013, Sofia, Bulgaria



A conference will be held at the University of Sofia on May 21st on the topic of the Stanislav Reading Menologion. The day-long conference, which is a part of the project “Reconstruction of the Preslav Hagiographical Collections: the Study and Publication of the Stanislav Reading Menologion” (see description of project below),* aims to bring together scholars from different areas of Palaeoslavic studies who have research experience with manuscript No. 1039, preserved in the SS. Cyril and Methodius National Library of Bulgaria in Sofia.

Discussion topics include:

  • History of the manuscript
  • Characteristics of the codex
  • Codicological, paleographic, linguistic, textological features
  • Translation and adaptation of original Byzantine hagiographical texts in a South Slavic context
  • Digital resources, providing access to medieval Slavonic texts and codices.


Първо заседание/ Session 1 (9:00 – 11:00)

Проф. дфн Боряна Христова (НБКМ, София) Думи за ръкопис № 1039 (Станиславов чети-миней) от НБКМ / Words about Ms. 1039 (Stanislavs Menologion) from the National Library in Sofia

Проф. д-р Климентина Иванова (СУ, КМНЦ, София) Представянето на староизводните чети-минеи в Bibliotheca Hagiographica BalcanoSlavica (BHBS) и проблемите, които остават нерешени/The Place of the Old Redaction Menologia in Bibliotheca Hagiographica BalcanoSlavica (BHBS): Cases Unsolved

Проф. чл. кор. Иван Добрев (София) Лексикални особености в ръкопис № 1039 (Станиславов чети-миней) /Lexical Characteristics of Ms. 1039 (Stanislavs Menologion)

Проф. дфн Боряна Велчева (София) За показателните местоимения в ръкопис № 1039/About the Demonstrative Pronouns in Ms. 1039

Дискусия /Discussion

Кафе пауза /Coffee Break

Второ заседание/ Session 2 (11:10 – 13:00)

Д-р Явор Милтенов (ИБЕ, БАН, София) Бележки върху състава и историята на НБКМ 1039/Notes On the Content and History of Ms.1039 from the National Library in Sofia

Д-р Диана Атанасова (СУ, София) Станиславовият чети-миней и институционализираното четене (особености на състава и ролята на Устава)/ Stanislav’s Menologion and the Institutionalized Reading (Content Characteristics and Role of the Typicon)

Д-р Анета Димитрова (СУ, София) Йоан Златоуст в ръкопис № 1039 от НБКМ/ St. John Chrysostom in Ms. 1039 from the National Library in Sofia

Проф. дфн Искра Христова-Шомова (СУ, София) Съставът на ранните славянски празнични минеи в съпоставка със състава на ранните чети-сборници/Comparative Study of the Contents of the Early Festal Menaia and of the Early Reading Miscellanies

Дискусия /Discussion

Обедна почивка/ Lunch Break

Трето заседание/ Session 3 (14:00 – 15:30)

Доц. д-р Андрей Бояджиев (СУ, София) Палеографски и езикови наблюдения върху ръкописис № 1039 от НБКМ/Paleographic and Language Observations on Ms. 1039 from National Library in Sofia

Докт. Цветомира Данова (КМНЦ, София) Слово за Въздвижение на кръста от св. Андрей Критски по ръкопис НБКМ 1039 /The Homily on the Elevation of the Cross by St. Andrew of Crete in Ms. 1039 from the National Library in Sofia  

Д-р Мая Петрова-Танева (ИЛ, БАН, София) Житието на Ефросина Александрийска в Станиславовия чети-миней (НБКМ 1039) от XIV в./The Life of St Euphrosyne of Alexandria in the Stanislavs Menologion (Ms. 1039) from the Fourteenth Century

Prof. Dieter Stern (Universiteit Gent, Belgium) Deviations from Literalism: Remarks on the Slavic Translation of the Greek Life of Abraham of Qidun /Отклонения от буквализма: коментар върху славянския превод на гръцкото Житие на преподобния Аврамий

Дискусия /Discussion

Кафе пауза /Coffee Break

Четвърто заседание/ Session 4 (15:40 – 18:00)

Dr. Małgorzata Skowronek (Uniwersytet Łódzki) Култът към св. Архангели и други безплътни сили в Станиславовия чети-миней/ The Cult of St. Archangels and Other Bodiless Powers in Stanislav’s Menologion

Д-р Любка Ненова (ЮЗУ, Благоевград) Някои езикови особености в Житието на св. Йоан Милостиви от ръкопис НБКМ 1039/ Some Linguistic Characteristics of the Life of St. John the Merciful in Мs. 1039 from the National Library in Sofia

Dr. Lara Sels (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven/ Universiteit Gent, Belgium) Prof. David J. Birnbaum (University of Pittsburgh, USA) Editing the Bdinski Sbornik as a Multilayered Reality/ За издаването на Бдинския сборник като многопластова реалност  

Проф. дфн Анна-Мария Тотоманова (СУ, София) Електронни инструменти за обработка на средновековни славянски текстове/ е-Tools for Processing Medieval Slavic Texts

