Author: Michelle Gerry (page 2 of 4)

New update to Sierra

An update to Sierra–Release 1.2.1– is scheduled for July 23. The update is expected to add some new features and resolve several known issues. The issues marked with a star have been reported locally and should be especially appreciated by our Sierra users.

Release 1.2.1

New features and enhancements

•             Arabic language support for Sierra Desktop

•             For ERM customers, COUNTER 4.0 for JR1 reports is now available. This release still supports COUNTER 3 reports.
Issues Resolved


•             Cannot open or expand order record entries in Compact Browse

Description: When searching in an order record phrase index, the compact browse does not allow the entries to be Open or expanded.

•             Cannot set a review file in Import Invoices

Description: When using the Import tab in Import Invoices, users cannot set a review file before loading. When clicking “none” to set the review file, the client is supposed to present a list of review files to choose from.

•             Incorrect multi-fund flags appear in invoices, preventing orders from being paid

Description: Occasionally, payments on different orders result in the one order record getting a combined payment.

•             The Import Invoices and Data Exchange functions freeze the client.

Description: The Import Invoices and Data Exchange functions in Sierra freeze the client.

•             Foreign currency conversions taking an unusually long time to finish

Description: Foreign currency conversions take over an hour to complete.

•             In the Acquisitions function, vendor codes show incorrectly as vendor names.

Description: In the Vendor Hierarchies function, some vendor codes display as vendor names.

•             The Always Prompt for Template setting generates an error in the Receive function.

Description: Receive function users cannot select a record template to create their new item with while receiving an order.

•             The Acquisitions function is missing activity. star

Description: When looking at the fund activity for some funds, Sierra does not display the activity. The fund activity is also omitted from Fund Activity Reports.

•             The Receive tab is missing an “Always prompt for template” option in Settings.

Description: In the Settings menu of the Sierra Desktop Application, the Receive tab does not offer an “Always prompt for template” option.

•             The Pay an Invoice option in the Acquisitions function is missing a “Show amount in local currency” button. star

Description: The system does not offer a local currency option when users access the Pay an Invoice function and choose the “Use Currency” box.

•             Related orders do not show in resource records.

Description: When related orders are created and linked they do not show on the resource record. Related resources do show in the order record.


•             When performing a Global Update with the “Use displayed fields” checkbox checked, some changes are not detected.

Description: Performing a Global Update with the “Use displayed fields” option does not perform changes on all MARC fields.

•             LC call number searches including a period character do not work.

Description: In SDA, searches for call numbers that include a period fail. The system displays a “your entry would be here message.”

•             When users toggle to CAT DATE in Global Update, Sierra does not display the CAT DATE field.

Description: Sierra does not display the CAT DATE fixed-length field in Global Update.

•             LC call number searches produce unexpected results.

Description: LC Call Number searches (c index) produce different results depending on how users enter the call number for the search.

•             Heading entry counts do not match

Description: Counts for heading entries retrieved in a phrase index search do not match the number of heading entries that display in the index browse table.

•             A local Z39.50 search crashes the Sierra client.

Description: When performing a Z39.50 local Catalog search followed by a Remote search, the Sierra client crashes.

•             Phrase search indexes show incorrect counts in Sierra facets.

Description: Sierra facet counts do not reflect the true number of records in results.

•             Search strings are not normalized in Verify Headings

Description: Search strings for a Chinese author name are not normalizing in Verify Headings.

•             Catalog Database Status not reporting the correct entries for “heading changes”

Description: The system does not display correct entries for “heading changes” in Catalog Database Status.

•             When verifying headings for 490 and 830 fields, the system fails to find entries containing subfield v

Description: The Verify Headings function does not find entries containing subfield v for 490 and 830 fields.

•             The Z39.50 server does not export the coverage database 856 field

Description: Users viewing records via remote Z39.50 searches both in Sierra and in WebPAC do not see the 856 field. The URL is not being exported to the record as part of a Z39.50 search.

•             The Link Maintenance queue is getting corrupted

Description: If site has Overnight Daily Link Maintenance program set up, bibliographic records are written to this file for processing and if the file becomes corrupted, the overnight job does not run.

•             Data Exchange gives a “bibtemp = 11” error when loading records

Description: When users load patron records in Data Exchange, the program generates a “Bibtemp result =11” error message and the load is stopped.

•             The Scope Authority Records function incorrectly loads records causing incorrect headings reports.

Description: Running the Scope Authority Records process incorrectly loading records and causing the AACP process to hang while also generating incorrect headings reports.

•             An author search in the compact browse does not result in correctly-sorted entries

Description: When performing an author search in the Compact Browse, Sierra does not sort entries in alphabetical order by title. Entries found by the same author should sort alphabetically by title.

•             The right-click mouse function to access the Global Update “change” command does not work

Description: When users attempt a “change” command in Global Update, Sierra displays an unintelligible field and fails to find the change.

•             The system does not save item records if the MARC 090 field is missing certain subfields

Description: When users create or edit a single item record, Sierra does not save the record if the 090 field lacks at least one subfield h, k or m.

•             The Verify Headings brief bibliographic information box in the browse is not selectable

Description: Users cannot select the brief bibliographic information box when using the Verify Headings Browse. This problem exists in both compact and expanded browse displays.

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Invitation: Global Update Basics for Sierra

A two hour online live training from Innovative Interfaces will be offered to all interested staff who need more training (or a refresher) for the basics of Global Updates in Sierra.

When:  Thursday, July 24, 11:45 – 1:45 pm
Where: Library Tech Center, Room 122

This session is designed for the novice Global Update user. It will cover problems common to new users and suggest tips for the effective use of Global Update.

Because we have limited seating, please contact to reserve a spot for what is sure to be a very good training session.

Invitation: Advanced Create Lists Training Session

A two hour online live training from Innovative Interfaces will be offered to all interested staff who need more training (or a refresher) for the Create Lists function in Sierra.

When:  Tuesday, July 22, 8:30 – 10:30 am
Where: Thompson Room 150

This session will cover more advanced Boolean conditions and more complex functions that can be done with a review file. Topics covered are:

  • Advanced Boolean Conditions
  • Does not have
  • Matches (regular expression)
  • Searching special fields (MARC leader, 006, 007, 008)
  • Nesting Boolean conditions
  • Finding bibliographic records with no attached records
  • Searching indexes instead of ranges of records
  • Searching the Advanced keyword index
  • Searching an existing review file
  • Searching without specifying any Boolean condition (retrieve all records in range)
  • Working with multiple record types
  • Appending records to an existing file
  • Using Global Update to view additional fields from the records in the file
  • Saving and using saved search strategies
  • Using Create Lists “Templates”
  • Copying files (including system-created files)

Because we have limited seating, please contact to reserve a spot for what is sure to be a very good training session.

New Feature: Availability Displays in WorldCat@OSU Results

WorldCat@OSU has a new feature: the location, call number and availability of materials in the OSU Libraries can now be accessed from the results list.

In the example below, a search was done using the terms david and goliath.  The first result for a book owned by OSU has an Availability link. Clicking that link expands a box that displays the shelving location and call number, and indicates that the item is currently checked out.


Previously, WorldCat@OSU users needed to click on the individual title in order to check availability.  This new feature reduces confusion and will help users more efficiently browse for resources in our collections.

New fields available in Sierra summary display

Based on feedback from various staff who work with a high volume of multi-item records, ILMS has added the status and barcode fields to the summary of item records.  See the example below:

Also based on staff feedback, we have added RDATE to the summary view for order records, as illustrated below:


We appreciate your feedback and as always, strive to improve the way Sierra functions.

Innovative Users Group Conference 2014 – Detroit

PrintI attended the Innovative Users Group Conference in Detroit, MI along with my OSUL colleagues Morag Boyd, Ousmane Kebe, Sue Rahnema and Beth Snapp. Sue and I presented detailing our experiences preparing for the Sierra migration last June.

Beth, Sue, Ousmane and I also presented on how we have improved systems processes since the migration. Sierra gives us access to much more granular data vs. Millennium. By combining Postgres SQL queries with more user-friendly web applications, Ousmane has helped make several improvements to some of our more labor-intensive tasks. Both presentations were very well received. We hope to present again at the IUG conference in Minneaopolis, MN in 2015.

In addition to presenting, we also attended several interesting presentations, including but not limited to:

  • Sierra Direct SQ Access 101
  • Overview of Decision Center Product
  • Extending Sierra with REST APIs and SierraDNA
  • Sierra Roadmap for 2014 and Beyond
  • Preparing to Join HathiTrust: One Library’s Experience

Slides for each of these presentations are available; if anyone is interested in viewing them, please let me know and I will be more than happy to share them.

WorldCat Discovery “Road Map”

Information about the WorldCat Discovery “Road Map”:

Below is a summary of the current planned road map to introduce various features so we can be ready to evaluate features of interest, and better plan when to roll WorldCat Discovery out for our users. (Please note that development schedules may change, so these dates should be considered targets and not final.)


WorldCat Discovery Features

Available Now (as of April 24 release)

  • Knowledge Base links for direct access to full text
  • Advanced Search form
    • Boolean searching
    • Pre-limits
    • Field-level searching
    • Facets including Full Text, Peer Reviewed, and Format
    • Search scoping
    • Users can save lists of records for their search session
    • Users can export saved lists to email
    • Search box documentation allows Discovery search to be embedded in any web site
    • Users can capture of bookmark permanent URL for each record
    • The search box offers type-ahead search suggestions
    • Users can view real-time availability from support ILS
      • Including LHR data
      • Users can see library-configured group-level views and check availability
      • usage statistics


Not Yet Available

  • Availability link and panel on brief results; full record only
  • Editions and Formats link on brief results; full record only
  • Adobe SiteCatalyst statistics

Available July  

  • Full support for Remote Database Search metasearch
  • Users can exporting to RefWorks and EndNote
  • Support for Service Config “Treat as Held” option at database level
  • Library staff can log in for staff-only features:
    • MARC record display
    • Display of holdings symbols by title
    • Query of holdings by institution

 Available September

  • Staff who log in can submit ILL requests directly into WorldShare ILL
  • Support for searching by LHR data
  • Support for list display and export of LHR-based call numbers
  • Users can see and click 856 links/masterlinks
  • Users can view Local Bibliographic Data
  • Support for Google Analytics
  • Libraries can embed the QuestionPoint widget
  • Brief results will display Availability

Available 2014

  • Discovery will use Knowledge Base holdings to determine article-level Held By
  • Citation formatting in MLA, APA, Chicago, Turabian, Harvard formats
  • Display title-level links to Google Books
  • Support Share widget for title-level sharing to social networks

Available Early 2015

  • Support for saving Permanent Lists to user account
  • Offer the Subject/Content facet
  • Support “Search Inside Publication”
  • Add 780/785 fields and linking to display
  • Display of evaluative content (reviews, tags)
  • Support full-text search including found-in “snippets”
  • Support “Find More By This Author”
  • Display Knowledge Card using WorldCat Identities
  • Results will display Works records for WorldCat


OhioLINK Webinar: An Introduction to the Central Catalog

On Monday, March 24, OhioLINK–Ohio’s Academic Library Consortium–offered a webinar entitled “An Introduction to the Central Catalog.”  For those that missed it, the webinar was recorded, and accompanying slides are also available to review.

DELAYED: Sierra update to Release 1.2

NOTE: This update has been delayed due to issues that have been discovered with this release. On Monday, April 7, an update bundle was installed to the Sierra integrated library system that should resolve the following issues:

Reports: Running monthly field statistics report become stuck at “in progress”
Circulation: Patrons exceeding $75 max able to request when should be blocked
Circulation: in Search/Holds, browse results show that title has 1 available item,  but when one selects the item it is actually checked out.
Create Lists: Export of patron record number field from item record does not export correctly
Create Lists: Getting “Error processing Query” for certain complex searches
Acquisitions: In “Pay an Invoice” function, cannot toggle between foreign currency amount and local currency amount
Sierra Desktop Application:The non-Roman Languages are not searchable;  a known items with Chinese title returns no results
Sierra Desktop Application: System freezing when unlinking multiple bibs from an item record
WebPAC: Title search indicated ‘Titles (1-5 of 5)’ but only one title displayed
WebPAC: Volumes sorting by location code instead of as arranged in Sierra

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.


Discover Ohio State University materials in the HathiTrust Digital Library


Have you wondered what materials from Ohio State University are available in the HathiTrust Digital Library? Performing a ‘wildcard’ search — entering a single asterisk into the catalog search box is the first step.  Next, select ‘The Ohio State University’ as Original Location from the Refine Results sidebar.


You can continue to refine results by author, language and format, among others. Below is OSU’s copy of The complete works of William Shakespeare… published in 1901. Each scanned page is watermarked with ‘Original from THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY.’


Users can elect to download and/or search within the book.



We ensure that OSU’s HathiTrust materials are discoverable for our users in two ways.  In WorldCat@OSU, the link to the HathiTrust record for the digitized book can be accessed by clicking ‘View eBook.’


Secondly, if our users are searching for the title in the library catalog, they can click ‘Full Text from HathiTrust’ adjacent to the HathiTrust logo to view the digitized copy.


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