Here are some highlights from our project list. This is of course not everything, just some selections. We’re going to try this out as a manner for letting you know what we’re working on!

Patron Database Changes

This project addresses a problem with staff with dual appointments — their delivery information is not imported into the catalog correctly. This is a project in cooperation with the OCIO.

Update: Moving forward with an established API provided by the OCIO. The first phase is exploratory access and manipulation of data.

Cartoons Website Update

AD&S is working closely with staff of the Billy Ireland Cartoons Library & Museum staff to develop a new look & feel for their website. This redesign coincides with the expected move to their new space in the renovated Sullivant Hall and will help them better communicate their new spaces.

Update: A working design is being finalized and is being incorporated into the Content Management System. At the same time, content is being shifted and created to the new architecture by the Cartoons’ staff.

Infrastructure 2013

We are working with the Infrastructure group to migrate systems from OCIO hosted Virtual Machines to our new hardware environment. This move will improve our flexibility, performance and cost effectiveness.

Update: Hardware, network and virtual layers are installed and running. Disaster Recovery pieces are in place and storage is deployed. The next months are going to see a steady stream of migrations of applications from its current home to the new system. If all goes well, it should be nigh transparent to visitors and patrons.

Staff Intranet 3.0

The Intranet is an Umbrella concept that comprises the primary ‘back-channel’ communications for the organization, possibly including Document Management, Communication Channels, Staff Directory, Application Links, Policy and Procedures.

Update: The Libraries Intranet Task Force has completed recommendations for moving forward with the project for review by the Executive Committee. Their feedback will guide the next phase of the project.

KB Robot Hunting

Develop a long-strategy and process for updating our bot definitions and the stats that depend on them. Relates to SOLR de-commissioning. The three phases correspond to Identifying and Filtering, Re-indexing old stats with updated filters, and Releasing code changes to the DSpace community.

Update: Phase I is complete, Phase II is underway.

Add Multiple Locations in Room Reservation System

Several other library locations have expressed interest in the Room Reservation System. This project looks to add them before Autumn 2013 term.

Update: An initial meeting to more fully develop the requirements and expectations was held on 7/16. Development is set to begin 7/22.