screen-shot-2016-11-18-at-4-24-00-pmWe are very happy to launch the Digital Collections (DC) website at Noon, November 16, 2016.  Visitors to the Image Collections systems will be redirected to the Digital Collections system.  This includes the handles for those items that have them.  The system is ready for viewing, editing, uploading, enjoying. We think that this update will bring improved reliability and some functional improvements that will continue our journey to promote our distinctive collections to our patrons.

What to Expect
We have added Unit information for lists of items that are faceted to that Unit. For example, when you are looking at the Theatre Research Institute‘s works, there will be a prominent display of their information.
We are able to upload pretty much anything that is a computer file, however some file types have special display properties:

  • Images will be streamed at a resolution depending on their Rights statement — lower resolution for items believed to be in copyright, higher for those believed to be freely available. None are available for public download and watermarks have been removed.
  • All other file types are available for download based on their Public/Ohio State/Private status. This includes audio, video, pdf, word, excel, pretty much anything non-image.
  • Audio and video files will have a viewer that allows the user to view the file in their browser.  It isn’t streaming, so a gigantic file will still take a long time to resolve.
  • We will be able to upload simple-complex objects.  Stay with me here… Works that have multiple files associated with them (complex) in which the order doesn’t matter(simple).  E.g. the scanned images of the front and back of a postcard, but not the ordered scans of the pages of a book.

screen-shot-2016-11-18-at-4-36-49-pmFeedback Button
We’ve included a feedback button to make it easy for folks to let us know what we are getting right and what they’d like to see more (or less) of. Please feel free to use it and let us know. If we get collection-related feedback, we’ll be sure to pass that along to curators.

This has been a big project for practically everyone involved. Thanks to our development team, our operations team, our partners and stakeholders, and all of our sponsors.  We appreciate the time, effort, interest, and feedback that everyone has provided us over the past several months. We’re looking forward to this being a great tool for the organization.