The following projects were approved for Quarter 2, 2015, April 1 to June 30.  The projects were arranged into three tiers of priority to help guide our work. This report describes progress through the 9th week of the quarter.

Tier I (Highest Priority)

  • ArchivesSpace Production Support (Product Owner: Cate Putirskis)
    The project team collaborated with Lyrasis to isolate the re-ordering issue and develop a patch for resolving it.  This fix has been tested in a development release, but has not been released for a production instance yet. We expect to have the release available in mid-June and will plan testing and upgrading the software.  The SCDA and Special Collections groups have been continuing to use the software for creating Accession records as well as uploading Resource record sets with the knowledge that data order will need to be redressed once the patch is in place. AD&S has developed a prototype for reordering Resource elements based on title, but will need to extend that to order by container data. Looking forward, the team participated in the selection process for next development efforts to be undertaken by the Lyrasis development team, especally anticipating the Location Management changes effected by “that Yale plugin”.
  • ArchivesSpace Data Migration – Import existing Special Collections data into ArchivesSpace (Product Owner: Cate Putirskis)
    This next phase has not been fully engaged, only beginning to identify the data from Sierra and conceptualizing the data we’ll need to import.  This project has unfortunately been delayed by resources committed to resolving the production issues around our ArchivesSpace installation.
  • Image Management System Import Cartoons and Byrd Polar Media Manager collections and deliver a production public interface (Product Owner: Morag Boyd)
    This project is reaching the final stages for this phase. Development around the Public and Back-End user interfaces is complete. Staging and development environments are being implemented and tested. Decisions on the metadata structure are being finalized and implemented and we are working through the importing scripts.  We are slightly behind where we wanted to be, but believe that we’ll be ready to move into production on schedule.
  • DSpace Upgrade to 5.x Practice upgrade with Longsight (Product Owner: Maureen Walsh)
    The team worked with our vendor to successfully complete and document a practice upgrade of a copy of our production code base and assets to DSpace 5.2.  DCS is in the process of reviewing this system to identify needed configuration changes and to itemize a list of customizations (code modifications) that would be required during the “real” upgrade. AD&S feels confident that our developers can perform future upgrades.
  • Identifier Resolution Service Review use cases and design solution (Product Owner: Terry Reese)
    Initial requirements and possible technical solutions have been had initial exploration. Further examination of needs against possible solutions will be the next step and an implementation plan developed.

Tier II

  • Room Reservation Enhancements – Improve system based on user feedback (Product Owner: Lila Andersen)
    We have started on the requested enhancements, with the first round of modifications fully tested and ready for production.
  • Co-Curricular Tutorial Delivery – Develop plan for migration of Net.Tutor to new tutorial platform/system (Product Owner: Karen Diaz)
    An instance of Moodle is ready for testing by Teaching & Learning. If Moodle does not meet the needs of T&L, we will continue our research into possible solutions.
  • Explore Video/Audio Preservation/Management System – Develop requirements, stand up Avalon (or equivalent) for exploration
    No progress.
  • ILLiad Interface Enhancements Improve usability and mobile responsiveness of Illiad (Product Owner: Brian Miller)
    User interface mockups have been developed with the Product Owner. Implementation can begin with the onboarding of a front-end web developer.

Tier III

  • Digital Exhibits Platform – Research and evaluate Spotlight
    The Digital Exhibits Working Group and the Head of Digital Initiatives are recommending adoption of Omeka as a platform for digital exhibits. (Digital Exhibits paper is due June 8) IT proposes that we consider developing a method for linking Omeka items in digital exhibits to objects in the Master Objects Repository, as there has been no progress in the community on an Omeka 2.x to Fedora 4 connector.
  • BuckeyeSensor Interface – Design and implement prototype interfaces
    No progress.
  • Special Collection Reading Room Patron Management – Develop requirements (Product Owner: Lisa Carter)
    The team has been conducting interviews with reading room managers. Documentation of current workflows, similarities and differences between processes, and pain points is in progress. We have recommended a couple short-term steps to increase efficiencies.

Other Work

  • Carmen Library Link/LibGuides Implementation
    This project wasn’t prioritized, as we didn’t have much work left to do on it. The team is obtaining the final data streams and setting it up for testing and training with the LibGuides implementation team in the next few weeks.