Tier I (Highest Priority)

Co-Curricular Tutorial Delivery Select solution for re-implementation of Net.Tutor

Release goals:

  • (T&L) Test Moodle and make decision about suitability (research other solutions if Moodle is not sufficient)
    identify and prioritize enhancements to vanilla system
  • Assuming custom development not required: apply OSUL branding and turn over to T&L for content creation

Product Owner: Karen Diaz
Phase: User Acceptance Testing and possibly Implementation


Image Management System – “Gemify” code modifications in order to improve maintainability and share our work with the community

Release goals:

  • Identify code differences between our current version and ‘vanilla’ Sufia
  • Arrange code sets into possible gems
  • Develop, test, document, work with community, and pull request them

Product Owner: Beth Snapp
Phase: Development

DSpace Upgrade – Test upgrade, finalize customization requirements

Release goals:

  • Identify and prioritize necessary customizations
  • Depending on level of requested custom development, target date for real upgrade can be established

Product Owner: Maureen Walsh
Phase: Testing and Release Planning

Resource Capacity Suite – Complete development and test Buckeye Sensor (study room availability), InUse (computer availability), and Room Reservation System

Release goals:

  • Identify and assemble stakeholders
  • Design interface that can introduce and present the three systems together
  • Design and build Buckeye Sensor User Interface
  • Test InUse interface and unleash pilot on circ machine
  • Work with Communications to develop marketing plan
  • Test and Deploy

Product Owner: Tony Maniaci/Lila Andersen
Phase: Development, Testing and probably Deployment

ArchivesSpace Data Migration AS-48 – Import Sierra and Past Perfect Data

Release goals:

  • Develop tool to read and parse Sierra data
  • Develop tools to check for and store id’s for existing records, e.g. agents, resources, instances, accessions
  • Develop tools to insert and store id’s for new records, e.g. if an agent doesn’t exist, create it and store the id for inclusion in the resource
  • Develop logging system to store a record of all actions performed
  • Run import of Sierra data
  • Develop tool to read and parse Past Perfect Data
  • Run import of Past Perfect data

Product Owner: Cate Putriskis

Identifier Resolution Service – Develop architecture and implement proof of concept

Release goals:

  • Develop plan, architecture, service needs (e.g. handle is minted when object published)
  • Integrate mechanism for synchronizing ID’s with existing handle server
  • Integrate mechanism for minting ID’s and recording in repository
  • Test and deploy

Product Owner: Terry Reese
Phase: Requirements and Proof of Concept

Test Sierra Premium Write APIs – Determine whether the APIs are technically sound and provide useful functionality

Release goals:

  • Test delivered endpoints
  • Send bug reports and feedback to Innovative
  • Perform technical cost-benefit analysis

Product Owner: Beth Snapp
Phase: Beta Testing

Tier II

Streamline Communications Department Processes – NewsNotes

Release goals:

  • Develop a Hub submission form for requests to add articles to NewsNotes
  • Test WordPress-MailChimp integration and make necessary requested enhancements



Product Owner: Larry Allen
Phase: Implementation and Testing

Special Collection Reading Room Patron Management – Explore technical solutions against needs assessment, assemble and engage stakeholder group

Release goals:

  • Complete process mapping of existing workflows and review/correct with interviewees
  • Identify similarities and differences
  • Propose and implement, if approved, short-term recommendations for increased efficiencies (eg, new pickup location)
  • Present to Product Owner and discuss next steps


Product Owner: Lisa Carter
Phase: Needs Assessment/Process Improvement

Image Management System – Work with Product Owner to identify user stories for the next release

Release goals:

  • Groom existing user stories, many might be met by production system
  • Consult with stakeholders to find any additional needs (post production)
  • Identify and prioritize stories to be put forward for future P3

Product Owner: Morag Boyd
Phase: Initiate Next Release Cycle

Illiad Interface Enhancements – implement designs, check upgrade changes

Release goals:

  • Implement mockups and test with Product Owner
  • Note: requires front end development

Product Owner: Brian Miller

Phase: Implementation, Testing and Possibly Deployment)

Tier III

Archival Document Management System

Explore Video/Audio Preservation/Management System