
Medieval Slavic Manuscripts and Culture

Tag: Edward Kasinec

Early Modern Printed Book Open House

Photograph of patrons examining printed books that are displayed on long tables

Early Modern Printed Books Open House, April 3, 2013, Thompson Library

The OSU Libraries held its final open house of the school year, the Early Modern Printed Book Open House, on Wednesday, April 3rd. Organized by Amanda Gluibizzi, Fine Arts Librarian, Eric J. Johnson, Curator of Early Books and Manuscripts, and Melanie McGurr, Instruction and Access Librarian for Special Collections, the Open House “primarily featured books, pamphlets, art and architectural treatises, and travel itineraries in English, Latin, German, French, Italian, and Spanish.

“Items with substantial visual material that date from the 1400s to the 19th century from OSUL’s collections university-wide were available for viewing. Among the artists and authors included were Albrecht Durër, Giorgio Vasari, Leon-Battista Alberti, Andrea Palladio, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Sebastiano Serlio, Baldassare Castiglione, Peter Paul Rubens, William Blake, and many more. Subjects included History, English, Architecture, Entomology, Herbology, Astrology, and more.

“Dr. Johnson was on hand to explain the making and materials of these objects, as well as to help with on-the-spot Latin translations.

photo of title page of Greek early printed book

Greek Triodion, published in Venice by Nicolas Glykys, 1744

“Patrons with freshly clean hands were able to handle the items gently. No backpacks or portfolios, food, drink, or wet media were brought into the room with the materials. Pencils and paper were recommended for note-taking and sketching, and photography was permitted.” Several professors brought their classes to view the materials.

Photo of old printed books lined up on a table

Printed books from the collection of the Hilandar Research Library: Slavic, Greek, and Romanian

The organizers graciously invited the Hilandar Research Library to participate in their Open House this semester. Hilandar displayed five of its Russian Early Printed Books, which were donated by Olga Karpov, Edward Kasinec, Alex Rabinovich et al., as well as its one Greek volume. A Romanian printed book donated by Dehlia and John Negulesco and the rare 18th-century Briusovskaia kalendar’ (Книга именуемая брюсовск̆ои календарь), which was a gift of Alex Rabinovich, were also made available at the Open House.

Lauren Ressue, OSU Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures graduate student and Graduate Associate for the Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies, was on hand at the Open House to assist visitors in deciphering the languages and genres of the HRL early modern printed books.

Source: OSU Libraries’ announcement advertising the Early Modern Printed Book Open House

View more photos from the event on the Facebook page of the OSU Rare Books and Manuscripts Library

   Rare Books and Manuscripts on Facebook


Conference: Hilandar Monastery and Other Repositories, 1981


A working conference devoted to “Hilandar Monastery and Other Repositories of Medieval Slavic Manuscripts: Research Needs and Opportunities” was held April 11-13, 1981 at Ohio State University [sic], Columbus, Ohio. Image of the cover of the booklet containing the reports of the Working Conference on the Hilandar Research Project, April 1981The Very Rev. Dr. Mateja Matejic presented an update on the Hilandar Research Project, representatives from various countries reported on the status of Slavic and medieval studies, and recommendations regarding the future work and development of the Hilandar Research Project were made by working groups composed from 45 scholars of 31 institutions of higher education in North America and Europe.

Reports were presented on collections in Belgium (Francis Thomson), Bulgaria (Petŭr Dinekov), Canada (Richard Pope), repositories holding Croatian Glagolitic manuscripts (Anica Nazor), Italy (Mario Capaldo), Macedonia (Lidija Slaveva), the Netherlands (Anton Van den Baar), Serbia (Dimitrije Bogdanović), and the United States (Riccardo Picchio).

Other participants from Europe included: Matej Cazacu and Paul-Hubert Poirier (France); Aksiniia Džhurova, Ivan Dujčev, Stefan Kožuharov, Kujo Kuev, Krumka Sharova, and Borjana Velcheva (Bulgaria); David Huntley (Canada); Vera Mutafčieva (Austria); Aleksander Naumow and Jerzy Rusek (Poland); Andrei Robinson (USSR); Antoine-Emile Tachiaos (Greece); and William Veder (the Netherlands).

Attendees from the US were: Julia Allisandratos (MIT); John Fine,  Ladislav Matejka, and Benjamin Stolz (University of Michigan); Priest-monk Ioannikios (Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville, NY); Edward Kasinec (University of California, Berkeley); Maxine Lebo (Reston, Virginia); Horace Lunt and Hugh Olmsted (Harvard University);  Robert Mathiesen (Brown University); Gordon McDaniel (Seattle, WA); Olivera Nedić (Chicago); Philip Shashko (University of Wisconsin); Daniel Waugh (University of Washington); and Dean Worth (UCLA).

Participants from OSU were: Bert Beynen, Sharon Fullerton, Charles Gribble, Predrag Matejic, David Robinson, and Leon Twarog.


A History of “Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage”


Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage (CMH), the biannual newsletter of the Hilandar Research Library (HRL) and the Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies (RCMSS), is entering its 16th year of publication under the editorship of Helene Senecal, RCMSS Coordinator. Volume 31 has just been issued.

Image of the front page of newsletter Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage volume 1 (April 1997)

CMH vol. 1 (April 1997)

The inaugural volume of CMH, which outlined the history and structure of HRL/RCMSS, was published in April 1997 with the assistance of Lorraine Abraham (media editor), Dongsoo Jeon and M.A. Johnson (contributing editors), and R.J. Stansbury (technical consultant).

Image of the page 8 of newsletter Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage volume 3 (June 1998)

CMH vol. 3 (June 1998): 8

A “Selected Bibliography” of “theses, dissertations, books and articles made possible and/or enhanced by the primary and secondary source materials, especially manuscripts on microform, of the HRL or through the support of the RCMSS” debuted in volume 3. See also volumes 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 20, and 21.

From CMH 4, the names of donors who have contributed to the Hilandar Endowment and other named funds have been listed in the newsletter. The names of donors of “gifts in kind” have appeared in CMH since volume 6.

Image of page 6 of volume 5 (May 1999) of newsletter Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage

CMH vol. 5 (May 1999): 6

The recurring features, “Director’s Desk” by Predrag Matejic and “HRL Journal” – where CMH “asks researchers who have used the HRL in the past year, either in person or by mail, to describe their experiences and work,” first appeared as regular columns in volume 5. The design editor for this volume was John R. Wilson.

Image of the front page of newsletter Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage volume 6 (December 1999)

CMH vol. 6 (December 1999)

A series of interviews introducing readers to the members of the RCMSS Advisory Councils was initiated in CMH 6 with profiles of Daniel E. Collins and Edward Kasinec, and continued in volumes 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15-17. Volume 6 also reported on the first Medieval Slavic Summer Institute (MSSI) and set a precedent for a two-page photo spread of the MSSI activities and reactions from the participants.

Image of the front page of newsletter Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage volume 15 (May 2004)

CMH vol. 15 (May 2004)

“News Notes” appeared as a regular feature title in volume 15; earlier issues included the headlines “RCMSS/HRL in the News” (CMH 6), “In the News” (CMH 7, 13), and “RCMSS News Briefs” (CMH 10).

Volume 23 was the first to be published in color. Volumes 1-22 are archived online with color photos inserted in place of the black and white images that were printed.

Image of the page 8 of newsletter Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage volume 23 (June 2008)

CMH 23 (June 2008): 8

Back issues of Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage are available on the OSU Knowledge Bank and the RCMSS website.