Д-р Диана Атанасова (СУ, София), докт. Козма Поповски (КМНЦ, София) Представяне на сайта Hagioslavica/ Presentation of the Website Hagioslavica

Дискусия /Discussion

Закриване на конференцията/ Closing of the Conference

* * *

Конференцията е във връзка с изследователски проект „Реконструкция на преславските агиографски сборници: издание и изследване на Станиславовия чети-миней” (ДМУ 03/19), финансиран от Фонд „Научни изследвания” към МОНМ.
*Reconstruction of the Preslav Hagiographical Collections: Study and Publication of the Stanislav’s Menologion” is the title of a project developed by a team of young Bulgarian medievalists. Its principal task is the preparation and publication (both digital and traditional) and research of Stanislav’s Menologion (better known as manuscript No. 1039 from the National Library in Sofia). It is one of the most valuable medieval Slavic manuscripts, preserved in the “St. St. Cyril and Methodius“ National Library. Stanislav’s Menologion is significant because, although it is a 14th-century copy, it preserves a number of archaic texts that allow us to reconstruct faithfully the original contents of menologia that were compiled and translated during the Golden Age of medieval Bulgarian literature and culture.

Source: Email  from Diana Atanassova.


Festschrift for Predrag Matejic, Part 2


The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) and the Cyrillo-Methodian Research Centre (Sofia, Bulgaria) honored Predrag Matejic, Curator of the Hilandar Research Library and Director of the Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies, with а festschrift on the occasion of his 60th birthday (August 2, 2012) that spans issues 3 and 4 of volume 36 (2012) of the prestigious journal for medieval Slavic studies Palaeobulgarica/Старо-Българистика.

Contents of Palaeobulgarica/Старо-Българистика 36.4 (2012):

Image of photograph of Dr. Matejic and clear overlay with ornamental flourish from a manuscript in issue Palaeobulgarica 36.3 (2012)

Festschrift to Predrag Matejic

Predrag Matejic, “Хилендарската научна библиотека и България – 40 години сътрудничество”/’The Hilandar Research Library and Bulgaria: 40 Years of Cooperation,’ 3-17.

Adelina Angusheva-Tikhanova and Iskra Khristova-Shomova, “Образи и фигури в риторични и химнографски творби за св. Петър и Павел,  представени в славянската традиция”/’Tropes and Verbal Images in Hymnographical and Liturgical Rhetorical Texts Dedicated to SS. Peter and Paul in the Medieval Slavonic Tradition,’ 18-38.

Lora Taseva, “Антилатинската полемика на Григорий Палама и Варлаам Калабрийски в частите от в. на кодекс Дечани 88 и славянската ръкописна традиция”/’An Anti-Latin Polemic of Gregory Palamas and Varlaam from Calabria from the 16th-Century Codex Dečani 88 and the Slavonic Manuscript Tradition,’ 39-61.

Margaret Dimitrova, “Гръцките заемки гѷψи, ѵψи и епалѯис, или как Константин Костенечки използва тълкованията на Песен на песните в оригиналните си съченения”/’The Greek Loanwords gypsi, ypsi and epalxis, or How did Constantine of Kostenec Use Commentaries on the ‘Song of Songs’ in His Original Compositions?,’ 62-74.

Maria Spasova, “Неизвестен славянски превод на правило а· и в· от Посланието на Дионисий Александрийски”/’An Anonymous Translation into Slavonic of Precepts and in the Epistle by Dionysius of Alexandria,’ 75-97.

William R. Veder, “Плоская традиция текстов”/’Flat Tradition of Texts,’ 98-109.

Svetlina Nikolova, “Неизвестно изследване на Григорий Илински за Пространното Методиево житие”/’An Unknown Study by Gregory Ilinsky on the Extended Life of Methodius,’ 110-136.


Conference: “Saints and Holy Places in the Balkans”


An  international conference was held June 14-16, 2012, which was organized as part of the Encyclopaedia Slavica Sanctorum project by the Department of Cyrillo-Methodian Studies, Sofia University “St. Kliment Okhridski,” and the Institute of Literature of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

Zograf Monastery, Mount Athos

Iskra Khristova-Shomova (Sofia) and Milan Mihaljević (Zagreb) presided over the plenary session of the conference “Saints and Holy Places in the Balkans,” where presentations were made by Ivan Dobrev (Sofia), Aleksei Pentkovskii (Moscow), Cynthia Vakareliyska (Eugene, Oregon), Elka Bakalova (Sofia), and Panaiot Karag’ozov (Sofia).

Panel topics focused on cults of saints in relation to history, images, hymnography, interfaith communication, ritual and culture in Bulgarian lands, and texts in the Balkans. Other panels included: Saints and Holy Places in Popular Culture, Hagiographic Texts and their Translations, Linguistic Features and Textual Versions of the Works Dedicated to Saints, the Martyr Saints, Hagiographic Texts on Women Saints; Hagiography and Culture;  and Cult, Commemoration, and Calendars: East and West.

Time was also given to project presentations and new books on hagiography. On the 16th there was discussion of the Encyclopaedia Slavica Sanctorum project and a demonstration of this electronic reference.


Image Source: Photo by Walt Craig, 1970