IT is frequently asked where to draft and publish content. BuckeyeBox? CarmenWiki? J Drive? It depends. Are you working alone or working as a group? Is the audience patrons or staff only? Is the content in document form or just text?

We recommend the following locations for internal, staff only content.

Drafting Content


  • Collaboratively edit text
  • Examples: Committee, task force, working group, team documentation, such as meeting minutes and operating procedures
  • Do not add any content to CarmenWiki that you would not want the public to see (per Institutional Data Policy).

J Drive (preferred)

  • Share and collaborate on files with OSUL staff
  • Examples: Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations
  • OSUL hosted. OSUL IT regularly backs up files and can restore lost data.


  • Share and collaborate on files with staff outside of OSUL
  • Examples: Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations
  • Cloud hosted. OSUL IT cannot guarantee that lost data can be restored.
  • Do not store restricted data in Box (per Institutional Data Policy).

H Drive

  • Draft a document on your own
  • Examples: Self-evaluations
  • OSUL hosted. OSUL IT regularly backs up files and can restore lost data.

Digital Collaborative Space (coming soon)

  • Stage and collaborate on digitization projects with OSUL staff
  • Examples: digital reformatting projects, local digitization
  • Temporary project space.  When projects are completed, preservation masters will be moved to the Master Objects Repository. Any remaining temporary working files should be deleted.

Publishing Final Documents

Document Registry

  • Upload final/master documents to the new document registry
  • Option to add narrative, categorize, limit access, and copy/paste the link to the document elsewhere
  • Examples: Official forms, policies, committee charges, quarterly reports, strategic plan tracker