eSignature (DocuSign) is a University-approved solution for collecting electronic signatures that are secure and legally binding. Anyone can sign DocuSign documents, including people outside of the University. Ohio State employees can initiate requests for signatures after completing BuckeyeLearn training and requesting access. 

Benefits of eSignatures

  • Faster Signatures: Routine approval processes can take weeks because physical documents must be walked or mailed for physical signatures. With eSignature, documents are automatically routed through the approval process as they are signed, eliminating timely travel.
  • More Visibility In The Approval Process: eSignature tracks each document’s location within approval processes in real time and who still needs to sign, with updates sent periodically to remind signers they have a document waiting for their approval. No more physical forms getting lost amid the clutter.
  • Easier Storage: eSignature utilizes electronic documents, eliminating the need to scan and store physical documents.

How to Get Training & Help

There are 4 roles associated with DocuSign accounts: Signer (no training required), Sender, Author, and PowerForms. Senders, Authors, and PowerForms need to complete the Institutional Data Policy course (if you haven’t already done so) and the BuckeyeLearn training associated with the desired role.

Job aids and links to training are available at the Administrative Resource Center.

Contact IT Help if you have additional questions.

How to Log-In to DocuSign

Use your OSU username and password to log in here: