The Innovative Users Group is pleased to offer five different virtual forum opportunities on the five Fridays in October

How much will this cost me? Zip, zero, zilch. IUG is hosting the forum festival at no additional charge to members.

What is it: 2 hours each Friday in October set aside for forums on various topics.

When can I register? Now! Use the links below to register for the topics of interest. Note each topic has a separate link to the Sierra sessions on Zoom.

Scheduled topics

October 1 Circulation Registration: 11am ET

October 8 System Administration Registration: 1pm ET

October 15 Reporting/Statistics Registration: 11am ET

October 22 Cataloging Registration: 1pm ET

October 29 PAC/Discovery Registration: 11am ET

Join a forum to share information, ideas, tips and tricks, challenges, and best practices.