
Medieval Slavic Manuscripts and Culture

Tag: Elka Bakalova

Recent Acquisitions: Studia Ceranea, vols. 1-3

The Hilandar Research Library recently acquired five volumes of the journal Studia Ceranea from the Waldemar Ceran Research Centre for the History and Culture of the Mediterranean Area and South-East Europe at the University of Łódź, Poland. Below are the list of articles for volumes 1-3.

Vol. 1 (2011) includes articles and book reviews. The articles:

Maciej Kokoszko, Katarzyna Gibel-Buszewska, “Kandaulos: the Testimony of Select Sources” (11-22);

Georgi Minczew, “John Chrysostom’s Tale on How Michael Vanquished Satanael—a Bogomil text?” (23-54);

Mirosław J. Leszka, “The Monk versus the Philosopher: From the History of the Bulgarian-Byzantine War 894-896” (55-70);

Elka Bakalova, “The Perfect Ruler in Art and Literature of Medieval Bulgaria” (71-86);

Małgorzata Skowronek, “The First Witnesses. Martha, Longius and Veronica in the Slavic Manuscript Tradition (Initial Observations)” (101-126);

Teresa Wolińska, “Constantinopolitan Charioteers and Their Supporters” (127-142)

Dimo Cheshmedjiev, “Notes on the Cult of the Fifteen Tiberioupolitan Martyrs in Medieval Bulgaria” (143-156);

Kirił Marinow, “In the Shackles of the Evil One: The Portrayal of Tsar Symeon I the Great (893-927) in the Oration ‘On the Treaty with the Bulgarians'” (157-190);

Anna-Maria Totomanova, “A Lost Byzantine Chronicle in Slavic Translation” (191-204);

Ivelin Ivanov, “Tsar Samuel Against Emperor Basil II: Why Did Bulgaria Lose the Battle with the Byzantine Empire at the Beginning of the 11th Century” (205-212).

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Festschrift to Anisava Miltenova

A recent festschrift in honor of Anisava Miltenova, Institute for Literature, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences includes over forty articles on topics such as medieval Byzantino-Slavic culture, biblical apocrypha, female saints, Balkan saints, hagiographical texts, etc., all reflecting aspects of Professor Miltenova’s wide range of interests and scholarship.

Angusheva, Adelina, Margaret Dimitrova, Mariia Iovcheva, Maia Petrova-Taneva, and Diliana Radoslavova, comp. and eds. Vis et Sapientia: Studia in Honorem Anisavae Milteonva. Нови извори, интерпретации и подходи в медиевистиката / ‘Strength and Wisdom: Studies in Honor of Anisava Miltenova. New Sources, Interpretations and Approaches to Medieval Studies.’ Sofia: Boian Penev Academic Publishing House, 2016.

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Workshop on Women and Holiness in the Slavic Middle Ages


Today, at the University of Sofia, Bulgaria, a workshop was held on “Productive Methods in Interdisciplinary Studies of Women and Holiness in the Slavic Middle Ages.” The conference is dedicated to the 160 anniversary of the death of Elena Muteva (1829-1854), a Bulgarian poet, translator, and folklorist, and is sponsored by the “Encyclopaedia Slavica Sanctorum: Saints and Holy Places in Bulgaria” project, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski,” and Manchester University in the UK.

Iskra Khristova-Shomova opened the conference, which consists of nine panels, where each speaker is given 10 minutes. The closing remarks were moderated by Maria Yovcheva.

Below is a list of the participants and their presentation titles. Click on this link for the abstracts of the talks in English.

photo of one of the buildings of the university, a side view taken from a major thoroughfare; there are trees in the from of the building and on the street light pole is a sign advertising "Dunkin Donuts"

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”

Tsvetelin Stepanov, “The Sanctity and the Capital: Trajectories of Women’s Protection”
Catherine Pancheva-Dikova, “How to Translate ‘Pokrov bogorodichen'”
Ana Stoykova, “‘Why have you come here? There are monks here, and you are a woman!’ (Women and Mount Athos in Byzantine and Slavonic Sources)”
Margaret Dimitrova, “Childbirth, Mothers and the Church: What Can We Learn from Medieval Euchologia?”
Julia Zlatkova, “Gender Specifics of Female Patronage and Charity in Late Antiquity”
Diana Atanasova-Pencheva, “The Betrothed and the Bride: Female Martyrdom as a Transformation of Social Roles”
Anisava Miltenova, “The Texts about Evil Women: Deviations of Biblical Stories”
Biliana Kourtasheva, “The Rehabilitation of the Stepmother”
Maya Petrova-Taneva, “Theodora the Queen of Tŭrnovo, Byzantine Empress Theophano, and the Bdinski Zbornik
Elka Bakalova, “Women Intellectuals in Byzantium: St. Catherine of Alexandria”
Dilyana Radoslavova, “The Semantics of Book Compilation or Topics as a Key in Composing Calendar-Oriented Collections”
Iliana Chekova, “The Repertoire and the Topoi of Women’s Holiness”
Adelina Angusheva-Tihanov, “The Rhetoric of Womanhood: Women in Hagiographical and Medical Discourse in the Slavic Orthodox Middle Ages”
Maria Yovcheva, “Abbas Zosimas from the Vita of St. Mary of Egypt”
Maria Schnitter, “The Specifics of Women’s Holiness in the Orthodox Tradition: The Question of the Saint-Prostitute”
Radoslava Stankova, “The History of the Cult of St. Petka of Tŭrnovo (Paraskeva of Epivat) according to South Slavic Written Sources”
Evelina Mineva, “Byzantine Hymnographic Works of St. Paraskeva of Epivat and their Slavonic Translation”
Desislava Lilova, “Secular and Church Geography in the Imagination of the Period of the Bulgarian Revival”
Vladimir Dimitrov, “Identity Transformations of the Women Saints in Bulgarian Lands at the Time of the Late Revival Period”
Katya Staneva
, “Reception and Ideology: the ‘Turkish Tales’ in Bulgarian Booklets (Bŭlgarski knizhnitsi)”
Olga Todorova, “Maiden in Prison: Women’s Martyrdom in the Time of the Ottoman Rule – the Historical Realia and the Literary Folk Fictions”


Recent Acquisition: Kirilo-Metodievski Studii 21


Newly arrived:

Image of the front cover of the journal Kirilo-Metodievski Studii volume 21

Festschrift to Heinz Miklas

Kirilo-Metodievski Studii 21, which is a festschrift to Heinz Miklas.

Edited by Tatiana Mostrova, with a tribute to Heinz Miklas by Svetlina Nikolova, contributors include: Desislava Atanasova, Elka Bakalova, Galina Baranokova, Aksiniia Dzhurova, Jasmina Grković-Major, Klimentina Ivanova, Ivona Karachorova, Antonija Zaradija Kiš, Alda Giambelluca Kossova, Irina Kuzidova, Georgi Minczew, Boiko Mircheva, Tatiana Mostrova, Svetlina Nikolova, Tatiana Pentkovskaia, Kazimir Popkonstantinov, Maria Schnitter, Irena Špadier, Radoslava Stankova, Anatolii Turilov, William R. Veder, and Christian Voss.

The articles touch on the following topics: Bogomilism, the Gospels of Romanian rulers, the Bychkov Psalter, the Book of Jeremiah, Anastasius of Sinai, the Archangel Michael, St. Clement of Rome, St. Basil the Younger, Cyril of Turov, Bishop Cyprian, the Alexander Myth, the functional styles of Serbian Church Slavonic, etc.

See table of contents.