Next OSUL WordPress users group meeting

November 10, 11:00am to noon, THO 150A
Multi-Author Blogs with Melanie Schlosser

Are you responsible for a multi-author blog, or thinking about starting one? Are you wondering how to get other folks to contribute content or how to maintain a consistent style? Group blogs can offer a lot of advantages, from covering a wider perspective to spreading the work around, but editing them can be a challenge. Come to this discussion-based meeting to learn some tricks for successful blog editing, and to share ideas with other folks in the Libraries who work with multi-author blogs.

IT recently purchased the wpmudev premium membership

Includes access to 140+ plugins!! If you see any you are particularly interested in, please let IT know.

WordPress video tutorials now available

The wpmudev membership comes with videos on WordPress basics. They are available either from your dashboard after you log in, or you can get them from the IT site: wpmudev promises to keep them updated as new versions of WordPress are released, so the screenshots should pretty much match what you see when you log in.

Step-by-step instructions for NextGEN galleries now posted

Sue has posted instructions for creating and using galleries:

Use scarlet

If you are adding any content that includes OSU red, be a good Buckeye and use scarlet ( We’re slowly correcting reds on (Silverstripe). The WordPress theme itself is ok.

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